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iRubric: Superintendency Scoring Guide:   Name of Candidate rubric

iRubric: Superintendency Scoring Guide: Name of Candidate rubric

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Superintendency Scoring Guide: Name of Candidate 
Central Administration Interviews June 2024
Rubric Code: V2492CX
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Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: K-5, 6-8, 9-12

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1 pts


2 pts


3 pts


4 pts

Personal Notes

Comments or notes


Educational Philosophy


Appears unsure of philosophy or what leadership entails; has no grasp on his leadership style; has little to no knowledge of components collaborative and inclusionary processes to get staff buy-in.

Referenced philosophy but communicates vague understanding of leadership and some knowledge of collaborative, distributive leadership to secure buy in from staff.

Provided overview of philosophy and communicates satisfactorily leadership style and has average handle on how to empower staff and create the conditions for staff buy-in through distributive leadership when appropriate.

Clear philosophy and communicates with depth and ease his leadership style and possesses appears to possess through examples the leadership skills and examples of empowerment of staff; understands how to ensure buy-in & from staff through collaborative, distributive leadership when appropriate
Personal Notes


No understanding of the standards; how to operate a standards based classroom or best practices for instruction. Needs extensive professional development.

Has little understanding of the standards; how to operate a standards based classroom or best practices for instruction.Needs extensive professional development.

Has an adequate understanding of the standards, operating a standards based classroom and best practices for instruction. Demonstrates understanding of how to provide and organize PD for wide range of grade levels and content areas.

Demonstrates exceptional understanding of the standards; how to operate a standards based classroom or best practices for instruction. Has expertise to teach others and how to provide and organize PD for wide range of grade levels and content areas.
Personal Notes
Understanding Assessment


Has no knowledege of formative, summative assessement or standardized testing. Has no knowledge of how to use assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction.

Has little knowledege of formative, summative assessement or standardized testing. Has little knowlege of how to use assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction.

Has little knowledege of formative, summative assessement or standardized testing. Has some knowledge of how to use assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction.

Has a deep knowledege of formative, summative assessement or standardized testing. Has extensive knowledge of how to use assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction.
Personal Notes
Communication on District Initiatives


Has no experience with public relations or marketing. Cannot articulate any ideas as to how PR relates to the success of a school.

Has very little experience with public relations. Cannot articulate any ideas as to how PR and communication relates to the success of a school.

Has sufficient experience with public relations. Can articulate ideas as to how PR and communication relates to the success of a school district

Has extensive experience with public. Can articulate many ideas as to how PR and communication is pivotal to the success of a school district and provided multiple examples
Personal Notes
Communication on Policy


Has no experience with managing communication challenges and effectively achieving desired outcomes.

Has little experience with managing communication challenges and effectively achieving desired outcomes.

Has sufficient experience and was able to clearly communicate example where they managed communication challenges and effectively achieved desired outcomes.

Has extensive experience and clearly articulated examples where they managed communication challenges and achieved desired outcome with stakeholders
Personal Notes


Cannot articulate the managerial role of the administration as it applies to the daily operation of the school and the various functions associated with it. Answers awkardly.

Poor articulation of the managerial role of the administration as it applies to the daily operation of the school and the various functions associated with it. Seems to be uncomfortable and vague.

Satisfactory articulation of the managerial role of the administration as it applies to the daily operation of the school and the various functions associated with it. Answers are well developed and reflect concrete understanding.

Superior articulation of the managerial role of the administration as it applies to the daily operation of the school and the various functions associated with it. Answers are fully developed and reflect expensive knowledging of daily managment.
Personal Notes
Fiscal Management (questions 6&7)


Has no experience in fiscal management or has a dismal track record when it comes to fiscal matters. Is not able to give any examples or elaborate about the budgeting process.

Has little experience in fiscal management or has poor track record when it comes to fiscal matters. Limited experience with title grants. Examples are inappropriate and there is very little elaboration about the budgeting process.

Has satisfactory experience in fiscal management or has a adequate track record when it comes to fiscal matters. Knowledge of and collaboration on title grants from RIDE. Examples are appropriate and there is some elaboration about the budgeting process.

Has extensive experience in fiscal management or has a superior track record when it comes to fiscal matters. Experience with grant writing and expectations from RIDE for title grants. Examples are appropriate and there is considerable elaboration about the budgeting process.
Personal Notes
Strategic Planning


Has never been involved with a strategic planning process and cannot articulate the processes involved. No awareness of the EGSD priorities and plan

Has had limited involvement with a strategic planning process and articulation of the processes involved is inadequate. Has never led a strategic planning process and did not reference any elements of the EGSD plan.

Has had limited involvement with a strategic planning process and cannot articulate the processes involved. Has never led a strategic planning process. Demonstrated knowledge of the EGSD plan.

Has extensive involvement with a strategic planning process and articulate the processes and steps involved. Has led at least one strategic planning process. Demonstrated understanding of priorities of EGSD plan.
Personal Notes
Law, Rules, Regs


Has no understanding of laws, rules & regulations required to do the work and would require extensive outside support and training.

Has little understanding of the laws, rules and regulations that are required to act as assistant superintendent.Has little understanding of the laws, rules and regulations that are required to do the work & would have to have outside support & training.

Has general understanding of the laws, rules and regulations that are required to act as assistant superintendent & would need little outside support & training.

Has deep understanding of the laws, rules and regulations that are required to act as assistant superintendent and can teach others.
Personal Notes
Professional Development


Has no understanding of how to organize and plan for curriculum selection, rollout and assessment. Training for staff not mentioned as part of the process.

Shared little understanding of how to organize and plan for curriculum selection, rollout and assessment. Training for staff mentioned as part of the process but no clear description of how they would implement plan

Has general understanding of how to organize and plan for curriculum selection, rollout and assessment. Able to describe overview for staff training iwth timeline

Has experience and able to clearly articulate how to select, roll out and assess curriculum with staff training and awareness of timelines.
Personal Notes
Trauma Informed Practices and Training


Has no experience or experiences with trauma informed practices with administration or faculty to disseminate the research and best practices

Has little understanding or experience with trauma informed practices. Little experience with disseminating the research, best practices or training with administration or faculty

Has some experience with trauma informed practices. Able to speak to the research and best practices and ideas for how to offer training with administrators and faculty.

Has experience with trauma informed practices. Able to articulate how to disseminate the research and best practices for training with administrators and faculty.
Personal Notes

  • Assistant Superintendent Interviews

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