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iRubric: Public Service Announcement (PSA) Health Rubric

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Public Service Announcement (PSA) Health Rubric 
Rubric for Cannabis PSA Project

Powered by iRubric PSA Cannabis Project Rubric
  Level 1

13 pts

Level 2

15 pts

Level 3

17 pts

Level 4

20 pts

Addresses Issue
20 pts

Is the content accurate and how does it address the issue?

Level 1

The PSA is not accurate and does little to address the issues of the topic.
Level 2

The PSA contains accurate content, but it does not address the topic effectively.
Level 3

The PSA is original and accurate and for the most part addresses the topic effectively.
Level 4

The PSA is original and accurate, effectively addresses the issue.
20 pts

Is the presentation well-prepared?

Level 1

Presentation is not easy to hear, interesting, and well-prepared.
Level 2

Presentation is somewhat easy to hear, interesting, and well-prepared.
Level 3

Presentation is mostly easy to hear, interesting, and well-prepared.
Level 4

Presentation is easy to hear, interesting, and well-prepared.
20 pts

Is there a clear message relating to the topic?

Level 1

Message is unclear or not included. Limited relationship with message and topic.
Level 2

Message is somewhat clear could use some clarification. Somewhat related to the topic.
Level 3

Message is clear and mostly relates to the topic.
Level 4

The message is clear and fully relates to the topic
20 pts

What does the project look like?

Level 1

The project is not attractive, neat, and easy to see/read. Little time, effort, and thought clearly went into the work.
Level 2

The project is somewhat attractive, neat, and easy to see/read. A bit of time, effort, and thought clearly went into the work.
Level 3

The project is mostly attractive, neat, and easy to see/read. Some time, effort, and thought clearly went into the work.
Level 4

The project is attractive, neat, and easy to see/read. A lot of time, effort, and thought clearly went into the work.
Includes 4 Ways Cannabis Affects Life
20 pts

How many effect examples are stated and explained?

Level 1

One (1) or zero (0) effect of teen cannabis use are clearly stated and explained.
Level 2

Two (2) effects of teen cannabis use are clearly stated and explained.
Level 3

Three (3) effects of teen cannabis use are clearly stated and explained.
Level 4

Four (4) effects of teen cannabis use are clearly stated and explained.

  • PSA Health

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