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iRubric: A.P. Biology Research Project rubric

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A.P. Biology Research Project 
Ecology can be defined as the relationship living organisms have amongst themselves and their environments. In this project we discovered how biotic and abiotic factors interacted as we explored the biodiversity of a creek.
Rubric Code: UXA67XA
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Public Rubric
Subject: Biology  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Research Project Rubric

8 pts


6 pts

Needs improvement

4 pts


2 pts


0 pts

The Title


Tells the reader exactly what kind of work is being done. It is simple, direct, and informative; using the fewest possible words to convey it's meaning.

Generally describes what kind of work is being done. The title is simple, direct, and informative; although it can be condensed into fewer words.
Needs improvement

Is somewhat related to what kind of work is being done. It may not be simple, direct, and informative. The title reads as a complete sentence rather than a label.

Does not tell the reader what kind of work is being done. The title is not simple, direct, nor informative. The title is a complete sentence rather than a label.

No title present in paper.
The Abstract


Successfully condenses the entire article into a brief one to two paragraph description of the results and the significance of the study.

Gives the reader a good idea about what the article was over, although it skipped some major aspects of the paper. It describes the results and the significance of the study.
Needs improvement

Gives a general recollection of the article but leaves out major aspects. It describes the results but not the significance of the study or vice versa.

Gives a poor summary of the article. It does not describe the results of the article nore the significance of the study.

No abstract section present in paper.
The Introduction


Successfully presents the question being asked in the study and places this question in the context of what is already known about the topic. Background information is given on chosen topic that suggests why the question is of interest.

Successfully presents the question being asked in the study, although it does not place the question in the context of what is already known about the topic. Background information is given on chosen topic that suggests why the question is of interest.
Needs improvement

Successfully presents the question being asked but does not place the question in the context of what is already known about the topic. No background information is given on chosen topic that suggests why the question is of interest.

Does not successfully present the question being asked. There is no attempt to place the question in the context of what is already known about the topic. No background information is given on chosen topic that suggests why the question is of interest.

No introduction section present in paper.
Materials and Methods


Successfully describes the materials and procedures used in sufficient detail that others could repeat the research. Section is subdivided into materials, experimental design and statistical analysis.

Successfully describes the materials and procedures used, although others would struggle in repeating the research. Section is subdivided into materials, experimental design and statistical analysis.
Needs improvement

Describes the materials and procedures used, although others would struggle in repeating the research. Section is missing one of the three subsections (materials, experimental design or statistical analysis).

Does not adequately describe the materials and procedures used - others would be unable to repeat the research. Two or more of the three subcategories (materials, experimental design or statistical analysis) are missing.

No materials and methods section present in paper.


The results of the experiment are presented clearly, without comment, bias or interpretation. Separate paragraphs are used for each major result. Important features of the figures and tables are pointed out with a corresponding reference to the illustration (e.g., see Figure #).

The results of the experiment are presented although some comment, bias or interpretation is presented. Important figures and tables are pointed out with a corresponding reference to the illustration (e.g., see Figure #).
Needs improvement

The results of the experiment are presented, although some comment, bias or interpretation is presented. Important features of the figures are pointed out although no reference is given to the illustrations.

The experiments of the experiment are not presented clearly. Comment, bias and interpretation are given throughout the section. Important features of the figures are not discussed.

No results section present in paper.


The meaning of the results are evaluated in terms of the original question asked and how the data supports or refutes your hypothesis. The importance of the data is discussed in a broad biological sense.

The meaning of the results are evaluated in terms of the original question asked and how the data supports or refutes your hypothesis. The importance of the data however is not applied in a broad biological sense.
Needs improvement

The meaning of the results are evaluated but are not connected to the original question asked and how the data supports or refutes your hypothesis. The importance of the data is not applied in a broad biological sense.

The meaning of the results are not evaluated and are not connected to the original question asked. No mention is made as to how the data supports or refutes your hypothesis. The importance of the data is not applied in a broad biological sense.

No discussion section present in paper.
Literature Cited


The "References" section of the paper contains three citations in APA format. These sources are cited correctly in the text of the paper.

The "References" section of the paper contains two citations in APA format. These sources are cited correctly in the text of the paper.
Needs improvement

The "References" section of the paper contains one citation in APA format. This source is cited correctly in the text of the paper.

The "Reference" section of the paper does not contain properly cited sources and/or sources that are cited correctly in the text of the paper.

No literature cited section in paper.
Grammar and Format


There are fewer than three grammatical and/or APA formatting errors in the paper.

There are fewer than five grammatical and/or APA formatting errors in the paper.
Needs improvement

There are fewer than seven grammatical and/or APA formatting errors in the paper.

There are fewer than ten grammatical and/or APA formatting errors in the paper.

There are more than ten grammatical and APA formatting errors in paper.

  • ecology, biotic, abiotic, biodiversity, pollution, dissolved oxygen



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