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Customer Service Skills 
Call center customer service representatives (and other claims representatives) should be able to recall the LAST (Listen, Acknowledge/Apologize, Solve, and Thank) customer service method and apply it to difficult customer call simulation scenarios to aid in creating a positive customer experience.
Rubric Code: UX239B5
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Public Rubric
Subject: Communication  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Customer Service SKills

5 pts

Above Expectations

4 pts


3 pts


2 pts

Below Expectations

1 pts

Vocal Tone/Quality


Good, clear, strong vocal tone and quality of voice. Remains pleasant and professional throughout entire call.
Above Expectations

Good vocal tone and/or quality of voice. Does not raise voice or appear to emotionally react to caller.

Speaks clearly and loudly enough for the caller to hear. Does not appear to raise voice or appear to emotionally react to caller.

Vocal tone is difficult to hear at times. Does not present in a pleasant and professional manner at one point in the call.
Below Expectations

Vocal tone is difficult throughout the call. Voice quality changes to reflect an emotional response to the caller.
Listening Skills


Uses good active listening skills throughout the entire call. Does not interrupt caller and encourages caller to speak.
Above Expectations

Uses good active listening skills through most of the call. Does not interrupt caller and allows caller to speak.

Listens to the caller and allows the caller to speak throughout some of the call.

Does not appear to listen to the caller throughout the entire call and asks the caller to repeat some of the same information over again. Does not interrupt the caller.
Below Expectations

Does not appear to listen to the caller l and asks the caller to repeat the same information over again. Interrupts the caller.
Use of LAST model


Applies each level of the LAST technique effectively. Creates a smooth transition from one level to the next in a natural manner.
Above Expectations

Applies each level of the LAST technique effectively. Transitions from one level to the next.

Applies each level of the LAST technique effectively.

Applies some of the LAST technique effectively.
Below Expectations

Does not use the LAST technique.


Uses professional language throughout the call. Refrains from using company-specific terminology. Breaks down information into easier terms for the customer to understand.
Above Expectations

Uses professional language throughout the call. Breaks down information into easier terms for the customer to understand..

Uses professional language throughout the call.

Uses professional language through part of the call. Uses slang and/or company-specific language to the customer.
Below Expectations

Uses slang and/or company-specific language to the customer throughout the call.
Problem Solving Skills


Is clearly able to resolve the customer issue. Both parties walk away feeling good about the way the call ended. Drives customer loyalty.
Above Expectations

Is clearly able to resolve the customer issue. Both parties walk away feeling good about the way the call ended.

Is mostly able to resolve the customer issue. Both parties walk away feeling ok about the way the call ended.

Is mostly able to resolve the customer issue. Both parties walk away feeling a bit uncertain about the way the call ended.
Below Expectations

Is unable to resolve the customer issue. Both parties walk away feeling bad about the way the call ended. Creates an unhappy and dissatisfied customer for our brand.

  • Customer Service, Difficult Calls, Call Resolution



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