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iRubric: Project Poetry rubric

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Project Poetry 
Rubric Code: U5855W
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Project Poetry

1 pts

2 pts

3 pts

4 pts

Short Biography


The biography fails to summarize important events in the poet's life; the writing seems to be a random list of events.

The biography attempts to summarize important events in the poet's life. The writing is choppy and leaves out important details in the life of the poet.

The biography is in two (or more) paragraphs and summarizes important events in the poet's life. The writing is somewhat fluid and interesting. Transitions and conclusions may need improvement.

The biography is in two (or more) paragraphs and summarizes important events in the poet's life. The writing is fluid, interesting, and gives an accurate "snapshot" of the poet's life.
Form Explanation


The student is missing an explanation of form/type of poetry and/or a clear explanation of the student's personal interest in the specific type of poetry with an example of the form/type.

The student's favorite form/type of poetry is explained (The definition and origin). There is also a clear explanation of the student's personal interest in the specific type of poetry with an example of the form/type.

The student's favorite form/type of poetry is explained (The definition and origin). There is also a clear explanation of the student's personal interest in the specific type of poetry with an example of the form/type.

The student's favorite form/type of poetry is explained (The definition and origin). There is also a clear explanation of the student's personal interest in the specific type of poetry with at least one example of the form/type.
Research and Sources


No sources are shown. Many parts of the booklet seem to be directly lifted from research; little or no attempt to put research into individual expression.

1-2 sources shown, but some of the choices of sources are not reliable. Some parts of the booklet do not seem to be in the student's own language and phrasing.

2-3 reliable sources documented. The majority of the booklet is in the student's language and phrasing.

The student has a minimum of 3 reliable sources of information. The information in the booklet is CLEARLY in the student's language and phrasing.
Mechanics and Conventions


There are many noticeable errors in editing that distract from the information presented in the booklet. Editing seemed to be neglected in preparation.

There are several errors in editing that sometimes take attention away from the main focus of the booklet. A more careful job of editing and proofreading was needed.

There are minimal errors in editing (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure); the errors do not distract from the overall presentation.

The information in the booklet shows an excellent command over conventions. There are 1 or no errors in editing (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure)
Format and Layout


The booklet's appearance is distracting. Information is hard to read or find because of neglected appearance. Effort seems rushed.

An attempt was made at neatness and format, but many of the graphics or illustrations are distracting and/or parts of the booklet seem rushed or neglected.

The booklet is somewhat neat, attractive, and eye-catching. There are illustrations and/or graphics, but they may not always connect to the information in the booklet.

The booklet is neat, attractive, and eye-catching. There are illustrations and/or graphics that enhance the information in the booklet.


A lack of research was evident during presentation. Student could rarely answer questions about their choice of poet or form of poetry. A lack of confidence or understanding of the project was evident.

With guidance, the student could answer some questions during their presentation and showed some interest in their choice of poet and opinions presented in their booklet. There seemed to be some gaps in research and knowledge.

The student shows an interest in their poet and favorite type of poetry. The student could answer some questions during their presentation about their choice of poet and opinions presented in their booklet.

The student clearly shows an interest and a command over their poet and favorite type of poetry. The student could answer questions clearly during their presentation and was confident about their choice of poet and opinions presented in their booklet.



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