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iRubric: Heaven's Hall of Fame rubric

iRubric: Heaven's Hall of Fame rubric

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Heaven's Hall of Fame 
Student will read a biography of a saint and create a decorated time line of the major events in the life of the saint. Student will give an oral presentation using the time line to explain why this saint is in Heaven's Hall of Fame.
Rubric Code: TXB66W
Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Time Line of the Life of the Saint
  Soul Searching

1 pts


2 pts

Upward Bound

3 pts


4 pts



Number of explained events

Soul Searching

3 or fewer

Upward Bound


Quality of Explanation of Events

Soul Searching

Events are incorrectly sequenced<BR>
Information contains numerous inaccuracies. There is little connection made between events and the development of the saint.<BR>
Historical background is minimal and contains numerous inaccuracies and irrelevancies.

Events are correctly sequenced.<BR>
Information about the life of the saint contains some inaccuracies. Several events are not related to the development of the saint.<BR>
Historical background is minimal and may contain some inaccuracies and irrelevancies.
Upward Bound

Events are correctly sequenced.<BR>
Information about the life of the saint is accurate and generally relevant to understanding the personal/religious development of saint.<BR>
Historical background is adequate and generally accurate and relevant.

Events are sequenced correctly.<BR>
Information about the life of the saint is accurate and relevant to understanding personal/religious development of saint.<BR>
Historical background is thorough, accurate and relevant.
Symbols and Decorations

Soul Searching

Most symbols and/or decorations have little or no connection to the saint.

Several symbols and/or decorations have minimal or no personal meaning for the saint.
Upward Bound

Symbols and/or decorations generally have religious, historical, or personal meaning for the saint.

Symbols and/or decorations have important religious, historical, or personal meaning for the saint.
Written Conventions

Soul Searching

There are ten or more errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation.

There are seven to nine errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation.
Upward Bound

There are four to six errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation.

There are three or fewer errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation.
Visual Impact

Soul Searching

Time line has little visual impact. There is little use of color. Lines are not straight. <BR>
Symbols, decorations are not placed in a balanced, harmonious way. There are numerous smudges.

Time line has minimal visual impact. Color is not used harmoniously. Lines are generally straight. Overall appearance is only minimally neat and somewhat unbalanced.
Upward Bound

Time line has good visual impact. Symbols, decorations are generally crisp, colorful and neat. Lines are straight. Overall appearance is generally harmonious and balanced.

Time line has high visual impact. <BR>
Symbols, decorations are crisp, colorful and neat.<BR>
Lines are straight.<BR>
Overall appearance is harmonious and balanced.
Oral Presentation

Soul Searching

Student demonstrates little knowledge of the saint's life and evidence of holiness. Presentation is disorganized, and <BR>
student reads directly from cards on the timeline.

Student demonstrates some knowledge of saint's life and evidence of holiness. There is some sense of organization. Student generally reads from the cards on the timeline.
Upward Bound

Student demonstrates <BR>
adequate knowledge of the saint's life and evidence of holiness. Presentation is organized. Student is generally able to speak without reading from the cards.

Student demonstrates thorough knowledge of the saint's life and evidence of holiness.<BR>
Presentation is well organized. Student speaks extemporaneously and does not read from cards.
Voice Quality

Soul Searching

Student mumbles. Audience is not able to hear and understand the presentation. There is little or no expression.

Student generally uses inadequate volume and little expression. Numerous mispronunciations.
Upward Bound

Student generally uses appropriate volume, and expression. Occasional mispronunciations.

Student uses appropriate volume and excellent expression. Words are correctly pronounced.
Posture and Eye Contact

Soul Searching

Student lacks confidence. Hand motions and body movement are very distracting to the audience. Student makes little or no eye contact with the audience, looking either at the time line or at one person or location.

Student posture demonstrates minimal confidence. Hand motions and body movement occasionally distract from the presentation. Student makes minimal eye contact with the audience, generally looking either at the time line or at one person or location.
Upward Bound

Student's posture generally demonstrates confidence. Hand motions or body movement may occasionally distract from the presentation.<BR>
Student generally makes eye contact with the audience, though tends to look in only a few locations. Student uses the timeline only occasionally as a guide.

Student's posture demonstrates poise and confidence.<BR>
Hand motions and body movement do not distract from the presentation.<BR>
Student makes continuous eye contact with the audience, using the timeline only occasionally as a guide.

  • saints, timeline, oral presentation


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