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iRubric: PhotoShop Assessment rubric

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Photoshop Skills assessment
Rubric Code: TXB4BXW
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Public Rubric
Subject: Computers  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Photoshop Activity
Plan and create a TV show, Magazine cover or Movie poster with you as the main character
  Exceeding Outcomes

Proficient Knowledge


Meeting Outcomes

Good Knowledge


Working Toward Outcomes

Basic Knowledge


Did not meet outcomes

Not Really Understanding Course Assignment
Below 50


File Properties & Setup

File follows set-up rules, including size, mode and background image

Exceeding Outcomes

All elements included; 11x17, 300dpi, RGB color, all necessary elements of the required page setup and size
Meeting Outcomes

Most elements are included; but not All.
Working Toward Outcomes

File created, but is missing one or more required elements.
Did not meet outcomes

A file is created, but is missing multiple elements.
Use of New Tools & Techniques

Work produced displays a knowledge and skill of what certain tool do and why they are used.

Exceeding Outcomes

Has an advanced & knowledgeable understanding of many of the tools and can can navigate through the software independently.
Meeting Outcomes

Good understanding of the software and tools required for completing the assignment. The work produced displays some independence in working through many of the tools on their own.
Working Toward Outcomes

Has a basic understanding of software and tools required for assignment.
Did not meet outcomes

Needs a better understanding of software and tools required for assignment. Student missed the main idea of the design project.

Layout and Organization of Elements

Exceeding Outcomes

Several of the graphic elements and/or images used in the Project reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity in their assignment.
Meeting Outcomes

One or two of the graphic elements and/or images used in the Project reflect student creativity in their assignment.
Working Toward Outcomes

One or two graphic elements and/or images used in the Project were made or customized by the student, but the ideas were typical rather than creative
Did not meet outcomes

The student did not really make or customize any of the items in the Project. Elements were too basic.
Skills & Improvement

Show knowledge of Various Skills & Improvement of course knowledge

Exceeding Outcomes

Student displays a very extensive knowledge of photoshop and has the ability to problem solve through many of the design challenges with their skills learned.
Meeting Outcomes

Student displays a good knowledge of photoshop and has some ability to problem solve through many of the design challenges with their skills learned.
Working Toward Outcomes

Student displays fair knowledge of photoshop and with assistance has the ability to problem solve through some of the design challenges with their skills learned.
Did not meet outcomes

Student lacks the knowledge of photoshop and has limited ability to problem solve through many of the design challenges with their skills.

  • Photoshop

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