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iRubric: Multimedia: Image Editing rubric

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Multimedia: Image Editing 
Image Editing
Rubric Code: TX49378
Public Rubric
Subject: Computers  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Image Editing
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  Below Expectations

1 pts

Meets Expectations

2 pts

Exceeds Expectations

3 pts

Upload image file

Upload required image file from shared folder.

Below Expectations

Can do with direct assistance from teacher.
Meets Expectations

Can do with teacher direction as in a whole class instruction or clarification of a written instruction.
Exceeds Expectations

Can do independently given written assignment or doesn't need clarification after whole group instruction.

Use the tool to resize the image as needed for assignment

Below Expectations

Can do with direct assistance from teacher.
Meets Expectations

Can do with teacher direction as in a whole class instruction or clarification of a written instruction.
Exceeds Expectations

Can do independently given written assignment or doesn't need clarification after whole group instruction.

Use the tool to erase and edit the image effectively

Below Expectations

Can do with direct assistance from teacher.
Meets Expectations

Can do with teacher direction as in a whole class instruction or clarification of a written instruction.
Exceeds Expectations

Can do independently given written assignment or doesn't need clarification after whole group instruction.

Use editing tools to enhance, or alter image.

Below Expectations

Can do with direct assistance from teacher.
Meets Expectations

Can do with teacher direction as in a whole class instruction or clarification of a written instruction.
Exceeds Expectations

Can do independently given written assignment or doesn't need clarification after whole group instruction.
Save & Share

Save the edited image files in correct format as required by assignment.
Can share image in correct format to instructor.

Below Expectations

Can do with direct assistance from teacher.
Meets Expectations

Can do with teacher direction as in a whole class instruction or clarification of a written instruction.
Exceeds Expectations

Can do independently given written assignment or doesn't need clarification after whole group instruction.

  • photos, images, photo editing



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