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iRubric: Evolution Project rubric

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Evolution Project 
Students will work in teams to create a proposal for a new special collections exhibit on Evolution at the Smithsonian Museum.
Rubric Code: T98W5A
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Notebook
40 % This section represents the overall group grade. All students in the group will receive the same score.

Work greatly exceeds expectations; equivalent to "A" work.

5 pts


Work exceeds expectations; equivalent to "B" work.

4 pts


Work meets expectations; equivalent to "C" work.

3 pts


Work is below expectations; equivalent to "D" work.

2 pts


Work is greatly below expectations and/or missing; equivalent to "F" work.

1 pts

Notebook Components
20 %

Does the notebook contain all of its components in a neat, easy to read format?


All components are
present and in the
order listed. The notebook has a cover page, table of contents, dividers, and page protectors. Students used the computer for nearly all aspects of their contents.

All components
except one are
present and in the
order listed. The notebook has a cover page, table of contents, and dividers. Students used the computer for most of their contents.

All components are
present except two
and in the order
listed. The notebook has a cover page and table of contents. Students used the computer for some of their contents.

Most components
are present but not
in the correct order.
The notebook has a table of contents. Students used the computer for few of their contents.

Several components are
missing and/or are not in the correct order.
The notebook does not contain any sense of organization/neatness. Students did not utilize the computer to type their contents.
10 %

Does the notebook contain errors in grammar, spelling, or syntax?


The notebook has no typos or errors.

The notebook has very few typos or errors.

The notebook has some typos or errors.

The notebook has many typos or errors.

The notebook is full of typos and errors, and shows a general lack of proofreading.
10 %

Was the notebook turned in on time?


The notebook was turned in on time.

Not Applicable.

Not Applicable.

Not Applicable.

The Notebook was not turned in on time.
15 %

What is the quality/completeness of the Abstract?
> Typed, double spaced, 12 point font.


The abstract is informative, clearly written, meets format specifications, is typed, and has no errors.

The abstract is informative, clearly written, meets format specifications, is typed, and has few.

The abstract is somewhat informative, somewhat clearly written, meets format specifications, is typed, and has some errors.

The abstract is at times informative, does not meet format specifications, is not typed, and has many errors.

The abstract is confusing, does not meet format specifications, is not typed, and has many errors/a lack of proofreading.
Exhibit Materials
15 %

What is the quality/completeness of the Exhibit Materials?


Has an extensive, typed list of items/artifacts (>50).
Has at least 4 typed, professional business letter requests.
Has a complete layout of the exhibit written neatly with all items labeled and topics indicated.
Has a neat, professional sign for each case with a title and brief description (11 cases).
Has a short, 1-2 sentence typed caption for each item/artifact used in their collection.

Has a full, typed list of items/artifacts (>40).
Has at least 4 typed, professional business letter requests.
Has a complete layout of the exhibit written neatly with all items labeled and topics indicated.
Has a sign for each case with a title and brief description (11 cases).
Has a short, 1-2 sentence typed caption for each item/artifact used in their collection.

Has a complete, typed list of items/artifacts (>30).
Has at least 3 typed, professional business letter requests.
Has a complete layout of the exhibit written with most items labeled and topics indicated.
Has a sign for most cases with a title and brief description (11 cases).
Has a short, 1-2 sentence typed caption for most items/artifacts used in their collection.

Has an incomplete, not typed list of items/artifacts (>20).
Has at least 2 written business letter requests.
Has a incomplete layout of the exhibit written neatly with not all items labeled and topics indicated.
Has a sign for few cases with a title and brief description and/or has a title but no description (11 cases).
Has a short, 1-2 sentence caption for few items/artifacts used in their collection.

Has a very limited, not typed list of items/artifacts (<20).
Has at least 1 written business letter requests.
Has an incomplete layout of the exhibit written with few items labeled and no topics indicated.
Has a sign for very little case with a title and brief description (11 cases).
Does not have a short, 1-2 sentence caption for most items/artifacts used in their collection.
Marketing Materials
15 %

What is the quality/completeness of the Marketing Materials?


Contains a neat, professional, exemplary visitor brochure filled with information to support their exhibit.
Contains a bright, colorful, exemplary educational handout for students with simplified information appropriate for grades 3-6.
Contains a bright, neat poster advertising the exhibit with information as to dates, prices, etc.

Contains a neat, professional visitor brochure filled with information to support their exhibit.
Contains a bright, colorful educational handout for students with simplified information appropriate for grades 3-6.
Contains a neat poster advertising the exhibit with information as to dates, prices, etc.

Contains a visitor brochure filled with information to support their exhibit.
Contains an educational handout for students with information.
Contains a poster advertising the exhibit.

Contains an incomplete or messy visitor brochure with little information.
Contains an incomplete or messy educational handout for students with little information and/or inappropriate for grades 3-6.
Contains an incomplete or messy poster advertising the exhibit with little information.

Contains an incomplete or messy visitor brochure with no information.
Contains an incomplete or messy educational handout for students with no information.
Contains an incomplete or messy poster advertising the exhibit with no information.
15 %

What is the quality/completeness of the Appendix section?


Group contracts and individual contracts are all completed and signed.
Resource checklist shows a wide variety of resources used (>7 different sources).
All early draft work is present.

Group contracts and individual contracts are all completed and signed.
Resource checklist shows a variety of resources used (>4 different sources).
Most early draft work is present.

Group contracts and individual contracts are all completed and signed.
Resource checklist shows a small variety of resources used (>3 different sources).
Some early draft work is present.

Group contracts and individual contracts are not all completed and signed.
Resource checklist shows little variety of resources used (at least 1 source).
Little early draft work is present.

Group contracts and individual contracts are not all completed and signed.
Resource checklist shows little variety of resources used (no sources listed).
No early draft work is present.
Individual Work
40 % This section represents the individual student work as specified in their individual student contract.

Work greatly exceeds expectations; equivalent to "A" work.

5 pts


Work exceeds expectations; equivalent to "B" work.

4 pts


Work meets expectations; equivalent to "C" work.

3 pts


Work is below expectations; equivalent to "D" work.

2 pts


Work is greatly below expectations and/or missing; equivalent to "F" work.

1 pts

Student Contract
10 %

Was the individual student contract filled out and signed by the student? Did it reflect an equal amount of work as compared to their other group members?


Student contract was filled out, signed, and reflects an equal and fair amount of work as compared to their group members.

Not Applicable.

Student contract was filled out, signed, and reflects a somewhat equal amount of work as compared to their group members.

Not Applicable.

Student contract was not filled out/signed, and/or reflects a severely unequal and unfair amount of work as compared to their group members.
Student Completed Work
70 %

What is the quality of the work completed by the student?


Student work shows evidence of time spent in and out of class, is complete, neat, and shows much care and thought. All work and effort is visible throughout the notebook.

Student work shows evidence of time spent in and out of class, is complete, neat, and shows some care and thought. Most work and effort is visible throughout the notebook.

Student work shows evidence of time spent in class and is complete. Some work and effort is visible throughout the notebook.

Student work shows evidence of some time spent in class and is incomplete. Little work and effort is visible throughout the notebook.

Student work shows evidence of little time spent in class and is incomplete. There is no evidence of the student's influence in the notebook.
20 %

Did the student meet expectations given to them for the journal portion of the project?


The student went beyond the required number of journal entries. Journal entries are typed, dated, and show depth in their reflection. Journal entries meet 1/3 to 1/2 page requirements.

The student met the required number of journal entries. Journal entries are typed, dated, and show some depth in their reflection. Most journal entries meet 1/3 to 1/2 page requirements.

The student met the required number of journal entries. Journal entries are not typed, dated, and show some depth in their reflection. Some journal entries meet 1/3 to 1/2 page requirements.

The student went below the required number of journal entries. Journal entries are not typed, dated, and show little depth in their reflection. Journal entries do not meet 1/3 to 1/2 page requirements.

The student went below the required number of journal entries. Journal entries are not typed, rarely dated, and show no depth in their reflection. Journal entries do not meet 1/3 to 1/2 page requirements.
Peer Assessment
20 % This section represents the overall grade that was given to each student by their peers in the group.

The average scores from their peers was an "A" rating.

5 pts


The average scores from their peers was an "B" rating.

4 pts


The average scores from their peers was an "C" rating.

3 pts


The average scores from their peers was an "D" rating.

2 pts


The average scores from their peers was an "F" rating.

1 pts

Group Grade
100 %

See above for a description.


Students in this category were given an overall grade of "A" by the peers in their group.

Students in this category were given an overall grade of "B" by the peers in their group.

Students in this category were given an overall grade of "C" by the peers in their group.

Students in this category were given an overall grade of "D" by the peers in their group.

Students in this category were given an overall grade of "F" by the peers in their group.



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