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iRubric: Individual presentation rubric

iRubric: Individual presentation rubric

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Individual presentation 
Rubric Code: T8BC6B
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Public Rubric
Subject: Communication  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

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  Lax Speaker

0 pts

Fledging Speaker

2 pts

Average Speaker

3.5 pts


4.5 pts

Model Speaker

5 pts

Purpose of Speech

Lax Speaker

Completely Unclear
Fledging Speaker

The purpose is not evident or you did not stay focused on your section.
Average Speaker

The purpose is apparent, but not strong. We knew what your responsibility was, but it drifted a few times.

The pupose was strong. We knew the purpose of your section and you stayed within it the entire time.
Model Speaker

The purpose is clear and captures the listener’s attention.

Lax Speaker

Not organized at all.
Fledging Speaker

The content lacks organization; transitions are abrupt and distracting.
Average Speaker

There was some oganization, but still needs more work.

The organization of the content is congruent; transitions are evident.
Model Speaker

The content is organized logically with fluid transitions to listener’s attention throughout the entire presentation.

Lax Speaker

No attmepts at transitions were made.
Fledging Speaker

Transitions were attempted, but they were not very smooth or identifiable.
Average Speaker

Overall your transitions were smooth, but you still need work to in one area (see comments).

You used transistions everywhere they were needed.
Model Speaker

You came in nicely when it was your turn to begin speaking. You had smooth transitions throughout your section and you offered a smooth transtion for the speaker that follwed you.

Lax Speaker

You did not include anything that was required for your section, as described in the assignment guidelines.
Fledging Speaker

Attempts were made, but poorly excuted. Points were weak or undersupported.
Average Speaker

All the necessary components were included and were adequate.

All the necessary components were included. Points were well supported.
Model Speaker

You provided everything that was required. Points were well supported and interesting. Information was accurate and relevant.
Hand Gestures

Lax Speaker

The use of hand gestures were non existent or completely inappropriate.
Fledging Speaker

Hand gestures were used, but too frequently or not enough.
Average Speaker

Hand gestures nicley complimented points made.

Hand gestures reinforced the enthusiasm for the topic.
Model Speaker

Perfect type, frequency and excution of gestures that captures the listener's attention.
Facial Expressions

Lax Speaker

Your facial expressions were completeley opposite of what they should have been or inapproprate.
Fledging Speaker

Your facial expressions were distracting from your message or you stayed frozen with one expression the entire speech.
Average Speaker

You made some attempts to change your facial expressions.

Your expressions varied and they were appropriate.
Model Speaker

You were chrarimatic and dynamic with your expressioons. You showed variety and balance along with being appropriate.

Lax Speaker

Reads the entire time.
Fledging Speaker

Reads for the most part and only looks up for no more than a few words.
Average Speaker

Reads major portions and then elaborates in a extemporaneous style.

Reads only main points, but everything else was extemporaneous, or it sounded memorized.
Model Speaker

Extemporaneous throughout. The speaker only glances doen at notes to verify where he or she is in the speech.
Eye Contact

Lax Speaker

The speaker never looked at the audience.
Fledging Speaker

Eye contact with the audience is lacking. The speaker depends heavily on the written speech or looked in other places besides the audience's faces.
Average Speaker

Eyecontact was shared equally with the audience and other places.

Eye contact, interaction is natural and fluid.
Model Speaker

Eye contact demonstrates the
speaker’s energy and interest, guiding the listener through the presentation.

Lax Speaker

Speech entirely written or too many cards.
Fledging Speaker

Chose not to use cards, but should have.
Average Speaker
Model Speaker

There were only 4 cards and they had only major information on them.
Posture/Body Language

Lax Speaker

You fidgeted and/or slouched the entire time.
Fledging Speaker

You only stood up straight every once in a while.
Average Speaker

You only leaned on the podium or slouched occasionally.

You only broke posture once or twice.
Model Speaker

Your body language and posture exuded confidence and dynamism.

Lax Speaker

The vocabulary is awkward or inappropriate for the topic, making the speaker
difficult to understand.
Fledging Speaker

Attempts were made, but poorly excuted. Voabulary was misused or a distraction.
Average Speaker

The vocabulary provides clarity and avoids confusion.

The vocabulary is descriptive and accurate, engaging the listener through
Model Speaker

The choice of vocabulary, was captivating and credible.
Pronuncitation & Grammar

Lax Speaker

Sentence structure and the pronunciation of many words made it difficult to follow what you were saying.
Fledging Speaker

Attempts were made, but poorly excuted. Pronunciation of words were a distraction.
Average Speaker

Only a few grammatical and/or pronunication errors.

No errors were made, but no risks were taken.
Model Speaker

You used complex sentence structures and were able to pronounce difficult words or technical jargon correctly.
Audible Pauses

Lax Speaker

Audible Pauses (uh,ums, like, etc.) are present throughout the presentation and it effected the flow of your speech.
Fledging Speaker

You used many audible pauses, but it did not effect the flow.
Average Speaker

You avoided distracting audible pauses for the most part.

You only used one or two.
Model Speaker

You never used an audible pause.

Lax Speaker

Speed is inappropriate for the presentation.
Fledging Speaker

The rate is confusing or uninspiring and lost the audiences attention.
Average Speaker

Adequate speed throughout the presentation.

Your tempo was conversational and easy to listen to.
Model Speaker

You were dynamic and commanded our attention the entire time.
Vocal Variety

Lax Speaker

You were monotone or one-dimensional.
Fledging Speaker

You attempted a few variations.
Average Speaker

You changed up your tone and rate enough to recapture attention a few times.

For the most part, you were able to keep audience attention with your variety.
Model Speaker

The speaker manipulates tone, speed, and volume, using these tools to
emphasize important ideas and hold the listener’s attention. The speaking style was conversational.

Lax Speaker

Speed and volume are inappropriate for the presentation.
Fledging Speaker

Volume was uninspiring and lost the audiences attention.
Average Speaker

Adequate volume throughout the presentation.

We could hear you and understand what you were saying.
Model Speaker

You manipulated volume to emphaisze points and create drama.

Lax Speaker

You looked scared or uncredible.
Fledging Speaker

You only got confident toward the very end.
Average Speaker

After the first few seconds were were able to show confidence.

You never appeared nervous.
Model Speaker

You were confident, credible and commanded attention from the moment you got up to speak.

Lax Speaker

You showed no enthusiasm for your topic.
Fledging Speaker

You appeared to care little for your topic.
Average Speaker

You seemed neutral on you topic.

You were enthusiastic for the most part.
Model Speaker

You clearly cared and were passionate about you topic. We believed you felt what you were talking about.
Oral Citations

Every one receives 5 points, but this will let you know what to work on.

Lax Speaker

You used information and did not cite it.
Fledging Speaker

You did not use any outside sources at all.
Average Speaker

You made attempts to cite, but they were inaccurate.

You made accurate citations, but they could have been stronger or more identifiable.
Model Speaker

Citations were correct, complete and easily identifiable.
Followed Directions

Lax Speaker

You did not follow any directions.
Fledging Speaker
Average Speaker
Model Speaker

You followed every direction provided.

Lax Speaker

You did not reach anywhere near an acceptable time.
Fledging Speaker

You were over or under where you needed to be.
Average Speaker

You were within 10 seconds of where you needed to be.
Model Speaker

You were within time requirements
Presentation Aids

Lax Speaker

None were used.
Fledging Speaker

One was missing.
Average Speaker

They were both included, but needed to be approached differently or improved.

Model Speaker

Well chosen and well executed.


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