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iRubric: Newspaper Sports Article Summary rubric

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Newspaper Sports Article Summary 
Find a Current sports related article in the local newspaper. Cut out the article from the newspaper. Write a 1 page summary on the article including WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN. The summary should include at least three paragraphs. You should end your summary by writing at least one paragraph giving your personal opinions, thoughts, feelings about the information in the article and how you can relate the article to physical education and exercise. Your summary should be typed or neatly written and stapled or clipped to the article. Make sure your name and class period is on your summary. This assignment is worth 10 points, which were missed on the day of class you were absent or unable to participate in the Physical Education class.
Rubric Code: T737BW
Public Rubric
Type: Homework  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Health Article

4 pts


6 pts


8 pts


10 pts

One Page Paper


The summary was inadequate and too brief. Most of the W,W,W,W information was left out or incomplete. Personal reaction to the article was missing.
* 1 paragraph

4 points

The summary recalled some information, but omitted several vital points. The personal response to the article did not fully relate the information to physical education and/or exercise.
* 1-2 paragraphs

6 points

The paper was a full page written with facts and the students opinion about their topic. Student demonstrated a fairly good grasp of how the information related physical education and/or exercise.
* 2-3 paragraphs

8 points

The summary exceeded the stated requirements. All relevant information was listed and elaborated upon. The student was able to make connections between the information in the article and physical education and/or exercise.
* 3+ paragraphs

10 points

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