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iRubric: Group Product--Pitch Presentation rubric

iRubric: Group Product--Pitch Presentation rubric

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Group Product--Pitch Presentation 
Your task is to work collaboratively to create a green (environmentally safe or beneficial product) product and product pitch. For this assignment, each team will invent their own green product and choose a company to present the product pitch to. This product should sound REAL—not silly, funny, etc.
Rubric Code: T3C966
Public Rubric
Subject: Business  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12, Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Group Product--Pitch Presentation
  Advanced--20 points

20 pts

Proficient--15-19 points

15 pts

Basic--10-14 points

10 pts

Below Basic--5-9 points

5 pts

Name, function, price & description

Advanced--20 points

An extremely creative name, function and description of product was presented. The price was right on track.
Proficient--15-19 points

A creative name, function and description of the product was presented. The price was in the proper range.
Basic--10-14 points

Name, function and description lacked creativeness. The price was out of the proper range.
Below Basic--5-9 points

Name, function and description were absent or silly/unappealing. Price was missing r completely out of range.
Mock up or visual representation

Advanced--20 points

Product is uniquely demonstrated in a mock up or visual representation created in Photoshop.
Proficient--15-19 points

Product is demonstrated in a mock up or visual representation created in Photoshop.
Basic--10-14 points

Product is not adequately demonstrated in a mock up or visual representation.
Below Basic--5-9 points

Product not demonstrated.
Target company

Advanced--20 points

A unique target company is chosen and the product claims to the company as to why the product would be an asset are creatively presented.
Proficient--15-19 points

A target company is chosen and the claims to the company as to why the product would be an asset are presented.
Basic--10-14 points

A target company is chosen but no claims to the product are presnted.
Below Basic--5-9 points

A target company is not chosen.

Advanced--20 points

KISS--Kept it short and simple. A creative tagline that is memorable. Used alliteration (Jaguar's "Don't Dream It. Drive It."), rhymes (Timex's "It takes a licking and keeps on ticking."), or puns (Minute Maid's "Squeeze the Day").
Proficient--15-19 points

Created an appropriate tagline.
Basic--10-14 points

Tagline doesn't adequately represent the product.
Below Basic--5-9 points

No tagline.

Advanced--20 points

Project runs perfectly with no technical problems
Proficient--15-19 points

Project runs adequately with minor technical problems
Basic--10-14 points

Project runs minimally. There are many technical problems when viewing the project.
Below Basic--5-9 points

Project does not run satisfactorily. There are too many technical problems to veiw the project.

Advanced--20 points

Project honors all rules of spelling and/or grammar
Proficient--15-19 points

Project adequately hones most of rules of spelling and/or grammar. (Two or less errors)
Basic--10-14 points

Project minimally honors rules of spelling and/or grammar. (Three or less errors)
Below Basic--5-9 points

Project has multiple errors in spelling and/or grammar. (Four or more errors)

Advanced--20 points

Project completely finished, on time, contains all elements.
Proficient--15-19 points

Project is one day late.
Basic--10-14 points

Project is two days late.
Below Basic--5-9 points

Project is three days late.

Advanced--20 points

The combination of multimedia elements and content takes communication to a superior level. There is clear attention given to balance, propolrtion, harmony and restraints
Proficient--15-19 points

Multimedia elements and content combine to adquately deliver a high impact message with the elements and word reinforcing each other.
Basic--10-14 points

Multimedia elements accompany content but here is little sign of mutual reinforcement. There is no attention to visual design criteria such as balance, proportion, harmony and restraint. There is some tendency toward random use of graphical elements that do not reinforce message.
Below Basic--5-9 points

Screens are either barren and stark or confusing and cluttered. Exaggerated emphasis on graphics and special effects weakens the message and interferes with the communicaiton of content and ideas.

Advanced--20 points

The sequence of information is logical and intuitive. Menus and paths to all informatin are clear and direct.
Proficient--15-19 points

The sequence of information is logical. Menus and paths to most information are clear and direct.
Basic--10-14 points

The sequence of information is somewhat logical. Menus and paths are confusing and flawed.
Below Basic--5-9 points

The sequence of information is not logical. Menus and paths to information are not evident.

Advanced--20 points

The project shows significant evidence of originality and inventiveness. The majority of the content and many of the ideas are fresh, original and inventive
Proficient--15-19 points

The project shows some evidence of originality and inventivenss. While based on an extensive collection of other people's ideas, products, images and inventions, the work extends beyond that collection to offer new insights.
Basic--10-14 points

The work is an extensive collection and rehash of other people's ideas, products, images and inventions. There is little evidence of new thought or inventiveness.
Below Basic--5-9 points

The work is a minimal collection or rehash of other people's ideas, products, images and inventions. There is no evidence of new thought.
Depth & Breadth of Project Content

Advanced--20 points

Clear evidence that higher level thinking skills were used in the creation of this project.
Proficient--15-19 points

Some evidence that higher level thinking skills were used int he creation of this project.
Basic--10-14 points

Little evidence that higher level thinking skills were used in the creation of this project.
Below Basic--5-9 points

No evidence that higher level thinking skills were used in the creation of this project.
Target Audience

Advanced--20 points

The project hits the target audience--BULLSEYE!
Proficient--15-19 points

The project generally points toward the target audience.
Basic--10-14 points

Little evidence the target audience was taken into consideration.
Below Basic--5-9 points

No evidence the target audience was considered.

Advanced--20 points

Well developed magazine ad that creatively promotes the product to the target audience. The graphics, text, color, etc. of the ad is fresh and new. Prototype and tagline are properly positioned within the ad.
Proficient--15-19 points

Magazine ad creatively promotes the product to the target audience.
Basic--10-14 points

Magazine ad promotes the product. Not original.
Below Basic--5-9 points

No magazine ad created.

Advanced--20 points

This presentation SOLD the product to the target company! NO DOUBT!
Proficient--15-19 points

The presentation adequately sold the product to the target company.
Basic--10-14 points

Presentation does not adequately sell the product
Below Basic--5-9 points

No presentation.

  • multimedia presentation


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