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iRubric: Informative  Group Presentation rubric

iRubric: Informative Group Presentation rubric

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Informative Group Presentation 
Group given topics to research for informative presentation. Group has to prepare a 10 minute presentation that has to be presented in front of the class. Presentation could be presented with supplemental visuals. Student teams determine level of formality (may be formal or informal)
Rubric Code: T35W62
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Public Rubric
Subject: Business  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric Informative Presentation:
  Poor - Does not meet

0 or 1 pts


Fair - Somewhat meets

2 pts


Good - Meets

3 or 4 pts


Excellent - Beyond requirements

5 pts


Quality of Project
5 pts

Project was extremely organized, interesting, and easy to follow. Project fully informed audience about the topic.<BR>
Students were given one of the following: activity, diagram, or handout.

Poor - Does not meet

Project was not organized. Information presented was not clear. Project did not fully answer all the questions asked on the outline.<BR>
There were no activities, diagrams, or handouts for the class.
Fair - Somewhat meets

Project was fairly organized. Information presented was clear. Project did not fully answer all the questions asked on the outline.<BR>
There were no activities, diagrams, or handouts for the class.
Good - Meets

Project was extremely organized. Information presented was clear and interesting.Project did not fully answer all the questions asked on the outline.<BR>
Students were given one of the following: activity, diagram, or handout.
Excellent - Beyond requirements

Project was extremely organized, interesting, and easy to follow. <BR>
Project fully informed audience about the topic and showed advanced critical thinking and application of knowledge from within the program.<BR>
Students were given one of the following: activity, diagram, or handout.
Oral Presentation
5 pts

Presentation was audible. Good tone of voice when speaking. Visual aspects of project was organized and easy to read.Group members were<BR>
able to answer most questions posed by teacher and other students.

Poor - Does not meet

Presentation was not clearly audible and hard to hear. Visual presentation was very disorganized and hard to read. Group members did not ask for questions and were unable to answer questions asked by other students or the instructor.
Fair - Somewhat meets

Presentation was audible, but needs improvement on tone of voice when speaking. Visual aspects of project could be better organized and easier to read. Group members were <BR>
not able to answer some questions when asked by instructor or other students.
Good - Meets

Presentation was audible. Good tone of voice when speaking. Visual aspects of project was organized and easy to read.Group members were<BR>
able to answer most questions posed by instructor and other students.
Excellent - Beyond requirements

Presentation was presented in a professional way. Audio and visual aspects were perfect. Group members were able to answer all questions posed by the other students as well as the instructor.
Group work - Written report
5 pts

Group stayed on task the entire class time allotted for the project. Group organized and able to complete project with no assistance from the instructor.

Poor - Does not meet

Did not use time wisely when working together as a group. Group did not stay on task and did not work on project without constant prompting from instructor.
Fair - Somewhat meets

Needs improvement on how to use time wisely when working together in a group.Group basically stayed on task, but was not fully focused on project. Instructor may have had to speak to the group to keep them on task or problem solve/conflict resolution.
Good - Meets

Used time wisely when working together in group. Group was focused on task.<BR>
Asked questions when needed.
Excellent - Beyond requirements

Group stayed on task the entire class time allotted for the project. Group organized and able to complete project with no assistance from the instructor.
5 pts

Students do not read from their slides or paper and sho knowledge of the subject area.

Poor - Does not meet

Students do not seem prepared to present.
Fair - Somewhat meets

Students seem to be pretty prepared but should have rehearsed more as a team.
Good - Meets
Excellent - Beyond requirements

Students show that they are completely prepared and that they have rehearsed before the presentation. Speaker content flows logically between all parties.
Professionalism on delivery
5 pts

Student displays confidence and competence in their presentation.

Poor - Does not meet

Little or no eye contact. Body language and posture poor.<BR>
Format for presentation and/or written report are cohesive. Grammatical, language and format errors.<BR>
Team outward appearance sloppy/unkempt.
Fair - Somewhat meets

Students make some eye contact, but entire room is not fully engaged, with most attention to the instructor.<BR>
Written report standards meet minumum standards.<BR>
Students are neatly groomed.
Good - Meets
Excellent - Beyond requirements

Students stand up straight, look confident, speak clearly and make eye contact during the entire presentation. Students engages entire audience through-out presentation.<BR>
Cohesiveness between presentation materials and written report demonstrate advanced application of learning.<BR>
Students are well groomed, in business attire or a team uniform.
Group Presentation
5 pts

All group members participate equally. Group members help each other as needed.

Poor - Does not meet

Only one person in the group participate in the presentation.
Fair - Somewhat meets

Some group members participate.
Good - Meets
Excellent - Beyond requirements

All group members participate and help each other as needed.
Question for Exam
5 pts

each team must submit a question for the exam

Poor - Does not meet

did not do
question format is below average and shows very little thought and attention to details
Fair - Somewhat meets

question and answer could work with some re-development/re-writing
materials to peers are provided late
Good - Meets

complexity appropriate for this level of course
question is well phrased
answers are provided
information is shared with the group in writing so they have study materials
Excellent - Beyond requirements

interactive question format when presented to allow for greater information retention
all items as listed for "meets"
Time Limit
0 pts

1 point is subtracted for every minute under 6 minutes and over the 10 minute time limit

Poor - Does not meet

Too short<BR>
(under 6 minutes)<BR>
# of minutes<BR>
Fair - Somewhat meets

Too long <BR>
(over 10 minutes)<BR>
# of minutes<BR>
Good - Meets

Excellent - Beyond requirements

Within Time Frame (10 minutes)
35 pts

Poor - Does not meet
Fair - Somewhat meets
Good - Meets
Excellent - Beyond requirements

  • InfoShare Presentations (Post Grad Event Management)

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