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iRubric: Mapping Clinical Concepts rubric

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Mapping Clinical Concepts 
Concept Maps Rubric
Rubric Code: T24A835
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Public Rubric
Subject: Nursing  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Concept Maps
  Exceeds Expectations

4 pts


3 pts


1 pts

Pathophysiology and etiology

Exceeds Expectations

Pathophysiology at the cellular level shows understanding of medical diagnosis and identifies etiology based on the specific patient's condition.

Identifies comorbidities and connections to pathophysiology.

Pathophysiology explained to organ level or doesn't take into account the comorbidities and does not give specific etiology for the patient's condition.

Pathophysiology and or etiology absent or difficult to understand the connections to this patients condition
Medical Diagnosis and Definition

Exceeds Expectations

Medical Diagnosis present in students own words with an extended understanding given of the connection to the patient's condiditon.

Medical Diagnosis present in students own words and organized with one soecific connection to the patient's condition.

Medical Diagnosis absent or present but poorly organized.
History / Physical

Exceeds Expectations

H & P complete with previous surgeries, health history, psychological including DSM IV, and current associated diagnoses. Identifies 3 or more additional pieces of health information or assessments needed based on patients specific health care needs.

Physical assessment complete but lacking one or more of the following history items previous surgeries,
health history, psychological, and current associated diagnoses. Identifies 1 more more additional pieces of health information or assessments needed based on patients specific health care needs.

H & P is incomplete with previous surgeries, health, psychological, hospitalizations and diagnosis. Physical exam is lacking more than one system or incomplete physical for other current health information. No additional information needs are identified.

Exceeds Expectations

Medications list completed according to medication administration template with information given on 3 or more medications specific to the patients current hospitalization.

Links medications to diagnosis and priority nursing problems.

Medications list completed according to medication administration template. Only includes 2 medications specific to the patients current hospitalization.

Links medications to diagnosis and priority nursing problems.

Medication list present but medication administration template incomplete. Only includes 1 medicationmedications specific to the patients current hospitalization.

No links to medications to diagnosis and priority nursing problems established.

Exceeds Expectations

Available lab results documented and abnormals addressed and related to the patient's specific condition(s) with further discussion to the cellular level.

Links medication to all of the following diagnosis, and priority nursing problems.

Available lab results documented. Abnormals are not addressed and related to the patient's condition with discussion to the cellular level.

Does to links medication to one or more of the following diagnosis, and priority nursing problems.

Labs and abnormal results only partially given or absent.

No links to medication and diagnosis, and priority nursing problems established.
Nursing Problems

Exceeds Expectations

More than three nursing problems given with prioritization based on the patient's condition/need(s).

Two nursing problems given with prioritization based on patient(s)condition/need(s).

One or less nursing problems given with lack of prioritization or inappropriate prioritization based on the patient needs.

Exceeds Expectations

Establishes relationships between 3 interventions and problem listed. Further details noted in relation to execution of nursing care interventions.

Establishes relationships between 2 interventions and problem listed. Further details noted in relation to execution of nursing care interventions.

Lists 1 intervention for each of the patient's identified problems. Limited or no connections established.

Exceeds Expectations

Synthesizes 15 or more connections by means of lines to all areas of concept map. Connects specific areas needed to make important nursing care decisions and demonstrates adequate critical thinking for this patient assignment.

Identifies 10 or more connections by means of lines to all areas of concept map. Connects specific areas needed to make important nursing care decision and demontrate adequate critical thinking for this patient assignment.

Identifies 5 or less connections or lack of basic points by means of lines on concept map. Connects some areas of needed information but lacks demonstration of critical thinking skills for this patient assignment.
Spelling, Grammar, APA

Exceeds Expectations

Eloquent execution with demonstration of advanced terms and knowledge in writing style with no grammatical or spelling errors. Utilizes APA citations and 3 or more references.

Neat with correct spelling and no gross grammatical and/or spelling errors. Utilizes APA citations and lists 2 references.

Lacks neatness, gross grammatical and spelling errors noted.Utilizes APA citations and lists 1 or less references.

  • Nursing Concept Map Rubric

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