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iRubric: Illustrator: Company Prototype rubric

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Illustrator: Company Prototype 
In Adobe Illustrator, develop & design a product and logo for an elite shoe company. The vector art should be similar to the logo and concept for the company that the student has chosen, yet be creative and original.Students must save the design in the correct file format and place. Don't forget your celebrity endorser!!
Rubric Code: SX53965
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Prototype
  limited 1


emerging 2


skilled 3


accomplished 4



appropriate look and feel for chosen event. Eye catching imagery, color and text.

limited 1

No clear theme and look is not appropriate to the event.
emerging 2

The original theme is somewhat clear and appropriate to the event. Some effort shown with color, imagery and text.
skilled 3

The theme is clear and appropriate to the event. Good use of color, imagery and text to create an interesting and eye catching design.
accomplished 4

The theme is very clear with an exemplary effort in color use, imagery and text to create an exciting and successful original design: from concept to production
Composition & Layout

Effort with design

limited 1

Confusing and scattered. No direction
emerging 2

Some direction but still a little confusion.
skilled 3

Direct and understandable. Shows some effort in using design elements and principles.
accomplished 4

Direct, creative, understandable and effective. evidence of grid system, consideration of design elements and shows a high level of understanding of design aesthetics.

Effort with type choices and setting

limited 1

Typography unreadable or inappropriate to the design. No attention to hierarchy, font choice, kerning/tracking, leading, alignment and other type treatments.
emerging 2

Type present not exactly appropriate or is not easily read. little success with hierarchy of information, type choice, alignment, kerning, leading. Shows some effort to stylize text for layout.
skilled 3

Type appropriate and styled. Acceptable amount of effort shown with hierarchy of information, type choice, alignment, kerning, leading. All text is readable.
accomplished 4

Type appropriate, styled, and positioned excellently. Clear attention to kerning/tracking, leading and alignment. Used type as a pivotal element in layout. Hierarchy clear and successful in conveying appropriate information. Exceptional readability.
Use of Illustrator

proficiency at using Illustrator to create quality vector artwork.

limited 1

Does not have understanding of application program. No effort in using tools. No effort made to improve upon the original design.
emerging 2

Some understanding of program but little effort displayed with tools. Little experimentation. Little or no improvement from the original design.
skilled 3

Good understanding of application program with some experimentation in the use of illustration tools/techniques. Improved the original design.
accomplished 4

Excellent understanding of application program.
Advanced use of tools & techniques. Exceptional end result - leaps and bounds above the original design.
Followed instructions

Student followed the instructions in the Hands-on Exam document.

limited 1

Instructions were largely ignored. Revisions needed
emerging 2

Some instructions followed, revisions were needed and student has made arrangements
skilled 3

Most instructions were followed.
accomplished 4

All of the instructions were followed. Exceptional attention to detail & quality assurance.


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