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iRubric: Warm-up Assignment rubric

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Warm-up Assignment 
Design and lead the class in an original warm-up.

Powered by iRubric Warm-Up Presentation

5 pts


3 pts

Developing Skills

1 pts

Not Yet Met Expectations

0 pts



Warm-up is packed with originality, individual style and movements that are challenging but do-able.

Warm-up has a lot of originality and individual style, with some challenging movements.
Developing Skills

Warm-up has moments of originality and individual style, but is not challenging.
Not Yet Met Expectations

Warm-up has no originality, style ând is not challenging.


Exercises cover a wide variety of skills with 2 or 3 options from which players can choose
(9 + exercises).

Exercises cover a wide variety of skills
(6 – 8 exercises).
Developing Skills

Variety of exercises is somewhat limited
(4 or 5 exercises).
Not Yet Met Expectations

Variety of exercises is very limited on only focuses on a couple of skills (3 exercises).


Warm-up is easy to follow, with loud prompting, and motivation for classmates. Contains an introduction and conclusion explaining goals and benefits of activity.

Warm-up is easy to follow, with some promting motivation for classmates, explains goals and benefits of the activity, has a weak intro or conclusion.
Developing Skills

Warm-up is somewhat easy to follow, but lacks prompting or motivation for classmates, lacks goals of the activity and, unclear purpose and unclear intro and conclusion.
Not Yet Met Expectations

Warm-up is not easy to follow and has no prompting motivation. Contains no relavance to class, has no introduction or conclusion. Has no purpose.
Includes all Required Fields


Includes all aspects required for the warm-up (general, dynamic and stretching, sport-specific), has a specific sequence that makes sense.

Includes all aspects required for the warm-up (general, dynamic and stretching, sport-specific), and has somewhat of a sequence that makes sense.
Developing Skills

Includes 2 of the 3 requirements for the warm-up, and does not follow any specific sequence.
Not Yet Met Expectations

Includes only 1 or less of the 2 requirements for the warm-up, and does not follow any specific sequence.


Includes all aspects of the assignment: title page, intro, body, conclusion. Writing is clear and concise. Descriptions are thorough and details of each exercise and the rationale for each is explained well. Diagrams are included to help describe the stretches. Contains proper punctuation and grammar.

Includes all aspects of a paragraph. Descriptions are appropriately detailed and gives an adequate rationale for each exercise. Contains some grammatical and spelling errors, but overall writing is clear.
Developing Skills

Does not include all aspects of the assignment. Description is somewhat limited. More explanation of why the exercise is beneficial is required. Many errors in grammar and spelling. No flow or logic to writing.
Not Yet Met Expectations

Does not include all aspects of the assignment. Description of exercises is very limited. Lacking in necessary detail. Incomplete sentences. Lacking punctuation and spelling mechanics. Is difficult to understand. Not typed.


There is clear evidence that the student has spent time preparing and developing the activity and write-up (student has research resources necessary, they prepare class prior to presenting, ask questions.)

Student put forth a good effort. The write-up is prepared and they have thought about the activity prior to presenting. Student has no taken time prior to class to set up and organize the space and equipment.
Developing Skills

Student put forth a good effort. They are not prepared prior to class-they do not know what resources/equipment is available, student does not know what equipment they would like to use, student does not have a written document prepared.
Not Yet Met Expectations

Has nothing prepared: no write-up, no activity and does not present any of the objectives to the class.

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