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iRubric: End of the Year Culminating US History Presentation rubric

iRubric: End of the Year Culminating US History Presentation rubric

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End of the Year Culminating US History Presentation 
students will be able to connect aspects of the past to present situations acing our nation. Students will gain an understanding of why understanding our past is vital to the prosperity of our nation in the future.
Rubric Code: S4WCX8
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Public Rubric
Subject: History  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric US History Culminating Presentation

25 pts


20 pts


15 pts


5 pts

Multi-Media Movie


Multi-Media movie includes at least 20 or more visually appealing imgaes, appropriate music, narration that fully explains information about the era, video clip (student made), or 3 DE movie clips that are student narrated, map or maps, and at least 5 + Primary sources with explanation as to why they are important to your era. Movie contains opening credits and closing credits (Full resource list).

Multi-Media movie includes at least 17-20 visually appealing images, appropriate music, narration that somewhat explains information about the era, video clip (student made or 3 DE movie clips that are narrated, map or maps, and at least 4-5 Primary sources with explanation as to why they are important to your ear. Movie contains opening and closing credits (full resource list).

Multi-Media movie includes at least 15-17 appealing images, appropriate music, narration with some incorrect information about the era, video clip (student made or 2-3 DE movie clips that are narrated, map or maps, and at least 3-4 Primary sources with explanation as to why they are important to your era. Movie contains at least one or the other opening or closing credite (some resources listed).

Multi Media movie includes 15 or less images, no music, or inappropriate music, missing narration, or mostly incorrect information about the era, video clip is missing, or DE movie clips are missing, 2 or less Primary sources with little or no explanation, credits missing.
missing movie = 0
Animoto Movie Trailer


Trailer is visually appealing, persuasive, and music is appropriate for the trailer.

Trailer is mainly appealing, mainly persuasive, but music does not really fit the trailer.

Trailer is fairly appealing, not really persuasive, music fairly fits the trailer.

Trailer is not appealing, not persuasive, music does not fit, or missing.

Altogether missing = 0
Voicethread Source Analysis


Student has visited at least 7 (one from each era we have covered)voicethreads from other students and left evidence of analysis.

Student visited at least 6 voicethreads and left evidence of analysis.

Student visited at least 5 voicethreads and left evidence of analysis.

Student visited 4 or less voicethreads and left evidence that they were there.
No analysis = 0
Guiding Questions


Student fully answers and explain all quiding quesitons in their movie.

Student somewhat answers and explains most of the guiding questions in their movie.

Student has answered at least most of the guiding questions, but has inaccurate or incorrect information their movie.

Student has not answered most of the guiding questions, or has mainly inaccurate or incorrect information.
Not attempted to answer guiding quesitons = 0
Student Created Video/DE Narration


Student created Video is relevant to their era of choice and shows clear knowledge and understanding of an important aspect of the era.

Student created video is somewhat relevant to their era of choice, and shows some knowledge and understanding of an important aspect of the era.

Student created video is fairly relevant to their era of choice, and shows little knoweldge and understanding of an important aspect of the era.

Student created video is mainly not relevant to their era of choice.

missing video = 0
Connection to present day issue


Student shows evidence that they have looked at a present day issue and made a connection to a past issue. Student clearly understands and explains the connection from present day to a past event, person/people, or primary source.

Student shows evidence that they have looked at a present day issue and attempts to connect it to a past issue. Student maily explains the connection from present day to a past event, person/people, or primary source.

Student fairly connects a present day issue to a past issue. Student somewhat explains the connection from present day to a past event, person/people, or primary source.

Student shows difficulty in connecting a present day issue to a past issue. Student does not explain the connection.
No Attempt = 0



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