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iRubric: Online Discussion Grading Criteria rubric

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Online Discussion Grading Criteria 
Generic rubric for use in assessing online discussions developed by Marj Ashcraft for Transforming Leaders, LLC 8/2010.
Rubric Code: S43C99
Public Rubric
Subject: Vocational  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Online Discussion Grading Criteria
Generic rubric for use in assessing online discussions.

1 pts


3 pts


5 pts



Instructor Comments


Quality and Relevance of Content

Contributes relevant and useful info, ideas & questions to develop and drive discussion topics. (“I agree,” “Good point,” etc., are not valid postings.)


Does not show sufficient grasp of course concepts in interactive dialog. Does not address specific topics presented or relevant issues. Does not display good problem-solving skills or support statements with appropriate examples/citations from course materials or experiential learning (i.e., lab exercises, projects, work history). Fails to use course terms correctly, in proper context, or at all.

Shows fairly good grasp (at least 70%) of course concepts during interactive dialog. At least 70% of time, focus is on specific or relevant topics. Demonstrates basic problem-solving skills at least 70% of the time. At least 70% of the time, supports comments/questions with appropriate examples/citations from course materials or experiential learning (lab exercises, projects, work history). Uses course terms & in proper context at least 70% of the time with at least 70% accuracy.

Shows clear grasp of course concepts in good interactive dialog. Addresses topics/issues presented using effective problem-solving skills. Poses productive questions/ perspectives of relevant issues. Supports comments/questions with suitable examples/citations from course materials & experiential learning (lab exercises, projects, work history). Always uses course terms correctly & in proper context. Where appropriate, integrates/evaluates current industry trends.
Instructor Comments
Communication & Interactive Skills

Communicates & interacts effectively & in positive way using correct English language skills, including complete sentences.


Conveys info, ideas & questions to instructor & other students effectively less than 70% of the time. Often wanders from or fails to address the topic/issues or to use applicable course terminology/ concepts. Uses incomplete sentences; ideas are poorly expressed/organized. Fails to meet campus English requirements: grammar, sentence structure, spelling, etc. are poor. Conduct &/or language are disrespectful to others.

Conveys info, ideas & questions to instructor & other students effectively at least 70% of the time. May at times wander from the point or fail to use applicable course terminology/concepts. Sometimes uses incomplete sentences or presentation may seem a little muddled. English grammar, sentence structure & spelling may contain minor errors. Is in compliance with campus standards re online behavior/netiquette (i.e., no flaming, etc.).

Conveys info, ideas & questions to instructor & other students clearly & effectively. Keeps comments/questions focused & to the point. Uses appropriate course terminology/concepts in complete & well-organized sentences which build to supportable conclusions or constructive inquiry. English grammar, sentence structure and spelling are 90-100% error free. Always respectful of others in behavior & language, exceeding campus standards.
Instructor Comments
Participation Standards

Posts at least 3 quality/relevant responses during each (calendar) week to any current discussion topic. Posts are made early enough in the week to give others sufficient time to respond. Can provide & use attachments/links on the discussion board.


Fails to meet minimum participation requirements. Frequently crams in responses at the end of the calendar week (i.e., Friday or Sat). Doesn’t discuss; instead, reiterates what others have already stated without contributing any additional insights/questions to support or test any info/premise in the discussion. Or may say “I don’t understand” but not offer clarification of what & why s/he doesn’t understand. Cannot provide or use attachments/links on the board.

Meets minimum participation standards. At least 70% of the time, responds early enough in the week to give others sufficient time to reply/react. At least 30% of the time when asking for help, needs to be reminded to specify what/why s/he doesn’t understand. At least 70% of the time when asking for help, fails to mention resources s/he has already tried. When needed, can provide or use attachments/links with at least 70% success rate.

Exceeds participation standards. Always responds early enough in the week to give others sufficient time to reply/react. 90-100% of the time, when asking for help, remembers to specify what/why s/he needs help & the resources s/he has already tried. When needed, can provide or use attachments/links on the discussion board with 90-100% accuracy.
Instructor Comments
Total Online Discussion Score




Instructor Comments

  • Oriented for use in CCBC Electronics Certification Program.



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