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iRubric: Postsecondary Presentation Project rubric

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Postsecondary Presentation Project 
Second Quarter presentation exploring careers!
Rubric Code: S24A773
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Public Rubric
Subject: Vocational  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

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  Below Basic: 0-3 pts


Basic: 4-6 pts.


Proficient: 7-8 pts.


Advanced: 9-10 pts.



Below Basic: 0-3 pts

Four or fewer of listed topics are discussed.
Basic: 4-6 pts.

Only five of the listed topics are
Proficient: 7-8 pts.

Only six of the listed topics are discussed.
Advanced: 9-10 pts.

Covered all of the listed topics in the Checklist.

Below Basic: 0-3 pts

Little of the information is correct. It appears as though the information was made up.
Basic: 4-6 pts.

Some of the information is correct, but some is simply and obviously untrue.
Proficient: 7-8 pts.

Most of the information is correct. There may be one or two questionable items
Advanced: 9-10 pts.

All information is correct

Below Basic: 0-3 pts

The Slideshow has a lot of writing, is very confusing and difficult to follow. It is not eye-catching.
Basic: 4-6 pts.

The Slideshow may or may not be eye-catching and is difficult to follow.
Proficient: 7-8 pts.

The information is fairly clear and well organized, although the Slideshow may not be particularly interesting. The Slideshow may be eye-catching but occasionally hard to follow
Advanced: 9-10 pts.

Information is completely clear and well-organized.
The Slideshow is eye-catching with minimal words.

Below Basic: 0-3 pts

There are many verb form and/or other errors making much of this Slideshow incomprehensible
Basic: 4-6 pts.

There may be several verb form errors and/or many minor errors. Some of these errors cause difficulty in comprehension of the material
Proficient: 7-8 pts.

Grammar/spelling is generally good. There may be two or three verb form errors and one or two other minor errors. Errors do not hinder comprehension of the material.
Advanced: 9-10 pts.

Grammar/ spelling is basically totally correct. One or two minor errors are permissible.
Effectiveness of Presentation

Below Basic: 0-3 pts

Not prepared to present.
Basic: 4-6 pts.

Slides were vague and brief concerning the subject. Minimal preparation evident.
Proficient: 7-8 pts.

Seemed prepared; however, was sometimes vague on the details.
Advanced: 9-10 pts.

Clearly prepared and thoroughly covered each
slide, leaving the class with a clear understanding of
the career pathway.

Below Basic: 0-3 pts

No copyright guidelines are followed and some information, photos and graphics do not use proper citations.
Basic: 4-6 pts.

Sometimes copyright guidelines are followed and some information, photos and graphics do not use proper citations.
Proficient: 7-8 pts.

Most sources of information use proper citation, and sources are documented to make it possible to check on the accuracy of information.
Advanced: 9-10 pts.

Sources of information are properly cited so that the audience can determine the credibility and authority of the information presented.(web site address or book tytle in small type at bottm of the slide)

Below Basic: 0-3 pts

Student's voice is not audible. Student makes no eye contact. Presentation ran 2:00-2:30 minutes.
Basic: 4-6 pts.

Student's voice is soft and difficult to understand. Student makes little eye contact. Stares straight ahead. Presentation ran 2:30-3:00 minutes.
Proficient: 7-8 pts.

Student's voice is clear but presentation is difficult to understand. Student uses some eye contact.
Presentation ran 3:00-3:30 minutes.
Advanced: 9-10 pts.

Student speaks in a clear voice that is easy to understand. Student uses consistent eye contact.

Presentation ran 3:30-4 minutes. (Over 4 mins loses points)


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