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iRubric: Community Health Campaign rubric

iRubric: Community Health Campaign rubric

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Community Health Campaign 
Rubric Code: S24944A
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Public Rubric
Subject: Business  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric Community Health Campaign

1 pts

Below Expectations

2 pts


3 pts


4 pts


5 pts

Campaign Proposal


- The health issue is not defined or is irrelevant.

- The target audience is not identified or is entirely inappropriate.

- Goals and objectives need to be included or relevant.
Below Expectations

- The health issue needs to be better defined or marginally relevant.

- The target audience is identified but needs more rationale and appropriateness.

- Goals and objectives must be more specific and well-aligned with the health issue.

- The health issue is defined but needs more clarity and relevance.

- The target audience is identified but with limited rationale.

- Goals and objectives are clear but may be general or slightly off-target.

- The health issue is clearly defined and relevant.

- The target audience is appropriately identified with a clear rationale.

- Goals and objectives are specific and relevant to the health issue.

- Health issues are exceptionally well-defined, highly relevant, and thoroughly justified.

- The target audience is precisely identified with a comprehensive rationale.

- Goals and objectives are specific, measurable, and highly relevant to the health issue.
Campaign Plan


- The action plan needs to be included or feasible.

- Stakeholders need to be identified, or their roles will need to be clarified.

- Budget and resources should be planned and justified.
Below Expectations

- The action plan needs to be more detailed and more feasible.

- Stakeholders are identified but have more roles or are involved in effective resource allocation.

- Budget and resources are minimally planned or poorly justified.

- The action plan is detailed and feasible but may lack thoroughness.

- Stakeholders are identified but with limited roles or resource allocation.

- The budget and resources are planned but may need more details or justification.

- The action plan is detailed, feasible, and thoroughly developed.

- Stakeholders are identified with clear roles and effective resource allocation.

- The budget and resources are well-planned and justified.

- The action plan is exceptionally detailed, feasible, and thoroughly developed.

- Stakeholders are comprehensively identified with clear roles and effective resource allocation.

- Budget and resources are meticulously planned and justified.
Campaign Presentation


- A reflective essay needs to be included or provide insights into the learning process.

- Challenges need to be identified, and solutions need to be provided.

- Reflection on improvements could be more thoughtful and detailed.
Below Expectations

- A reflective essay provides minimal insights into the learning process.

- Challenges need to be better identified with vague or minimal solutions.

- Reflection on improvements needs to be more detailed.

- A reflective essay provides some insights into the learning process.

- Challenges are identified with some solutions but may need more depth.

- Reflection on improvements is thoughtful but may lack detail.

- A reflective essay provides good insights into the learning process.

- Challenges are identified with clear solutions.

- Reflection on improvements is thoughtful and detailed.

- A reflective essay provides deep insights into the learning process.

- Challenges are identified with comprehensive solutions.

- Reflection on improvements is thoughtful and highly detailed.


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