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iRubric: Change Project (Group Collaboration) rubric

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Change Project (Group Collaboration) 
Choose one of the topics from this course and define a problem or challenge to address in a way that seeks to create change. Description of the problem. Develop a plan of action. Develop a specific proposal for change in education that addresses the problem identified.
Rubric Code: S247363
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Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: Graduate

Powered by iRubric Change Project (Group Collaboration)

5 pts


4 pts


3 pts

Description of Problem (Inquiry)


The group presentation clearly explains the context and nature of change being proposed. Stakeholders, allies, and resistors are all detailed as is the domain in which the change resides.

The group presentation explains the context and nature of change being proposed. Stakeholders are identified as is the domain in which the change resides.

The context and nature of proposed change may need further investigation or articulation. Stakeholders are identified but their importance is not detailed. The domain in which the change resides is not clear.
Plan of Action (Collaboration)


The group presentation clearly describes who the key stakeholders are and why. The proposal for change is well-developed plan of action that takes into consideration needs of stakeholders. It also defines and details the allies and resistors and how they may respond to the change.

The group presentation describes who the key stakeholders are and why. The proposal for change includes a plan of action that takes into consideration needs of stakeholders. It also defines and details the allies and resistors and how they may respond to the change.

The group partially accounts for the stakeholders and provides little substantiation of who may or may not be considered an ally or resistor. As such, the plan of action lacks adequate detail for how it will effectively address variables on the ground that impact effectiveness.
Presentation (Vision Building)


The presentation clearly describes an achievable change. The group develops a strong voice by articulating and substantiating the personal/professional importance of this change. The presentation effectively integrates the description of problem and plan of action with a video recording of a simulated presentation to a key body of stakeholders

The presentation describes an achievable change. The group develops a voice by articulating the personal/professional importance of this change. The description of the problem is identified and a plan of action described through a video recorded presentation to a body of stakeholders

The presentation describes a change although it may not be achievable. Greater explanation of the personal/professional importance of this change is required.
Mastery of Literature Reviewed


In the description of problem, plan of action, and presentation, the group demonstrates substantial engagement with course material and relevant literature reviewed.

The presentation supports the description of problem and plan of action throughout the presentation with adequate engagement with course material and relevant literature reviewed.

The group presentation is unclear as to how he/she will address the stakeholders based on perspectives gained from course material and relevant literature. Discussion of the literature is not adequately developed to substantiate and detail how the proposed plan of action will approach making change.
Submitted on Time


Submitted by Due Date

Submitted one day late

Submitted two days late



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