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iRubric: Composition: Rule of Thirds rubric

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Composition: Rule of Thirds 
Students will be assessed on how effectively they completed the assignment and demonstrated the use of the "rule of thirds".
Rubric Code: RXX4B9C
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Rule of Thirds

20 pts

Above average

18 pts


17 pts

Below average

15 pts

Assignment Specifications
20 %


Shot conposition goes beyond the minimum level of quality and subject matter to satisfy the assignment. Subject matter is appropriate for assignment.
Above average

Shot composition meets the minimum level of quality and subject matter to satisfy the assignment. Subject matter is appropriate for the assignment.

Shots meet the minimum level of quality and subject matter to satisfy the assignment. Subject matter could be improved; it is not immediately clear how the picture meets the Rule of Thirds requirements.
Below average

Shot does not meet the mimimum level of quality to satisfy the assignment. Subject matter is inappropriate or unsuccessful for this assignment.
Composition & Design
20 %


Composition is purposeful, and clearly and uniquely demonstrates the use of the "rule of thirds". Demonstrates excellent use of composition create visual interest in the subject.
Above average

Composition is purposeful. The subject is clearly stated but the focus is, at times, distracting.

Subject is evident but weakened by busyness or objects. The viewers eye is somewhat attracted to the dominant features.
Below average

No subject is evident. The viewers eye is distracted by busyness. There is little or no evidence of thoughtful composition. The shot appears unbalanced.
Visual Impact / Presentation
20 %


The shot shows originality of thought and exhibits effective use of composition. The shot creates strong viewer response and is visually exciting. Artistic enhancement adds to the visual impact.
Above average

The shot exhibis effective use of composition, image creates minimal level of viewer response. Artistic enhancement adds to the impact.

The shot exhibits an attempt at the effective use of composition, does not elicit much if any viewer response. Artistic enhancement is inappropriate to image or distracting.
Below average

The shot does not exhibit a discernible regard for composition, and does not elicit any viewer response. Artistic enhancement has little effect or is distracting.
Artist Statement / Responsiveness
20 %

Responsiveness is equivalent to work ethic.


The student displayed an enthusiastic and positive response at all times during the project and participated very frequently.
Above average

The student displayed a positive response most of the time during the project and participated often.

The student displayed a mostly positive response during a majority of the project. The student did not participate often.
Below average

The student did not display a positive response during a majority of the project and or did not participate often or at all.
Photoshop Editing
20 %


The student used Photoshop to edit the photo and understood how to use the Rule of Thirds grid to crop the photo. The student went above and beyond to use Photoshop to bring the photo to high quality. The photo was formatted and turned in as a .jpg in Edmodo.
Above average

The student edited the photo and understood how to use the Rule of Thirds to crop the photo. The photo was formatted and turned in as a .jpg in Edmodo.

There was no use of Photoshop to edit the photo. Editing may have been done on the camera. The student understood how to use the Rule of Thirds to position the subject. The photo was formatted and turned in as a .jpg in Edmodo.
Below average

The student did not display an understanding of the Rule of Thirds in positioning or cropping the picture. The image may have not been turned in as a .jpg.


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