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iRubric: Determining the Meaning of unknown words rubric

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Determining the Meaning of unknown words 
Rubric Code: RXW3C24
Public Rubric
Subject: Education  
Type: Reading  
Grade Levels: 6-8

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  Needs more time and support

1 pts

Meets expectations

2 pts

Exceeds expectations

3 pts

Student can read story with unknown

Needs more time and support

The student is not able to read a story with unfamiliar words without assistance
Meets expectations

Students can read a story with unfamiliar words and figure out words with little help.
Exceeds expectations

Students can read a story with unfamiliar words and demonstrates understanding with no help.
Recognition of unfailiar words

Needs more time and support

The student does not recognize unfamiliar words and skips over them
Meets expectations

The student recognizes unfamiliar words and uses a strategy to find the meaning of the word with assistance.
Exceeds expectations

The student recognizes unfamiliar words and uses a strategy to find the meaning of the word without assistance.
Can identify the strategy used

Needs more time and support

The student show no evidence of using strategies to find unfamiliar word meaning.
Meets expectations

The student demonstrates adequate usage of at least one strategy to find meaning of unfamiliar words in a story.
Exceeds expectations

The student demonstrates an understanding of the strategies and applies more than one strategy to find the meanings of unfamiliar words in a story without assistance.



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