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iRubric: Two Tone Poetry rubric

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Two Tone Poetry 
Rubric Code: RXC498W
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Two Tone Poetry
  Exceeding Standards

4 pts

Meeting Standards

3 pts

Approaching Standards

2 pts

Below Standards

1 pts


Exceeding Standards

Poem incorporates two aspects in a unique and original way to describe the speaker’s personality or mood. Poem contains
at least 10 lines of verse.
Meeting Standards

Poem incorporates two aspects
to describe the speaker’s personality or mood in a somewhat creative way. Poem contains
at least 8 lines of verse
Approaching Standards

Poems incorporates two aspects to describe the speaker’s personality or mood in a superficial or unoriginal way. Poem contains
fewer than 8 lines of verse
(poem is poorly edited)
Below Standards

Poems incorporates no or only one aspect to describe the speaker’s personality or mood.

better editing: too many errors).

Exceeding Standards

Poem uses vivid and exact word
choices; sensory
details and images create
powerful (symbolic) meanings
that connect to the speaker.
Meeting Standards

Poem mostly uses mostly vivid or precise word choices; sensory details and images create standard meanings (not very symbolic) that connect to the speaker.
Approaching Standards

Poem uses somewhat precise and vivid word choices; a limited number of sensory details or images create a few connection to the speaker.
Below Standards

Poem uses vague or poor word
choices; few sensory details or
images create minimal (or
confusing) meanings that
barely connect to the speaker.

Exceeding Standards

Poem is well edited with no errors evident.
Meeting Standards

Poem is edited with only 1-2 errors evident.
Approaching Standards

Poem was only somewhat edited with 3-4 errors evident.
Below Standards

Poem was not edited and contains 5+ errors.

Exceeding Standards

Poem is at least 10+ lines long.
Meeting Standards

Approaching Standards

Below Standards

Poem is less than 10 lines long.

  • two voice poetry



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