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iRubric: Finding Themes in Literature rubric

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Finding Themes in Literature 
Students will write a theme statement from various sources and provide evidence from the text to support their findings.
Rubric Code: RX648BW
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Themes in literature
  Exceeds Standard

4 pts

At Standard

3 pts

Approaching Standard

2 pts

Below Standard

1 pts

Universal Theme


Exceeds Standard

The thematic idea is clear and explicitly stated.
At Standard

Thematic idea is stated.
Approaching Standard

Thematic idea is unclear, unstated or confusing.
Below Standard

There is no thematic idea stated.
Theme Statement

LAFS.8.RL.1.1 LAFS.8.RI.1.1

Exceeds Standard

Student presents a complete thematic statement and provides at least three examples of conclusive evidence from the text to support this statement.
At Standard

Student presents a complete thematic statement and provides only two examples support for this thematic statement.
Approaching Standard

Student presents an incomplete thematic statement and provides no concrete support for this thematic statement.
Below Standard

There is no theme statement provided.
Evaluating Themes


Exceeds Standard

Student thoroughly explores ways in which the identified themes support (or do not support) the story, and how well the author develops and sustains his themes. Several references to the text are used as support.
At Standard

Student partially explores ways in which identified themes support (or do not support) the story, and the author's handling of his themes. Few references from the text are cited as support.
Approaching Standard

Student barely explores how theme supports or strengthen the story, or how well the author handles his themes. No concrete citations from the text used as support.
Below Standard

Student doesn't explore a theme at all.
Summary of Story/Book


Exceeds Standard

Student determines the central ideas and analyzes its development over the course of the text, providing an objective summary. Summary includes most of the pivotal points of the story.
At Standard

Student determines the central ideas and analyzes its development over the course of the text, providing an objective summary. Summary includes some of the pivotal points of the story.
Approaching Standard

Student does not have the central ideas and no analysis of its development over the course of the text, providing an objective summary. Summary includes few of the pivotal points of the story.
Below Standard

Student has no central ideas and/or summary. Does not include pivotal points of the story.
Making Connections


Exceeds Standard

Student analyzes and makes at least three different connections between individuals, ideas, or events in the text with his/her own life, to similar events at other times and places, to people and problems seen in today’s society, and to other literary works.
At Standard

Student analyzes and makes less than three different connections between individuals, ideas, or events in the text with his/her own life, to similar events at other times and places, to people and problems seen in today’s society, and to other literary works.
Approaching Standard

Student analyzes and makes less than three different connections (or connections are from the same source) between individuals, ideas, or events in the text with his/her own life, to similar events at other times and places, to people and problems seen in today’s society, and to other literary works.
Below Standard

Student makes no connections to individuals, ideas, or events in the text with his/her own life, to similar events at other times and places, to people and problems seen in today’s society, and to other literary works.


Exceeds Standard

Illustration is creatively presented; shows obvious evidence of the text chosen for presentation. Illustration shows attention to detail, neatness, and effort.
At Standard

Illustration is presented; shows obvious evidence of the text chosen for presentation. Illustration shows some attention to detail, neatness, and effort.
Approaching Standard

Illustration is presented; shows some evidence of the text chosen for presentation. Illustration shows little or no detail, neatness, and effort.
Below Standard

No illustration is presented.


Exceeds Standard

Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. In group, all members share equally in the presentation.
At Standard

Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a mostly focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. In group, all members share at least some part of the presentation.
Approaching Standard

Present claims and findings in a mostly focused, coherent manner but with no relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and/or well-chosen details; does not use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. In group, some members do not share at least some part of the presentation.
Below Standard

Presentation does not have any of the required elements; members are obviously not prepared, and/or only one member presents.
Conventions of English


Exceeds Standard

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Written work is presented in proper typed format including heading, font size, margins, and double-spacing. Less than three errors noted.
At Standard

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Written work is presented in proper typed format including heading, font size, margins, and double-spacing. Greater than three errors noted.
Approaching Standard

Little attention given to the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Written work is not presented in proper typed format including heading, font size, margins, and double-spacing. Many errors in conventions and presentation.
Below Standard

No written work is submitted.

  • Theme Literature English


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