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iRubric: Video Commercial or Advertisement rubric

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Video Commercial or Advertisement 
Final Project!!!! 150 points possible!! Students will create a commercial advertisement promoting their marketing project. The commercial must include the following: slogan, logo, what is the product , why student should attend , who the college is trying to recruit.
Rubric Code: RX2C9X5
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Public Rubric
Subject: Business  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Video/ Commercial/ Advertisement
  Exceeded Expectations

30 pts

Met most Expectations

24 pts

Met some Expectations

18 pts

Did not meet Expectations

12 pts




State Standards, 3.01.17,4.01.08,

Exceeded Expectations

Group showed an understanding of how to position the college brand in order to recruit students. Related at least 3 different concepts. Showed the college image in positive manner that would entice students to attend.
Met most Expectations

The group showed some understanding of brand positioning and incorporated 2 additional, related concepts showing acceptable effort. Showed some things about the school that were positive and was somewhat persuasive.
Met some Expectations

The student expressed factual information in manner that showed little effort. The commercial had only small amounts of persuasive elements.
Did not meet Expectations

The student expressed information unrelated to fact in a manner that showed no effort. The commercial was not persuasive.
Creativity/ Organization

State Standards 4.01.08, 4.01.14, 4.01.15

Exceeded Expectations

The student product had content related to the topic as well as supplemental information relating to people and places. The ad flowed and was viewer pleasing. Very easy to see what group the commercial was targeting.
Met most Expectations

The student had content related to the topic with no supplemental information relating to people or places. The ad flowed and was viewer pleasing. The viewer could figure out what group was being targeted.
Met some Expectations

The student had minimal content related to the topic. The ad was hard to follow.
It was difficult to see what group the commercial was targeting.
Did not meet Expectations

The content was unrelated to the topic and the ad was hard to follow. It was not possible to see what group the commercial was targeting.
Storyboard Clarity & Neatness

21 century skills: 2,3

State Standards: 4.01 08, 3.01.17, 4.01.14, 4.01.15

Exceeded Expectations

Storyboard is easy to read and all elements are so clearly written, labeled, and drawn that someone else could re-create the ad.
Met most Expectations

Easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, and drawn . Someone could re-create the ad after asking 1-2 questions.
Met some Expectations

Storyboard is difficult to read with rough drawings and labels. It would be hard for someone to re-create the ad without asking a lot of questions.
Did not meet Expectations

Storyboard is too difficult to read. It would be impossible to re-create the ad.
Group collaberation

21 Century skills 2,3

Exceeded Expectations

All members of group worked productively with each other. Everyone valued the contributions of all members of the group
Met most Expectations

Most members of group worked productively. Most contributions were valued by all members of the group.
Met some Expectations

Group struggled to get along. Group did not listen and value input from all members.
Did not meet Expectations

Very little if any group collaboration. Input was clearly not valued by group.
Use of Technology

21 Century skills, 1, 4, 5

Exceeded Expectations

Used appropriate technology for project in a creative way that was visually appealing. Used media to convey intended message. Communicates message clearly to persuade viewers.
Met most Expectations

Used some technology in a way that was understood by viewer. The message of the commercial was understood.
Met some Expectations

Used technology, but did not use it to effectively convey message. The commercial was hard to follow and understand.
Did not meet Expectations

Very little effort was used to incorporate technology commercial was not clear. Difficult to understand what the group was trying to accomplish with commercial.

  • education,advertisment, commercial

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