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iRubric: 2017 Drawing1 Midterm Portfolio Rubric

iRubric: 2017 Drawing1 Midterm Portfolio Rubric

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2017 Drawing1 Midterm Portfolio Rubric 
Rubric Code: R62459
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Drawing Midterm Portfolio
60 %

Great work, exceeds all criteria

100 pts


Good work, lacking in few areas, meets majority of criteria

85 pts


Adequate work, lacking in most areas, meets little criteria

70 pts


Unsatisfactory, work is inadequate and of poor quality. No criteria met

50 pts



Instruction & Concepts
10 %

Level of understanding about instructions and concepts. Student able to implement techniques and properly apply medium.


Drawings are planned carefully; a understanding of all concepts and techniques are demonstrated to the highest degree.

Drawings are planned well, showing understanding of most concepts and instructions demonstrated.

The artwork shows little evidence of understanding the concepts and instructions.

The student did the minimum or artwork was never fully completed.
5 %

Based on portfolio required items.


The student has all work from class, All classwork pieces are finished drawings. Presentation considered, (clean edges, no smudges, rips etc). Spent time after class to complete work

Majority of classwork included, drawings are unfinished. Presentation was somewhat considered (some clean edges etc)

Some missing work, drawings are not finished. Presentation was not considered.

Few items are included, drawings unfinished and sloppy presentation.
Skill & Growth
10 %

Shows control, understanding of techniques and concepts taught.
Growth based on implementing and progression of techniques taught into each work. Progression of drawing quality from early works to current.


Drawings show mark making done in a careful, logical manner. control of mark making, rendering of edges and textures. compositions are finished.
Excellent growth seen from the early pieces to the final works.

Drawings show good control of mark making, evidence of some refinement. Almost finished compositions. Significant amount of growth from the early pieces to the most current works.

drawings show minimal control of mark making. large areas of white are left, sloppy mark making. some growth seen between pieces of work.

artworks shows no attention to control of mark making majority of drawing is blank. Little or no growth
10 %

Creative freedom of expression, sketches outside of class, practice of techniques taught in class


Contains drawings from life, practice of techniques from class, shows elements and principles of design and composition, exploration of mark making

Student has some sketches, effort was met, but lacks refinement, shows principles of design

Student has few sketches, some effort was used, shows few principles of design

Student put no real effort, sloppy work, no thought or creativity was used
15 %

Work assigned outside of class


Student has all of the homework labeled and organized, put forth the needed amount of time and effort to create a finished piece.

Student has all of the homework organized,
focus on rendering and detail. Little to no areas left empty, needs a little more time spent

Student is missing some homework assignments. Mark making looks rushed in some areas. Assignment (s) are left unfinished- large empty spaces

Student is missing majority of homework little to no effort was put into work
5 %

Work ethic; time dedicated to the project inside and/or out of class. Creative problem solving demonstrated when working through the creative process.


The student's completed work is above standard; uses class time exceptional well.

The student put forth the effort required to finish class assignments, need just a bit more; used class time adequately.

The student put forth little effort to finish class assignments; class time was not used well.

The student did not finish their work in a satisfactory manner; class time was not used well.
Technical Skills
40 %

Good work, meets all criteria

100 pts


Good work, lacking in some areas, meets majority of criteria

85 pts


Adequate work, lacking in areas, meets little criteria

70 pts


Unsatisfactory, work is inadequate and of poor quality. No criteria met

55 pts



Line Quality
10 %

Clarity, accuracy, detail, variation, sensitivity to texture. Shows good use of contour line to create the sense of volume and depth of organic and geometric shapes.


student used many aspects of detail of the objects that created a sense of realism. line weight and quality was considered and implemented. Many details add to the richness and interesting effect, including details shadows, textures, etc.

Student used many aspects of detail of the objects that created some sense of realism. The use of overlapping objects were used. There are clean lines,all materials that are used were done so in a proper manner

Line was sometimes drawn with sensitivity and variation but was not consistently interesting or was impatiently applied in some areas. There was no use of the details in objects create a sense of dimension. Interior lines did not follow exterior lines to create roundness.

Student has a very poor understanding of the tools and techniques covered in class. No care or very little care was given to application of line.
Line was sloppy or quickly sketched in.
10 %

Value Range demonstrates a good understanding of value. Shading is done gradually with smooth transitions.


Student understands how to use the tools and techniques covered in class to obtain correct VALUES. The student spent the time to make sure the values were correct, using lightest light and darkest dark to obtain a full value range.

Student understands how to use the tools and techniques covered in class enough to obtain semi-believable values. Some of the values are a little too far off, and could have been corrected with closer observation. Images look high or low contrast, very similar or grayed out. Real effort was used.

Student has a poor understanding of the tools and techniques covered in class. values are a little too far off, either because of lack of time and effort or understanding. Images is most likely incomplete or very grayed out and flat. May have lights and dark's that are competing for the lightest light or the darkest dark.

Student has a no real understanding of the tools and techniques covered in class. Values are incorrect, either because of lack of time and effort or understanding. Images are most likely incomplete. Student most likely missed days, which made it impossible to have the time to achieve objectives.
10 %

Orientation of picture plane for best layout. Figure/ ground relationships.
consideration of how composition is read.
Use of principles and elements of design - Symmetry/ asymmetry, balance/ unbalance, positive/ negative space, etc.


The composition fills entire picture plane in an interesting way. Incorporation of negative space as part of the composition. composition holds the eye, visually well balanced. incorporates most of the design elements (balance, contrast, harmony, emphasis, movement, proportion, pattern, variety, unity, rhythm, repetition etc).

composition incorporating several of the design elements (balance, contrast, harmony, emphasis, movement, proportion, pattern, variety, unity, rhythm, repetition). Drawing is close to being finished.

Composition incorporating few of the design elements. Little understanding of concepts covered in class. Majority of drawing is unfinished

No use of the design elements. Student has a very poor understanding of concepts covered in class. Image is most likely incomplete
Proportions and Perspective
10 %

Objects are sighted for correct relative proportion to each other. Proportions of the forms; Attention to the Alignment and spacing of negative spaces. Appropriate perspective systems are used when needed. Informal perspective - Using subtle changes in the angles of lines to create the illusion of 3D space Linear perspective - horizon line, vanishing points, etc.


Student understands how to use the tools and techniques covered in class to obtain correct proportions and perspectives.

Student understands how to use the tools and techniques covered in class just enough to obtain semi-believable proportions and perspective. Some of the proportions are a little to far off, and could have been corrected with a little more time and effort.

Student has a poor understanding of the tools and techniques covered in class. Proportions, perspective and details are a little too far off, either because of lack of time and effort or understanding.

Student has a very poor understanding of the tools and techniques covered in class. Perspective, proportions and details are incorrect, either because of lack of time and effort or understanding. Image is most likely incomplete. Student most likely missed days, which made it impossible to have the time to achieve objectives of project.
Craftsmanship/ Finish
10 %

Clean, no smudges, tear. Skillful use of medium, further enhances the sense of 3D created by the use of line. Mark making is varied and interesting, and highly crafted.


Media is used carefully and skillfully and the drawings are completely finished. Student used class time well. The student worked hard and completed class assignments.

Media is used fairly well but could be improved or cleaned up. Some areas of the drawing may need further attention. The student finished the project, but it could have been improved with more effort.

Media is used poorly and needs improvement and/or cleaned up. Majority of drawing is unfinished and needs further attention. Time management needs improvement.

Media is used incorrectly or without refinement, drawing is unfinished or appears messy and needs attention. Presentation has not been considered.
Student did not use class time wisely.

  • Art work, art project, art assessment


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