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iRubric: Portrait using a Grid rubric

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Portrait using a Grid 
The student will use a photo as a the reference to create a life-like portrait.

Powered by iRubric Grid Portrait

25 pts

Meets Standards

20 pts


15 pts

Needs Improvement

5 pts

Transfer of Facial Features


Transferred image from photo is exact and accurate. Finished portrait utilizes features from photo, student makes edits were necessary to achieve correct proportions. All features are properly drawn and placed.
Meets Standards

Transferred image is close to original image. Most features are in correct place. Proportion and placement are almost an accurate depiction of photo.

Drawing is somewhat accurate but not duplicated exactly. Some facial features are not in place and are not proportionate to photo.
Needs Improvement

Transferred drawing from photo grid to tagboard grid is inaccurate. Facial features are not in the proper place and are disproportionate to the size of the head. Gridlines are still noticeable.
Use of media pencil and tagboard


Pencil is used to create accurate values and other details by blending subtle gradations or using fine cross hatching techniques to create different values changes. Details are neat and well defined.
Meets Standards

Pencil is used to create values and other details by blending different values. Values may be slightly different from the photo. Details are mostly neat and defined.

Facial tones are patchy and not well blended. Values may be slightly off and unrealistic. Details are poorly defined or outlined. Contrast between pencil paper are vague or are too dark.
Needs Improvement

Little blending has been used. Details are lacking or are poorly defined. Presentation is untidy. Not a creative use of pencil and manilla background.


Value is used in a very expressive manner. A varied range of value and contrast (value range of darks, highlights, and mid tones) and all objects are shaded where needed.
Meets Standards

Value is used in a somewhat expressive way. Values have been blended showing proficiency using medium on manilla tagboard.

Value is used in an average way. Value is added to most of the features and shading somewhat reflects the actual value of the photograph portrait. Attempts to blend gradient values.
Needs Improvement

Value is lifeless and below average. Little value is added to enhance features. Shading is not used and does not reflect the value of the portrait. No blending or dramatic jumps in value are shown.
Effort/Studio Participation


The student put forth extraordinary effort to complete the project as well as possible; used class time extremely well.
Meets Standards

The student put forth the effort required to complete the project well; used class time well.

The student put forth the effort required to finish the project; used some class time adequately. Had to be reminded of the task at hand.
Needs Improvement

The student put forth little effort required to finish the project; class time was not used well.

  • Self-Portrait, Value, Grid, Photo-Realism

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