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iRubric: Student Self-Assessment rubric

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Student Self-Assessment 
Self-assess yourself on how you think you did with this lesson on the effects that the environment and sunlight have on the growth of a plant. Remember to always be honest with yourself and reflect on everything you've learned over the last several weeks.
Rubric Code: R24B225
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Reflection  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric IBL Lesson Self-Assessment

5 pts


10 pts


15 pts


20 pts

Online Plant Growth Simulation with Observations


Completed the simulation, but did not pay attention to the type of seeds or the growth. May have jotted down some research and few to no observations.

Completed the simulation once for every type of seed.
Created a google document jotting down key research information that you found interesting.
Creating an observations sections somewhat describing the results from the simulation.

Completed the simulation a few times with each type of seed.
Created a google document and jotted down key research information that you found interesting.
Created an observations section fully describing every time that the simulation was completed.

Completed the simulation at least 5 different times with each type of seed.
Created a google document and jotted down key research information that you found interesting.
Created an observations section fully describing every time that the simulation was completed.
Document was shared on time with the teacher for full credit.
Class Experiment


Refused to follow teacher instructions throughout the whole experiment and potted the plant however the student wanted.
Struggled to clean up materials.

Struggled to follow teacher instructions thought the whole experiment.
Added the wrong amount of water and possibly placed it in a part of the classroom where it wasn't supposed to go.
Materials were cleaned up.

Followed teacher instructions throughout the whole experiment.
Added the correct amount of water, but was struggling to agree with table mates on where to place the pots.
Materials were cleaned up.

Clearly followed teacher instructions throughout the whole experiment.
Added the correct amount of water and plant was placed the area of the room that was agreed on with your table group.
All materials were picked up properly and efficiently.
Microsoft Excel Table/Predictions


Predictions were drawn on what students believe the plants would look like over the course of the next several weeks, but no table was created.

Microsoft Excel Table was created with the right title, rows/columns (dependent variable, independent variables, amount of water, and amount of sunlight).
Student did not draw predictions.

Microsoft Excel Table was created with the right title, but may have missed or placed incorrectly the rows/columns (dependent variable, independent variables, amount of water, and amount of sunlight). Predictions were also drawn on what students believe the plants would look like over the course of the next several weeks.

Microsoft Excel Table was created with the right title, rows/columns (dependent variable, independent variables, amount of water, and amount of sunlight).
Predictions were also drawn on what students believe the plants would look like over the course of the next several weeks.
Essay/Symbaloo Resources


Essay was very disorganized. Page length requirement was not met. Few to no resources were incorporated in the essay. Symbaloo was not created.

Essay was somewhat thoughtful, met page requirement, followed the teacher instructions, incorporates few citations within the essay. The essay did not have a clear organization pattern. Symbaloo was embedded, but only 1-5 sources were used.

Essay was thoughtful, met page requirement, followed the teacher instructions, incorporates text citations within the essay. The essay was organized, but had some grammar errors.
Symbaloo was created beautifully and was embedded in the essay with at least 6-8 sources.

Essay was very thoughtful, concise, met page requirement, followed the teacher instructions thoroughly, incorporated text citations within the essay, and had no grammar errors.
Essay was very well organized.
Symbaloo was created beautifully and embedded in the essay with at least 6-8 sources.
Engagement in Class Discussions and Lessons


Student participated in few to no class discussions or answered questions that the teacher asked.
Student did not seem engaged, was interrupting their peers, and being disrespectful.

Student participated in a few of the class discussions and questions that the teacher asked throughout the lesson.
Student was somewhat engaged and was respectful when their peers were speaking.
Student caused a few class disruptions.

Student participated in most of the class discussions and questions that the teacher asked throughout the lesson.
Student was for the most part engaged and was very respectful when their peers were speaking causing no class disruptions.

Participated in all of the class discussions and questions that the teacher asked throughout the lesson.
Student was highly engaged and encouraging their peers to share their opinions.
Student was very respectful when their peers were speaking and did not cause any class disruptions.



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