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iRubric: Unit Guide | Presentation Team rubric

iRubric: Unit Guide | Presentation Team rubric

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Unit Guide | Presentation Team 
The Presentation Team must present their unit guide, as a team, to the class. Each member of the presentation team must choose PowerPoint, Keynote, iMovie, or a Podcast to present the assigned terms. You will earn a grade that reflects the accuracy and detail of your historical research, and the quality of the presentation of your terms. Students on the presentation team must prepare a storyboard/script that reflects the textual, audio and visual content of the presentation for the teacher, and for each member of their team. You must attach a “Works Cited” section to your storyboard/script. You must utilize at least two sources per term. You may not use the same source more than twice for your portion of the assignment. In addition to an individual grade for the research and the presentation, each student on the presentation team will earn a team collaboration grade. The team collaboration grade will be based on how effectively you perform your role as a member of the team.
Rubric Code: QX3A247
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Subject: History  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Unit Guide | Presentation Team

5 pts


4 pts

High Achievement

3 pts


2 pts

Minimal Achievement

1 pts



Historical | Factual Detail

Degree of Accuracy | Completeness of Factual Information


Extensively developed definition/description/ discussion/explanation/ identification of terms, completely accurate with regard to historical/factual information

Fully developed definition/description/ discussion/explanation/ identification of term(s), accurate with regard to historical/factual information
High Achievement

Sufficiently developed definition/description/ discussion/explanation/ identification of terms, mostly accurate with regard to historical/factual information

Partially developed definition/description/ discussion/explanation/ identification of terms, somewhat inaccurate with regard to historical/factual information
Minimal Achievement

Vague and/or confused definition/description/ discussion/explanation/ identification of terms, inaccurate with regard to historical/factual information

__________________ __________________
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Historical | Factual Detail

Quality of Factual Detail | Depth | Degree of Linkage of Detail to Unit Topic


Specific, illustrative and supportive historical/ factual detail, both exceptional and concise with regard to depth, each term is, through entirely relevant detail, linked to the unit of study

Specific and supportive historical/factual detail, excellent with regard to depth, each term is, through relevant detail, linked to the unit of study
High Achievement

Adequate historical/factual detail, sufficient with regard to depth, each term is, through mostly relevant detail, linked to the unit of study

Limited historical/factual detail, superficial with regard to depth, most terms are, through mostly relevant detail, linked to the unit of study
Minimal Achievement

Distinctly underdeveloped historical/factual detail, superficial with regard to depth, some terms are, through insufficiently relevant detail, minimally linked to the unit of study

__________________ __________________
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Subject Knowledge

Demonstrated Knowledge of Subject | Topic | Assignment Requirements


Specific, illustrative, supportive, and extensively developed detail, demonstrates a complete understanding of the various terms and their connection to the topic of study, provides clear explanation and elaboration, exceeds expectations

Specific, supportive, and fully developed detail, demonstrates a thorough understanding of the various terms and their connection to the topic of study, answers all questions with some elaboration, fully meets expectations
High Achievement

Adequate, and sufficiently developed detail, demonstrates a good understanding of the various terms and their connection to the topic of study, answers most questions but unable to elaborate, meets expectations

Limited, and partially developed detail, demonstrates partial understanding of the various terms and/or their connection to the topic of study, appears uncomfortable with information, answers only most basic questions
Minimal Achievement

Underdeveloped, vague, confusing detail, demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the various terms and/or their connection to the topic of study, demonstrates little understanding of subject, cannot answer questions about subject

__________________ __________________
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Preproduction | Script

Sequence-Organization (Graphics|Text) | Transitions | Text Elements | Grammar | Sentence-Paragraph Structure | Spelling


No grammatical/
mechanical errors, exceptionally clear, logical, sophisticated organization of content including transitions, presentation is completely consistent with script content

No significant grammatical/
mechanical errors, clear organization of content though transitions are reasonably smooth they could be improved, presentation is mostly consistent with script
High Achievement

Few, if any, grammatical/
mechanical errors, sufficient organization of content, some transitional problems exist and could be improved, presentation varies somewhat from the script

mechanical errors interfere somewhat with understanding, satisfactory with regard to organization of content, transitions are problematic, presentation varies from script
Minimal Achievement

Repeated grammatical/
mechanical errors profoundly interfere with understanding, minimal level of achievement with regard to organization of content, insufficient attention to formatting instructions,

__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
Audio | Visual | Delivery

Oral Presentation| Graphics | Fonts | Color | Music | General Appearance


Audio-visual elements are consistently superior, enthusiastic tone, consistent volume, delivered at a natural speed, music enhances presentation, graphics are relevant and demonstrate a deep understanding of subject, superior graphics always consistent with text, creativity is evident

Audio-visual elements of presentation are excellent, enthusiastic tone, appropriate volume, and speed of delivery are maintained, music enhances presentation, graphics are relevant and demonstrate a fairly complete understanding of subject, excellent graphics consistent with text, creativity is evident
High Achievement

High level of achievement with regard to audio-visual elements, tone, volume, speed are appropriate, music appropriate with regard to theme, graphics relevant, demonstrate a good understanding of subject, mostly consistent with text

Satisfactory level of achievement with regard to audio-visual elements, tone, volume, speed are are inconsistent, music somewhat inappropriate with regard to theme, graphics relevant, demonstrate satisfactory understanding of subject, graphics somewhat consistent with text
Minimal Achievement

Minimal level of achievement with regard to audio-visual elements, tone, volume, speed are inconsistent, music is inappropriate with regard to theme, graphics demonstrate lack of understanding, graphics inconsistent with text

__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Degree of Organization | Effective Use of Sources | Citations


Logical, sophisticated organization of content, exceptional depth and completely accurate historical/factual information indicates extensive use of sources, sources used effectively rather than copied, citations are varied, and perfectly formatted

Thorough organization of content, excellent depth and accurate historical/factual information indicates use of a variety of sources, sources used effectively rather than copied, citations are varied, and properly formatted
High Achievement

Sufficient organization of content, sufficient and functional depth and accuracy of historical/factual information indicates some use of sources beyond the minimum requirement, sources used effectively, citations are sufficiently formatted

Limited organization of content, partial development of historical/factual detail, and/or superficial nature of depth indicates that a sufficient variety of sources were probably not used, citation formatting needs to be improved
Minimal Achievement

Distinct lack of organization, underdeveloped historical/factual detail and insufficient depth indicate an inadequate attempt to use source material effectively, citations missing and/or mostly improperly formatted

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  • Unit Guide | Presentation Team Evaluation



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