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Video: Elective Course Promo 
A Rubric to assess a HS Elective Course Promo Video Project for High School Students, Grades 9-12.
Rubric Code: QX2C2AW
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Public Rubric
Subject: Communication  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Elective Promo Project
95 - 100 Distinguished
90 - 94 Skilled
80 - 89 Proficient
70 - 79 Developing
Below 70 Inadequate

Below 70

1 pts


70 - 79

2 pts


80 - 89

3 pts


90 - 94

4 pts


95 - 100

5 pts


Folder Created
Appropriate Names
- ALL Resource Files
- ALL Project Files
- ALL Final Exported/Rendered Movie Files


Folder is MISSING or Named Incorrectly. Half or MORE of the Required Files are MISSING

MISSING TWO of the Required Files

Missing ONE of the Required Files

Folder exists, and has an appropriate name for project. All of the Necessary Resources AND Final Completed Rendered Movies are saved correctly inside the project folder.

In Addition: Contents of folder are meticulously Organized. Folder contains SubFolders. All file names are Descriptive and clearly identifiable. All files are named using a logical convention so they appear in sequential order.
Requirements: Basic Elements

- Opening Title
- Minimum ONE Transition
- Complete Credits
- Goal Statement
- Bibliography
- Lyrics ( if Necessary)
- ALL in Correct Sequence


Project is MISSING THREE or More of the SIX Required Elements and/or THREE or More Required Components are Located Incorrectly in the Sequence of the Video.

Project is MISSING TWO of the SIX Required Elements and/or TWO Required Components are Located Incorrectly in the Sequence of the Video.

Project is MISSING ONE of the SIX Required Elements and/or ONE Required Component is Located Incorrectly in the Sequence of the Video.

Project Includes ALL SIX of the Required Elements, Located in the Correct Sequence within the Video

In Addition: Student created New components that add Richness and Viewer appeal, And/Or so Enhanced One or Two of the Basic Elements so that they are a "Production within a Production" ( ie. Opening title sequence of a James Bond Movie )
ProductionContent: Time

Time Production = Opening Scene to Beginning of Credits Required Original Video Footage = Total Secs


Production was Over/Under by More than 10 seconds. Student was 10 or More seconds short of required original video.

Production was Over/Under by 6-10 seconds. Student was 6-10 seconds short of required original video.

Production was Over/Under by 1-5 seconds. Student was 1-5 seconds short of required original video.

Production was Created to Exact Required Time Specifications. Students utilized the correct amount of Original Video Footage

Production was made up entirely of Original Video Footage and/or where appropriate went Above & Beyond time requirements to create a more comprehensive or In-Depth production
Requirements: Audio Components



Project INCLUDES, Intro & Exit Music. Background Music/Sound is MISSING, Sporadic or " the same throughout the production " Not always appropriate for the moment &/or supporting the theme of the video. The Foleys used are random and may be distracting.

Project INCLUDES, Intro & Exit Music, as well as appropriate Background Music/Sound that enhances the moment, &/or supports the theme of the video. Multiple & Appropriate Sound Effects ( Foleys ) have been used to enrich the story.

Project has NO, Intro, Exit and/or Background Music AND/OR the chosen audio has NO relationship appropriate for the moment or the theme of the video. No Foleys have been used

Project INCLUDES, Intro & Exit Music, as well as appropriate Background Music/Sound throughout the production that enhances the moment, adds fulness, interest, emotion &/or supports the theme of the video. Multiple & Appropriate Sound Effects ( Foleys ) have been used to enrich the story.

Additionally, Student created several Original GargaeBand Loops for specific Scenes and/or Created garageBand Audio for the entire Production
ProductionContent: Audio Level


Virtually ALL of the Audio in the video is Barely Audible & Difficult for the Listener to Understand due to poor Levels (db's), Pronunciation, Diction, or Speed

Segments of the Audio within the video are Barely Audible & Difficult for the Listener to Understand due to poor Levels (db's), Pronunciation, Diction, or Speed

Most of the Audio within the video is Clearly Audible & Understandable to the Listener in Level (db's), Pronunciation, Diction, & Speed

ALL Audio within the video is Clearly Audible & Understandable to the Listener in Level (db's) Pronunciation, Diction, & Speed

In Addition: There are Multiple Instances where several audio components Overlap and their decibel (db) levels have been adjusted to ensure the proper viewer experience as intended by the director.
ProductionContent: Text


There is More than ONE instance where Text is Spelled Incorrectly. There is More than ONE instance where the text is NOT Legible or Readable due to Size, Color, Duration and/or Speed

There is ONE instance where Text is Spelled Incorrectly. There is More than ONE instance where the text is NOT Legible or Readable due to Size, Color, Duration and/or Speed

There is ONE instance where the text is NOT legible or Readable due to Size, Color, Duration and/or Speed

ANY & ALL Text in video is Spelled correctly. ALL text in video is Legible / Readable in Size, Color, Duration and/or Speed

In Addition: Text is treated as a True Visual Art Form, where selection of Font has a relationship to the context, And/Or Multiple Emphasis styles were applied to Enhance Visual Design & Clarity.
AssignmentRequirements: Interviews


There are NO interviews included and/or there is just a single interview that is uninformative or contains 1 word responses.

Project includes Interview with the Instructor ONLY. Interview is Brief and lacks necessary Information.

Project includes Interviews with the Instructor & Current Student(s). However, Interviews lack Information and provide Little Positive Encouragement for viewers to Enroll.

Project includes Interviews with the Instructor & Current Student(s). Interviews are Informative and provide Positive Encouragement for viewers to Enroll.

In Addition, There are Multiple Interviews On Location, with Dynamic Responses utilizing Multiple Cameras, and an Assorted range of Views ( Long, Medium, & Close-Ups )
AssignmentRequirements: Activites

Activities Video, Classroom Video Snippets


There are No Activities Videos within the production and/or is simply video of students sitting in a classroom.

There is a video clip of students engaged in 1 Activity. Video is a single Point of View long/wide Shot showing little or confusing detail.

There is a video clip of students engaged in 1 Activity. Video utilizes Multiple points of View showing details of the current activity.

There are multiple videoclips of students engaged in a classroom activity utilizing Multiple Points of Views, Multiple zoom levels, as well as Dynamic video ( Zooming or Moving Camera ). Details of assignment are clearly visible.

In Addition, there are Multiple videos showing many different activities obviously planned and taken at different times to show a more complete representation of activities that occur throughout the year.
AssignmentRequirements: VoiceOver

A minimum of 1 Instance of a VoiveOver Recording


There is No Voice Over recoding throughout the entire video.

Intentionally BLANK

Intentionally BLANK

The required 1 instance of a VoiceOver recoding is included in the Final Video

In Addition, there are Multiple VoiceOvers And the Narrator used Multiple Instances of Inflection, Volume and Emotion to Emphasize Key Portions of the Subject, as well as incorporating Humor &/or wit to maintain viewer interest.
AssignmentRequirements: CourseFacts

ALL necessary Course Facts ( from the "current" PGHS Program of Studies )
- Name of Course
- Credits
- Pre-Requisites
- Open to
- Course Synopsis
- Instructors
- Other pertinent Information


There 3 or Fewer Facts included in the video and/or they are all just text screens, not integrated into the video. Facts are NOT LISTED after the Goal Statement.

There are Only 4 required facts included within the video, either as text, graphics, or dialog. Facts are NOT LISTED after the Goal Statement.

There are 5 required facts included within the video, either as text, graphics, or dialog. Facts are LISTED after the Goal Statement.

ALL of the required facts are included within the video, either as text, graphics, or dialog. Facts are LISTED after the Goal Statement.

Additional Facts NOT included in the PGHS Program of Studies and/or LifeLong Benefits of taking the specific course have been seamlessly Incorporated within the production.
Digital Video Editing


Production is Incomplete and/or "Raw" Un-Edited video pieced together. Actual video is often Un-Focused. Handheld camera movement is Distracting and Fails to capture the subject of scene.

The production was completed. Video is sometimes Un-Focused. There are Gaps, and/or Camera/Character "Jumps". All video is shot from the same Point of View and Minimal or NO dynamic techniques utilized. Transitions are randomly applied.

The completed production demonstrates Proficiency with the video editing Equipment & Program(s) chosen to create the production. Focused Video progresses from scene to scene with NO gaps. There are some different camera angles and dynamic techniques utilized. Student attempted to utilize Transitions appropriately.

The completed production demonstrates Mastery of the video editing Equipment & Program(s) chosen to create the production. Clearly Focused Video progresses seamlessly from scene to scene. Multiple Camera Angles, and dynamic techniques have been utilized. Transitions are appropriately applied when changing locations or "Point of View".

In Addition: Student located and utilized unique Programs, Apps, Add-Ons, Filters, and/or Special Effects to enhance multiple segments of their video production.


The completed production is a Copy of another video or animation, Expressing No Original thought and/or containing No Unique Attributes.

The completed production Duplicates a Common Perspective in a Typical manner. It is difficult to Identify any instance of Uniqueness or Originality.

The completed production utilizes a Common Theme or Perspective, but attempts to portray the content in a Different Perspective. There are attempts to be Unique but the production still seams to lack Uniqueness or Originality.

The completed production has instances of Uniqueness, Expressing Thoughts & Meaning from a new Perspective. There are moments that Clearly Display Creativity & Originality.

The completed production is Unique throughout, Expressing Thoughts & Meaning from a new Perspective, and Clearly Displaying Multiple instances of Creativity & Originality.

  • Video Assessment



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