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iRubric: Harmful Bacteria Wanted Poster rubric

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Harmful Bacteria Wanted Poster 
The student will demonstrate their knowledge of his or her assigned bacterium by creating a "wanted poster" about the bacteria.
Rubric Code: Q2W927B
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: K-5, 6-8

Powered by iRubric Harmful Bacterium Wanted Poster
  5- exceeds proficiency


3-meets proficiency


2-approaching proficiency


0-beginning proficiency


The Bacterium

5- exceeds proficiency

The name of the bacterium and a centered image are found below the "WANTED" text. No errors in spelling or punctuation.
3-meets proficiency

Either the name of the bacterium or a centered image found below the "WANTED" text are missing. Contains one or two errors in spelling or punctuation.
2-approaching proficiency

The name of the bacterium or a centered image were found above or to the side of the "WANTED" text. Contains three or four errors in spelling or punctuation.
0-beginning proficiency

Name of the bacterium and the image are missing.
"Culprit's MO"

5- exceeds proficiency

"Culprit's MO" or method of spreading is clearly explained in correctly worded phrases or sentences. Information is written in students' paraphrase of sources researched. No errors in spelling or punctuation.
3-meets proficiency

"Culprit's MO" or method of spreading is explained in phrases or sentences, but they are unclearly stated. Information is written in students' paraphrase of sources researched. Contains one or two errors in spelling or punctuation.
2-approaching proficiency

"Culprit's MO" or method of spreading is explained in phrases that require more detail or clarity. Information is not paraphrased, but "cut and pasted" from the sources researched. Contains three or four errors in spelling or punctuation.
0-beginning proficiency

"Culprit's MO" or method of spreading is not explained clearly. Information is not paraphrased, but "cut and pasted" from the sources researched.

5- exceeds proficiency

Student's poster clearly explains the symptoms of bacterial infection. All work is in the student's own words, and is not "cut and pasted." No errors in spelling or punctuation.
3-meets proficiency

Student's poster explains the symptoms of bacterial infection. All work is in the student's own words, and is not "cut and pasted." Contains one or two errors in spelling or punctuation.
2-approaching proficiency

Student's poster either does not explain the symptoms of bacterial infection are missing. Or, the work shows evidence that information is "cut and pasted" directly from a resource. Contains three or four errors in spelling or punctuation.
0-beginning proficiency

Information is missing, incorrect, or taken directly from a website.

5- exceeds proficiency

Bacteria's disease treatment- is clearly explained in sentences written by the student. Fully elaborated explanation of the methods used to cure the infection are clearly explained.No errors in spelling or punctuation.
3-meets proficiency

Methods used to cure the infection are vague. are not clearly explained, but are written in sentences created by the student. Contains one or two errors in spelling or punctuation.
2-approaching proficiency

Bacteria's disease treatment is either not explained at all or are copied and pasted directly from resources. Contains three or four errors in spelling or punctuation.
0-beginning proficiency

Poster has no information on the treatment of the disease

5- exceeds proficiency

Poster was submitted during science class on the due date.
3-meets proficiency

Poster was submitted after the science class but on the date it was due.
2-approaching proficiency

Poster was submitted on school day late.
0-beginning proficiency

Poster was submitted more than one day late.

  • Bacteria, Wanted Poster

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