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iRubric: Pinata Project rubric

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Pinata Project 
Students will make a pinata following the instructions provided by the teacher.
Rubric Code: Q24AC52
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric ¡Piñata!
  Exceeds Standard

4 pts

Meets Standard

3 pts

Emerging Standard

2 pts

Does Not Meet Standard

1 pts

Student Grade


Teacher Grade


Presentation of Pinata

Exceeds Standard

Going beyond the "extra mile", elaborate use of paper, color, design, neatness and attractiveness of pinata.
Meets Standard

Neat, attractive, follows guidelines of pinata instruction.
Emerging Standard

Simple in design and missing 1-2 steps from the guidelines.
Does Not Meet Standard

Poor design and does not follow teacher guidelines.
Student Grade
Teacher Grade

Exceeds Standard

Student worked and stayed on task at all times working on project.
Meets Standard

Student worked on project most of the time. Occasionally off task.
Emerging Standard

Student worked on project some of the time. Was constantly being reminded of task.
Does Not Meet Standard

Student rarely worked on project. Participation was minimal, if any, on project.
Student Grade
Teacher Grade

Exceeds Standard

Extremely eye-catching, original in design colors and creative theme design.
Meets Standard

Good in design and theme, good use of colors.
Emerging Standard

Average in creative design, theme and use of colors.
Does Not Meet Standard

Poor design, theme and use of colors.
Student Grade
Teacher Grade
Studio Habits

Exceeds Standard

Cleaned up every day without any reminders or recleans.
Meets Standard

Clean up every day with one or two reminders or recleans
Emerging Standard

Clean most days with reminders and recleans
Does Not Meet Standard

Cleaned very little and made the rest of the table area clean up.
Student Grade
Teacher Grade


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