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iRubric: Reflection Portfolio Entry rubric

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Reflection Portfolio Entry 
Reflect on experience and make connections to lesson concepts. 1 written paragraph making connections between personal experiences or potential experiences and class material, and detailed reflection. Include the terminology presented on class readings. Make sure you provide your own thoughts, critique, and reflections.
Rubric Code: Q24565X
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Public Rubric
Subject: Test Preparation  
Type: Reflection  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Criteria
  Level 4 - Excellent


5 pts

Level 3 - Good


4 pts

Level 2 - Fair


3 pts

Level 1 - Needs Improvement


1 pts

Class Reflections
5 pts

Level 4 - Excellent

Student is able to explain how CA has helped them improve in each of their classes (3 classes) using specific details.
Level 3 - Good

Student is able to explain how CA has helped them improve in each of their classes (3 classes) but the response may provide general information. Ex: CA has helped me in my math class by giving me time to work.
Level 2 - Fair

Student is able to explain how CA has helped them improve in 1-2 classes and student may have specific details.
Level 1 - Needs Improvement

Student is able to explain how CA has helped them in 1 class and there may or may not have specific details.
Favorite/Best Class Reflection
5 pts

Level 4 - Excellent

Student is able to explain their best/favorite class using at least 5 coherent sentences.
Level 3 - Good

Student is able to explain their best/favorite class using at least 4 coherent sentences.
Level 2 - Fair

Student is able to explain their best/favorite class using at least 3 coherent sentences.
Level 1 - Needs Improvement

Student is able to explain their best/favorite class using 1-2 or coherent sentences.
Social Skill Self- Assessment
5 pts

Level 4 - Excellent

Student is able to identify and explain how CA class has helped to improve their social skills using complete sentences.
Level 3 - Good

Student is able to identify and explain how CA class has helped to improve their social skills but they may fail to use clear, coherent sentences.
Level 2 - Fair

Student is able to either identify OR explain how CA class has helped to improve their social skills using complete sentences.
Level 1 - Needs Improvement

Student is unbale to identify how CA has helped them improve their social skills.
CA Connections to Real World
5 pts

Level 4 - Excellent

Student is able to identify and explain how things they have learned in CA can help them in the real world using 5 sentences or more.
Level 3 - Good

Student is able to identify and explain how things they have learned in CA can help them in the real world using at least 4 sentences.
Level 2 - Fair

Student is able to identify and explain how things they have learned in CA can help them in the real world using at least 3 sentences.
Level 1 - Needs Improvement

Student is able to identify and explain how things they have learned in CA can help them in the real world using at 1-2 sentences.
Individual Performance Rating
5 pts

Level 4 - Excellent

Student is able to accurately self assess their performance in CA class using 4-5 sentences.
Level 3 - Good

Student is able to accurately self assess their performance in CA class, but they only use 3 sentences.
Level 2 - Fair

Student is able to accurately self assess their performance in CA class, but they only use 2 sentences.
Level 1 - Needs Improvement

Student is not able to accurately self assess their performance in CA. Their response is not an accurate description of their performance in the class.
Semester Review
5 pts

Level 4 - Excellent

Student is able to identify viable things they could have done differently to ensure their success in 4-5 sentences.
Level 3 - Good

Student is able to identify viable things they could have done differently to ensure their success in 3 sentences.
Level 2 - Fair

Student is able to identify viable things they could have done differently to ensure their success in 1-2 sentences.
Level 1 - Needs Improvement

Student is unable to identify things they could have done differently to ensure their success.

  • Portfolio Reflection

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