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iRubric: Video Editing rubric

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Video Editing 

Powered by iRubric Video Editing
  Level 1


Level 2


Level 3


Level 4



Level 1

Trimming is incomplete. Most scenes contain clap-board and/or director's voice.
Level 2

Some scenes are trimmed properly; some contain clap-board and/or director's voice.
Level 3

Each scene is trimmed properly; most scenes are trimmed with specified timing.
Level 4

Each scene is expertly trimmed with specified timing creating a smooth flow from one scene to the next.
Titles and Credits

Level 1

Titles and/or credits are incomplete.
Level 2

Titles and/or credits are difficult to read due to size or colour of font or length of running time.
Level 3

Titles are easy to read and colourful. All necessary names included.
Level 4

Titles are easy to read and colourful; length is appropriate. Credits include All necessary names, includes proper spelling.

Level 1

Project contains no transitions.
Level 2

Project contains minimal transitions
Level 3

Project contains suitable transitions.
Level 4

Project contains timed, appropriate transitions for all edits.

Level 1

The project contains no music.
Level 2

Music may not be suitable for the mood and theme of the film and there is only one original work included.
Level 3

Music is suitable for the mood and theme of the film.
Level 4

Music is suitable for the mood and theme of the film. The volume fades out at the end of each song.


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