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iRubric: Metal Recycling and Electromagnets rubric

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Metal Recycling and Electromagnets 
Rubric Code: PX7AWAW
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Public Rubric
Subject: Science  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Metal recycling and Electromagnets
Students create their own leaflet after completing research task.
  Does not Meet

OOPS. I really didn't get much done and didn't complete the assignment.

0 pts


I knew the assignment, but didn't follow all instructions.

0 pts


I really worked hard, and demonstrated a proficient understanding of the key points.

0 pts


I followed all instructions and completed my task to an outstanding level.


Science Content

The leaflet includes explanations of;
- benefits for recycling metal,
-what the metals can be used for
-how electromagnets are used within metal recycling,
-what is a recycling plant and have provided examples
- described common metals that can be recycled.

Does not Meet

The leaflet included very little explanation of the benefits for recycling metal, what the metals can be used for, how electromagnets are used within metal recycling, what is a recycling plant and have provided examples and described common metals that can be recycled.

The leaflet included some explanations of the benefits for recycling metal, what the metals can be used for, how electromagnets are used within metal recycling, what is a recycling plant and have provided examples and described common metals that can be recycled.

The leaflet included explanations of the benefits for recycling metal, what the metals can be used for, how electromagnets are used within metal recycling, what is a recycling plant and have provided examples and described common metals that can be recycled.

The leaflet included comprehensive explanations of the benefits for recycling metal, what the metals can be used for, how electromagnets are used within metal recycling, what is a recycling plant and have provided examples and comprehensively described common metals that can be recycled.

The structure of your leaflet flows from one topic to the next.

Does not Meet

Directions were not followed, and the leaflet is lacking the key elements of a leaflet.

Majority of directions were followed. The leaflet has some key elements of a leaflet. Use of headings, subheadings headings and graphics is limited.

Directions were followed, and the leaflet not only looks appealing, the descriptions shows a proficient understanding. Good use of headings, subheadings headings and graphics.

Directions were followed, and the leaflet not only looks appealing, the descriptions are informative and accurate well.
Writing - Grammar

The leaflet writing is pitched to the right audience.

Does not Meet

There are many misspellings and sentences jumbled and choppy.

Many words are misspelled, but you can still understand the meaning.

There are some mistakes and spell-check was not used.

There are no grammatical mistakes in the brochure.

Text and color choices are clear and easy to read.

Does not Meet

Your text and background color choices made it very difficult to see/read.

Your text and background color choices were ok but many parts were difficult to see/read.

Your text and background color choices were good but a few parts were difficult to see/read.

Close attention was paid to detail when choosing the right text colors against the background colors and pictures.

Graphics are aligned and are pleasing to the eye within the leaflet

Does not Meet

Graphics do not fit the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen.

Some graphics go well with the text but most are scattered and make it difficult to see how they relate to the text .

Graphics go well with the text, but are a bit off-center which slightly distracts from the text flow.

Graphics support the text, are centered and aligned, and there is an exemplary mix of text and graphics.

Covers the key areas of source variety, research ethics and information.

Does not Meet

Sources are not identified. Some/None of the sources are cited in MLA format; The URLs images are not provided. Little information is provided; or information is copied and pasted

Uses only the sources provided. Only some of the sources are cited in MLA format; or URLs for images are not provided. Researches topic, but is missing key information; Paraphrases properly in own words.

Uses reliable variety of sources beyond the given ones. All sources are cited in MLA format, but citations may not be thorough; The URLs for images are provided. No terms are used that the researcher cannot define or explain. Everything is in own words

Uses a wide variety of reliable sources; from a variety of sources. All sources are cited correctly and thoroughly in MLA format including MLA. Research goes beyond given steps. No terms are used that the researcher cannot define or explain. Everything is in own words.

  • Electromagnetic Spectrum


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