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iRubric: Film Music Composition rubric

iRubric: Film Music Composition rubric

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Film Music Composition 
Rubric Code: PX6WC32
Public Rubric
Subject: Music  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Film Music Composition
  D (Poor)


C (Fair)


B (Good)


A (Very Good)


Appropriate Choices

D (Poor)

The music does not generally match the action and moods in the film.
C (Fair)

The music has some interesting ideas that sometimes support the action and moods in the film.
B (Good)

The music is well crafted to effectively match the action and moods in the film
A (Very Good)

The music has been well chosen and considered. It enhances the action and moods in the film.
Use of Layers / Balance (Harmony)

D (Poor)

The music chops and changes seemingly randomly, and has little that the listener can feel comfortable or connected. Too many unrelated layers are creating a sense of confusion
C (Fair)

The music has some binding ideas that provide some continuity to the sections. Some layers do not combine well or are not placed appropriately.
B (Good)

The music has layers that work well together, and their positioning has been *considered well to match the scenes. Some issues with the texture choices create problems for the listener
*made with good effort.
A (Very Good)

The selected layers combine very well, with clarity and appropriateness of texture that they create. There is a sense of unity or logic about the music.

D (Poor)

The music is not well synchronized with the actions or mood changes.
C (Fair)

The music usually synchronizes with the action, but sometimes the choices of timing seem puzzling
B (Good)

The music works well with the changes in mood/character changes
A (Very Good)

The music has been crafted with careful consideration of the transitions between moods/character changes.
Musical effect

The soundtrack evokes a place, conveys character, creates a mood or expresses emotion.

D (Poor)

Does not convey place, character, mood or emotion.
C (Fair)

conveys place, character, mood or emotion {to edit/rephrase: but choices and timing seem arbitrary.}
B (Good)

The music works well with the changes in mood/ character/ emotion/ place.
the music aptly conveys place/character/mood/emotion
A (Very Good)

The music synchronizes well with changes strengthens the story line and entertainment value.

Teacher's judgement based on personal experience and expertise

D (Poor)

It will require a very understanding and unconventional listener who will like this piece, which sounds irritating and noisy. It will likely receive negative response from most audiences
sounds experimental
C (Fair)

This piece is unconventional and tends to sound random (as if the placement of loops is unplanned and not reviewed), messy and unedited. It will have a limited appreciative audience.
B (Good)

This piece conventionally acceptable and should be kept in a portfolio as an example of good work
A (Very Good)

The piece is conventionally attractive and should be kept in a portfolio as an example of excellent work.

possible rubric descriptions

mark this from best to worst

D (Poor)

There is no discernible form or phrasing, the piece is completely unorganized.

Poor use of form. The form of the piece does not produce a balance between statement and restatement, unity and variety, contrast and connection.
C (Fair)

There is a general lack of phrasing and there are only one or two sections.

Average use of form. The form of the piece does little to produce a balance between statement and restatement, unity and variety, contrast and connection.
B (Good)

There is some lack of clarity in the form. Some of the phrases are hard to discern from each other or it is difficult to hear different sections.

Very Good use of form. The form of the piece produces a balance between statement and restatement, unity and variety, contrast and connection.
A (Very Good)

The piece has a clear, well-defined form. There are clear melodic and/or lyrical phrases and several well-defined sections.

Excellent use of form. The form of the piece produces a balance between statement and restatement, unity and variety, contrast and connection.
more form

D (Poor)

Student does not use varied sections of music

Gives no sense of a completed musical idea. Form is random and disorganized.
C (Fair)

Student uses only one or two varied sections

Presents at least one comlete musical idea. However, composition lacks overall completeness---lack of organized musical ideas.
B (Good)

Students demonstrates a general understanding of form by using few different sections

Presents at least one complete musical idea. Ending feels final.
A (Very Good)

Students demonstrates a proper understanding of form by using Intro, Verse, Chorus and Interlude/Bridge sections.

Presents at least two complete musical ideas. Has an organized form with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Ending feels final.
even more form

D (Poor)

Gives no sense of a completed musical idea. Exhibits no clear beginning, middle or end section. Form appears random rather than organized. Musical elements (range, timbre, dynamics, tempo, rhythm, melody) do not connect well or are not used to organize musical ideas or the form.
C (Fair)

Presents one complete musical idea. However, composition lacks overall completeness. Fails to use musical elements to organize musical ideas or form.
B (Good)

Ending feels final. Uses at least one musical element to organize the musical ideas and overall form.
A (Very Good)

Presents at least one complete musical idea. Has a coherent and organized form with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Uses musical elements to organize musical ideas or the form.
Compositional Outcome/Structure

D (Poor)

The piece lacks a pattern and a sense of completion

e.g. not resembling any form AB or ABA, etc.
C (Fair)

The piece has somewhat of a pattern and sense of completion

e.g. somewhat resembling ABA form
B (Good)

The piece has a basic pattern and has a sense of completion

e.g. almost resembling ABA form
A (Very Good)

The piece has an intricate / discernable pattern and has a sense of completion

e.g. ABA or expanded form
Beginning and Ending

D (Poor)

The work just consists of 1 loop (and only 1 file is submitted) - i.e. student was not the person who designed the beginning or ending.
C (Fair)

The loops all begin and end together
The work just consists of one loop after another
B (Good)

The work has either a clear beginning or ending compositional gesture but not both
A (Very Good)

The work uses clear / describable beginning and ending compositional gestures
Quality of composition/Flow

D (Poor)

the created musical loops used were just o.k.; when put together the music loops that were used did not create very interesting music. OR created a mass of sound which made it hard to discern the individual loops' contribution
C (Fair)

the created musical loops used were average; when put together the music loops that were used were just o.k.
or there were some loops which did not work well together (interlocking created irregular/assymmetrical rhythms which did not fit into the overall music)
B (Good)

the created musical loops used were very good, and for the most part; music flowed
together most of the time.
A (Very Good)

the created musical loops used were excellent and worked together to create a complete music piece; music flowed together.

Creative product should have at least one of the following:
1) Effective, practical, utilitarian, of value
2) Novel, new, original, provocative, radical
3) Elaborate, holistic, attentive to detail

D (Poor)

Student's composition lacks creativity and effort.
C (Fair)

Student's composition shows a little creativity and demonstrates an some effort.

The loops all begin and end together
The work just consists of one loop after another
The work just consists of 1 loop (and only 1 file is submitted)
B (Good)

Student's composition shows some creativity and demonstrates mediocre effort.
A (Very Good)

Student's composition shows creativity and demonstrates maxamim effort.
more creativity

D (Poor)

Musical idea is familiar or a cliche. No variety or exploration of musical elements (range, timbre, dynamics, tempo, rhythm, melody).
C (Fair)

Musical idea is neither familiar nor a cliche. However, there is no development, variety, or exploration of musical elements.
B (Good)

Involves some original aspect(s) or manipulation(s) of musical idea(s). Explores and varies at least one musical element.
A (Very Good)

Includes very original, unusual or imaginative musical ideas. Explores and varies at least two musical elements.

Number of loops heard simultaneously at peak level

D (Poor)

C (Fair)

B (Good)

A (Very Good)

four or more

D (Poor)
C (Fair)
B (Good)
A (Very Good)

Has a very clear climax / point of interest for the piece
aesthetic appeal

D (Poor)

Does not present an effective general impression. Musical ideas do not hold the listener's interest.
C (Fair)

Includes at least one interesting musical idea. Yet, the overall impression is not effective.
B (Good)

Includes some interesting musical ideas. The general impression is pleasant and moderately effective.
A (Very Good)

Strong aesthetic appeal and general impression. Would be enjoyed by many listeners. Keeps the listener interested.
Length of Work

D (Poor)

Work is 15s or less
C (Fair)

Work is at about 30s long
B (Good)

Work is 45s - 1 minute or longer (exact repeats included)
A (Very Good)

Work is more than 1 minute (exact repeats not included)
Technical skills

Methods taught:
1) using loops
2) playing and recording via MIDI keyboard
3) recording voice using microphone

D (Poor)

Student has not demonstrated the ability to use Garageband
C (Fair)

Student has only demonstrated the ability to use 1 method
B (Good)

Student has only demonstrated the ability to use 2 methods
A (Very Good)

Student has demonstrated the ability to use all 3 methods
Complexity of skills 1

D (Poor)
C (Fair)

Student could do the basics such as drag & drop loops
B (Good)

Student demonstrated the ability to change loop of region
A (Very Good)

Student demonstrated the ability to split loops/recordings
Complexity of skills 2

D (Poor)
C (Fair)

Student could record his/her own playing on the keyboard and did not change the instrument used
B (Good)

Student could record his/her own playing on the keyboard and changed the instrument used
A (Very Good)

Student could record and vertically layer with another recording of his/her own playing
Complexity of skills 3

D (Poor)
C (Fair)
B (Good)

Student could record his/her own playing via microphone
A (Very Good)

Student could record and vertically layer with another recording of his/her own playing

D (Poor)

Requirements for the project were not understood or fulfilled.
C (Fair)

More time, thought, or effort needed to be devoted to making the soundtrack.
B (Good)

It appears that a lot of time, thought, and effort went into making the film score.
A (Very Good)

You went above and beyond the requirements. Student used a variety of song genres.
Question answered

1) Ringtone
2) Soundtrack to video
3) Sound story

D (Poor)
C (Fair)
B (Good)
A (Very Good)
Quality and relevance of writeup

D (Poor)

No writeup was provided
C (Fair)

A title was provided but no writeup
B (Good)

A writeup was provided which complemented the work
A (Very Good)

A writeup was provided which enhanced the appreciation and provided insight into the student's intentions



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