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iRubric: Literary Analysis Essay Rubric

iRubric: Literary Analysis Essay Rubric

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Literary Analysis Essay Rubric 
Final Draft of Literary Analysis Essay organizing your ideas into an essay containing the following: introductory paragraph containing a thesis statement; support body paragraphs containing assertions, integrated examples of proof/quotations, explanation/analysis, transition words, and concluding sentence; and ending with a concluding paragraph.
Rubric Code: PX685XB
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Literary Analysis
  Exceeds Standards

5 pts

Mastery of Standards

4 pts

Approaching Mastery of Standards

3 pts

Partial Mastery of Standards

2 pts

Limited Proficiency in Standards

1 pts


Exceeds Standards

Intro. grabs attention with an inviting hook, introduces argument, and has required info (title, author, summary). Paper has been given a clever and appealing title.
Mastery of Standards

Intro. contains a hook, introduces argument, and has required info (title, author, summary). Paper has been given a somewhat clever and appealing title.
Approaching Mastery of Standards

Introduction provides required information but does not grab attention. Paper has been given a title other than a generic one.
Partial Mastery of Standards

Introduction does not introduce required information and/or doesn't fit with argument of the essay. Paper has been titled the same name as the novel.
Limited Proficiency in Standards

No introduction. No title.

Exceeds Standards

Thesis is very clear and well developed. Main points are introduced clearly. Interpretation is supported throughout with concrete details & appropriate commentary.
Mastery of Standards

Thesis is very clear and strongly supported with concrete details and commentary throughout the essay.
Approaching Mastery of Standards

Thesis is somewhat clear and somewhat supported with concrete details and commentary.
Partial Mastery of Standards

Thesis is unclear and unsupported, or misunderstands assignment or the text.
Limited Proficiency in Standards

No thesis evident or thesis not justified by the rest of essay. Thesis is not argumentative; it is fact (from text) or is plot summary.
Topic Sentences

Exceeds Standards

Topic Sentences are clear, succinct, and connected to the thesis with key words or transitions.
Mastery of Standards

Topic sentences are clear and show some connection to the thesis.
Approaching Mastery of Standards

Topic sentences are fairly clear; connection to thesis is not as obvious as it should be.
Partial Mastery of Standards

Topic sentences are unclear and merely begin to give details instead of providing a topic.
Limited Proficiency in Standards

Topic sentences not evident or they are facts or summaries.

Exceeds Standards

Evidence is persuasive and effective and draws on direct quotations to support argument. Quotes are integrated seamlessly. Quotes are cited correctly using MLA in-text citation.
Mastery of Standards

Evidence supports argument and is believable and effective. Quotes are introduced with a lead-in, although there may still be some awkwardness in construction. Quotes are cited correctly using MLA in-text citation perhaps with minor errors.
Approaching Mastery of Standards

Evidence is present and mostly supports argument, although it could be made stronger with different choice of quotes. Quotes may be awkwardly integrated. Quotes are cited using MLA in-text citation, although with some errors.
Partial Mastery of Standards

Evidence given doesn't support argument. Poor integration of quotes. MLA in-text citation is done improperly.
Limited Proficiency in Standards

Little or no evidence to support argument.

Exceeds Standards

Insightful analysis of the novel. Explanations tie the quotes back to the thesis statements and topic sentences. Clear transitions and organization.
Mastery of Standards

Convincing interpretation of text evidence to support argument. Explanations tie the quotes back to the thesis. Paragraphs have transitions but may have a bit of trouble with organization.
Approaching Mastery of Standards

Supports argument of the essay, though ideas may be obvious, basic, or somewhat repetitive.
Partial Mastery of Standards

Ideas/evidence not well explained in body paragraphs. Evidence not used to connect to the argument in the essay. Transitions and organization are not very clear.
Limited Proficiency in Standards

Analysis isn't present; explanation is just plot summary, or does not address the essay assignment.

Exceeds Standards

Conclusion restates arguments in new language & connects ideas to the big picture. The final sentence leaves the reader feeling satisfied.
Mastery of Standards

Conclusion restates arguments in new language. The final sentences provide a sense of closure.
Approaching Mastery of Standards

Conclusion restates main ideas/thesis word-for-word or implies it without actually stating it. A final sentence or two may be needed for a feeling of closure.
Partial Mastery of Standards

Conclusion does not restate main ideas/thesis, or it does not fit with the argument.
Limited Proficiency in Standards

No conclusion

Exceeds Standards

Clean and free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Layout is perfect. Author's use of language is strong, vivid, and appealing. Written in third person (no personal pronouns.) No shift in verb tense.
Mastery of Standards

Capitalization, spelling, and grammar are mostly correct. Formal language third person has been used. Few or no first or second person pronouns. No noticeable shift in verb tense. Author's use of language is solid.
Approaching Mastery of Standards

Some mistakes in capitalization, spelling, and/or grammar, but not enough that it is distracting. First or second person pronouns or a shift in verb tense may have been used. Author may rely too often on basic vocabulary.
Partial Mastery of Standards

Many spelling and grammatical errors. Verb tense shifts or personal pronoun usage are awkward. Author has not made an effort to use a strong vocabulary and has settled on basic, repetitive wording.
Limited Proficiency in Standards

Most sentences need revision, so that errors interfere with understanding of the text.

Exceeds Standards

Paper has been significantly improved through careful, serious consideration on the part of the author, even though the first draft may have been acceptable. (It's obvious that the author isn't satisfied with "good enough.")
Mastery of Standards

Paper has been noticeably improved through serious effort on the part of the author. Revisions are not merely mechanical in nature, but there have also been significant improvements in ideas and/or organization.
Approaching Mastery of Standards

Paper shows effort to improve the content and structure of the paper, in additional to conventions, although there are still areas that need to be improved.
Partial Mastery of Standards

Paper shows revisions that are mostly mechanical in nature, with little thought or care going into the improvements that take more time and effort.
Limited Proficiency in Standards

Paper demonstrates a lack of effort or understanding on the part of the author; i.e., the author has submitted the same version of the paper again, possibly with one or two minor changes.

  • Literature; Essay; Analysis



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