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iRubric: Acting: Scene Work III rubric

iRubric: Acting: Scene Work III rubric

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Acting: Scene Work III 
Paired acting assignment
Rubric Code: P43BAW
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Performance Rubric

4 pts

Very Strong

3 pts


2 pts


1 pts




*Student is fully invested and 100 % honest in their acting.
*The character is living truthfully (and fully) in them and through them each moment.
*Expertly demonstrates this unique character in this situation.
*Level of investment in character conveys an honest and truthful depiction.
*Engaged in the "magic if," endows setting, partner, props, event.
(Owned the words.)
Very Strong

*Student is not 100 % invested and honest in their acting 100 % of the time.
*For the most part, the character is living in them and through them, but at times they are living behind the character on some level (or)
*They are honest but the character isn't fully actualized and alive all the time.
*Demonstrated the character in this unique situation.
(knew lines and meaning of.)

*Student shows commitment to participating in the experience.
*They may be alive on some level but they are still hiding behind the character, or character lacks depth of truth.
*May lack moments of deeper connection to character and situation (and/or) emotional moments in scene.
(knew lines but adlibs and paraphrasing may occur, or actor forced to go into head to find line.)

*Any emotional investment in character and situation is inconsistent and mostly ineffective.
*Unable to bring a level of honesty and truthfulness to characterization. *Lacked authentic expression of character in this situation.
(Actor doesn't have full grasp of meaning, or needs promptings.)
Character Development


*Character's motivation is highly defined.
*Depth and range of emotion is ongoing and expansive.
*Life and world of character is illuminated brilliantly through actor's performance.
Very Strong

*Character's motivation is well-defined.
*Depth and range of emotion is very good.
*Life and world of character is clearly displayed through actor's performance.

*Character's motivation is lacking at times.
*There are moments of depth and range of emotion but majority remain on surface.
*Life and world of character is not fully illuminated by actor's performance.

*Very little development of a character is present
*Life and world of character is not present. *Actor does little more than deliver lines.
Objective, Action, Obstacle

Adjustments, Tactics, Commitment


*Successfully identified objective, obstacles and actions/tactics.
*Clearly and consistently plays the action identified in analysis.
*Actions were fully developed, leveled, and appropriately colored for the scene.
*Clarity of adjustments (inner monologue clear).
Very Strong

*Successfully identified Goals, obstacle and tactics/actions in analysis and a large majority were played with appropriate intensity, or with clarity of purpose.
*Adjustments made and majority clear or invested

*At times the goals, obstacle and tactics/actions were unclear to the viewer; we didn't always know what you wanted.
*Actor needs to clarify actions and increase commitment to them.
*Adjustments not always clear.

*Plays only generally and inconsistently the goals, obstacles and tactics/actions of character (or)
actor plays generalized action.
*Actions played with a lack of necessary intensity.
*Lacks specificity of action
*Lacks specificity of adjustments.


*Student stays completely immersed in their character and in the world of the play (style of play) throughout the entire performance.
*100 percent present. *Confident and poised.
Very Strong

*Focus was very strong *Maintains focus throughout scene or large majority of scene. *Remains in world of play (style of scene). *Appeared confident. *Never broke character.

*Focused but mind seems to wander at times, watch own performance or that of others (or)
*Moments when you stood outside character experience. (or) went into head to find lines.
*Break in focus was quickly recovered.

*Lacked focus or inconsistent focus. *Broke character during performance.
*Audience was present to actor rather than character.
*Broke 4th wall, watched audience.


*Student expertly uses blocking to bring clarity to action and add interest to the piece - very dynamic.
*Movements always reflect purpose.
*Student's fully committed to the movement.
*All movement is character and situation appropriate and aids the story.
*Reveals subtext.
Very Strong

*Student uses blocking in a way that adds interest to the piece.
*Student's movements reflect purpose and were, for the most part, fully committed to movement.
*All movement is character and situation appropriate and aids the story.
*Clarified subtext

*Student's movements usually reflect purpose.
*Not all of the blocking is motivated.
*Actors didn't commit 100 percent to their movements.
*Movement didn't always help support or reveal character, text, or subtext.

*Student's blocking is generally confusing and without purpose.
*The execution of rehearsed blocking is forgotten
*Student moves randomly and without purpose during the scene.
Physical Characterization

(I.B. work - Acting II)


Employs outstanding use of physical mannerisms, gestures, and body movement to define character's imaginary background.
Very Strong

Employs very strong use of physical mannerisms, gestures, and body movement to define character's imaginary background.

*Employs little or ineffective physical mannerisms, gesture,and body movement to define character's imaginary background.
*Habitual patterns may surface

*Employs no physical mannerism that is similar to the character
*Actor employs habitual patterns with no character focus.
Listening & Allowing


*Truly listening with eyes, ears, and mind to the other character and allowing what partner says/does in the moment to shape their characters response.
*Fully alive in the moment.
*Adjusting lines and behavior to what is heard
Very Strong

*Acting is listening generated a large majority of the time.
*Eyes,, ears, and mind are fully engaged in the act.

*Listening but not always responding to stimuli from partner in the moment.
*Sometimes cues may seem to be the spark for speaking (or) lack of adjustment in the moment

* Plays the text in a vacuum.
* Waits for cue and then speaks.
*True island acting.

  • Theatre Scene Performance

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