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iRubric: Student Success Initiative rubric

iRubric: Student Success Initiative rubric

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Student Success Initiative 
Rubric Code: P429X4
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Public Rubric
Subject: (General)  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Student Success Initiative
  Unmarked Dirt Trail


Paved Road


Two-lane Road


Super Highway


Collaborative Effort

Unmarked Dirt Trail

Individual silos; led by one individual or department with no input from other stakeholders
Paved Road

Involves a few outside stakeholders but is not broad-reaching. Limited communication occurs on campus
Two-lane Road

Multiple constituencies involved, communication occurs somewhat regularly
Super Highway

Continual structured process of ongoing engagement and communication among all stakeholders.
Professional & Organ. Learning

Unmarked Dirt Trail

lack of organized training relative to initiative; No needs assessment occurs. Workshops given but no one attends; designated person sent as a trainee without follow-up
Paved Road

Siloed or one shot deals with no follow up participation, attendance limited; no campus-wide involvement. Needs assessment occurs at an individual level.
Two-lane Road

Departments and division involvement; some training beginning; student involvement; incentives; point people; prof. development assists beyond just providing a space; collaboration between student services and academic affairs. Need assessment occurs on an organizational level.
Super Highway

Everybody’s on board, highly coordinated, followup and reporting back; on-going ; training trainers to sustain; evaluation recursivity. Initiative becomes part of the institution and prof. development takes ownership of on-going training. Comprehensive, sustainable, demonstrated application of new learning.
Student Involvement/Engagment

Unmarked Dirt Trail

No involvement; faculty are unconcerned or uninterested in student involvement; students are disengaged
Paved Road

Ask for but don't know how to use student opinions about programs; some evidence of student engagement
Two-lane Road

Student input is solicited, valued and used in decision-making; large numbers participate in the program; peer mentoring occurs both informally and formally
Super Highway

Students intentionally involved in the creation of ideas and improvements; students are partners in change

Unmarked Dirt Trail

Prohibitively expensive or staff- or facility-intensive
Paved Road

Potential to grow to a certain extent (boutique program)
Two-lane Road

Supports success of large numbers of students.
Super Highway

Leads to a restructuring of current instructional and/or student support services practices. The institution engages in continued dialogue and transformation of services and/or instruction that actively connects and empowers students and communities
Goals (alignment)

Unmarked Dirt Trail

alignment between initiative and institutional goals have not been considered
Paved Road

lip service paid to alignment or as an afterthought (stretch). Goals are clearly articulated, but not clearly communicated and shared.
Two-lane Road

connects with some portions of the institutional goals; aligned but lack of awareness. Beginning efforts to integrate it with planning and budgeting processes. Goals are clearly articulated and shared.
Super Highway

fully aligned, widely recognized, and fully integrated with college strategic plan and budgeting process (institutionalized) no dependence on outside funding
Managing Change

Unmarked Dirt Trail

The realization that something needs to change. Things are disconnected and are not working. There are potholes in the road and they are growing so we have a sense of urgency
Paved Road

Core group of change agents (with someone of power in it) leading the charge. Clear message with realistic goals and expectations (consistent, sustained, and focused). First followers buy into the need to change. Sense of community that’s being built in the critical mass
Two-lane Road

Some institutional changes occur. Institutional support. Tipping point where the uncommitted support the initiative. Guiding coalition with a shared vision, shared message- that is mutually agreed upon. Persistence and sustainability felt within the group. Ongoing evalution process established
Super Highway

Mechanism exists for dealing with hesitations, concerns and fears. Intervention techniques in place to continue on with this project (even when chaos occurs). Evidence that change is beneficial is building. Mechanisms to alter path is embedded and utilized. Scaled and sustaine
Evaluation (measurements)

Unmarked Dirt Trail

Anecdotal evidence or indirect evidence used for transformation or appropriate evidence ignored. Non-alignment of research with goals.
Paved Road

Evidence available but analysis not completed or not distributed or used for improvement. Appropriate measurements are agreed upon at the start. Qualitative and quantitative data are both used.
Two-lane Road
Super Highway

Institutions systematically collect data about students along identify milestones, dialogue amongst all stakeholders on campus, create plans, implement and revise as new data is collected.

Unmarked Dirt Trail
Paved Road
Two-lane Road
Super Highway
Student Diversity/Equity

Unmarked Dirt Trail
Paved Road
Two-lane Road
Super Highway



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