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iRubric: 9th Grade Assessment Rubric

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9th Grade Assessment Rubric 
MYP Year 4 Assessment Criteria
Rubric Code: P344W5
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Public Rubric
Subject: Social Sciences  
Type: (Other)  
Grade Levels: 9-12

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  Exceeds Expectations

4 pts

Meets Expectations

3 pts

Approaches Expectations

2 pts

Insufficient Evidence

1 pts


Exceeds Expectations

Wide range of terminology is used accurately and appropriately. Extensive range of relevant facts and examples are used.
Meets Expectations

Range of terminology is used accurately and appropriately. Range of relevant facts and examples are used.
Approaches Expectations

The use of terminology is mostly accurate and usually appropriate, thourh some errors remain. Facts and examples used are mostly relevant, and usually show understanding. The student provides basic descriptions that may need more detail; explanations are usually adequate but sometimes superficial.
Insufficient Evidence

The student provides descriptors that are inaccurate or that have insufficient details. Explinations are absent or superficial. The use of terminology is mostly accurate and usually appropriate although some errors remain.

Exceeds Expectations

Applications of concepts is appropriate and shows some depth. The student demonstrate conceptual awareness and understanding by explaining connections to the subject matter. The student applies the concept to other situations.
Meets Expectations

Application of concept is appropriate but superficial. The student demonstrates conceptual awareness and understanding by describing connections to the subject matter. The student attempts to apply the concepts to other situations but is not always successful.
Approaches Expectations

Application of concepts is not always appropriate. The student
demonstrates conceptual awareness and understanding by describing
basic connections to the subject matter.
Insufficient Evidence

Application of concepts is inappropriate. The student may demonstrate
some conceptual awareness and understanding by recognizing basic
connections to the subject matter.

Exceeds Expectations

The student selects and uses a range of relevant information. Work shows
a good level of critical analysis. Arguments, decisions and judgments
are well supported and balanced. The student demonstrates effective
investigative skills.
Meets Expectations

The student selects and uses relevant information. Work shows
satisfactory evidence of analysis. Arguments, decisions and judgments
are supported and balanced but superficial. The student demonstrates
adequate investigative skills.
Approaches Expectations

The student selects and uses mostly relevant information. The student’s
work lacks the required depth in analysis. The student makes
some relevant arguments, decisions or judgments though these are
unsupported. The student demonstrates basic investigative skills.
Insufficient Evidence

The student can select and use some relevant information. The student
displays minimal analytical skills. The student’s arguments, decisions
or judgments are not always relevant, or may be absent. The student
attempts to carry out investigations, demonstrating few skills.
Organization and Presentation

Exceeds Expectations

The student communicates information that is relevant. The student uses structure that is appropriate to the task and sequences the content logically. Student presentation and expression are clear, attention is paid to the audience and purpose in terms of appropriate language, style, and visual representation.
Sources of information are documented, with occasional errors.
Meets Expectations

The student communicates information that is relevant. The student uses structure that is appropriate to the task and sequences the content logically.
Approaches Expectations

The student communicates information that is mostly relevant. The
student attempts to structure and sequence the work but is not always
successful. Presentation and expression are occasionally unclear. Sources
of information are documented, though there may be omissions or
consistent errors in adhering to conventions.
Insufficient Evidence

The student communicates information that may not always be relevant.
The student attempts to structure the work, but it may be unclear and/
or inappropriate to the format required. Presentation and expression are
unclear and imprecise. There may be some evidence of documentation.


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