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iRubric: GLBTQ Community Center Program Evaluation rubric

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GLBTQ Community Center Program Evaluation 
LGBTQ Peer Counseling Services provide peer counseling on the coming out process, dating, gender identity, LGBTQ information and referral for the Philadelphia area. Peer counselors are available by phone or in-person (by appointment). Monday – Friday from 6 – 9 pm, providing confidential and free peer counseling services. The purpose of the evaluation is to determine if the training currricula adquately prepares peer counselors with the knowledge, experiences, and values that peer counselors should possess to provide qulaity peer counseling services to lesbian, gay,bisexual, transgender and queer persons and their families.Ruberic is based on the following study: Godfrey, K., Haddock, S., Fisher, A. and Lund, L. (2006). Essential Components of Curricula for Preparing Therapists to Work Effectively with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients: A Delphi Study. Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy, 32, 491-502
Rubric Code: P328AX
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Public Rubric
Subject: Psychology  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: (none)

Powered by iRubric Values & Qualities of counselor
Does the training curriculum adequately prepare peer counselors with the knowledge, experiences, values and qualities that peer counselors should possess to provide quality peer counseling services to LGBT persons and their families?

Curricula meets or exceeds recommended training criteria

3 pts

Partially Meets

Curricula partially meets recommended training criteria

2 pts

Does Not Meet

Curricula does not address recommended training criteria

1 pts

Non-affirming Practices

Curricula contains bias, prejudices, hetrosexism, internalized homophobia,rigid views

0 pts

Comfort Level

Counselor understands own comfort level, biases, and prejudices about GLBTQ issues, sex, gender, and sexual orientation and how they can impact on the client.


Curricula provides exploration of one's own comfort level, values, biases, and prejudices about GLBTQ issues, sex, gender, and sexual orientation and how they can impact on the client.
Partially Meets

Curricula provides partial exploration of one's own comfort level, values, biases, and prejudices.
Does Not Meet

Curricula does not provide exploration of one's own comfort level, values, biases, and prejudices about GLBTQ issues, sex, gender, and sexual orientation and how they can impact on the client.
Non-affirming Practices

Training does not screen for Curricula contains bias, prejudices, hetrosexism, internalized homophobia,rigid views
Theoretical Orientation

Understands how societal ideologies and practices affect LGBTQ persons.


Provides an understanding if the counselor is empathic, accepting, inclusive and non-judgmental, willing to be held accountable to LGBTQ colleagues and understands that sexual orientation is not about sex, but rather affection attachments. They provide information on the counselor’s ability and willingness to reflect on one's strengths and areas to improve.
Partially Meets

Counselor is somewhat empathic, accepting, inclusive and non-judgmental, willing to be held accountable to LGBTQ colleagues. Understands that sexual orientationi s not about sex, but rather affection attachments. Ability and willingness to reflect on one's strengths and areas to improve.
Does Not Meet

Counselor is not trained in being empathic, accepting, inclusive and non-judgmental, willing to be held accountable to LGBTQ colleagues. Understand that sexual orientationis not about sex, but rather affectional attachments. Ability and willingness to reflect on one's strengths and areas to improve.
Non-affirming Practices

Counselor believes in reparative/reorientation/conversion therapy OR ascribes to a judmental medical model.
LGBTQ Development

Counselor is aware of theories of sexual orientation formation; understands social constructionist & biological/essentialist perspectives.


Awareness of one's own construction of gender and sexual identity, and the origins of related beliefs (e.g. family, peer norms, religion).LGBTQ affirmative (acceptance and nonjudementalness are not sufficient). Ability to nurture queerness vesus manage or cope with it.
Partially Meets

Counselor has limited knowledge on GLBTQ development and little knowledge of own construction of gender and sexual identity, and the origins of related beliefs (e.g. family, peer norms, religion).
Does Not Meet

No Awareness; not LGBTQ affirmative (acceptance and nonjudementalness are not sufficient). manages or copes with sexual orientation or is conflicted.
Non-affirming Practices

Counselor ascribes to arrested development therories os sexual orientation, believes in reparative/reorientation/conversion therapy OR ascribes to a judmental medical model.
Issues of LGBTQ Cients
Do training items represent a wide array of issues, ranging from understanding LGBTQ persons experience the same issues as straight people to understanding the unique LGBTQ concerns?

Counselor meets or exceeds recommended training criteria

3 pts

Partially Meets

Counselor partially meets recommended training criteria

2 pts

Does Not Meet

Counselor does not address recommended training criteria

1 pts

Non-affirming Practices

Counselor uses unethical or illegal procedures, poor interventions, does not understand assessment procedures or referral procedures

0 pts


The counselor is aware of theories of sexual orientation formation; understands social constructionist & biological/essentialist perspectives.homophobia, internalized and institutional and the impact on the LGBTQ person


Counselor has an adequate understanding of homophobia, internalized and institutional and the impact on the LGBTQ person. The counselor has an adequate self- understanding with regard to internalized homophobia and heterosexual privilege.
Partially Meets

Counselor has an adequate self- understanding with regard to internalized homophobia but inadequate understanding of homophobia, internalized and institutional and the impact on the LGBTQ person and hetrosexual privilege.
Does Not Meet

Counselor has an adequate self- understanding with regard to internalized homophobia but inadequate understanding of homophobia, internalized and institutional and the impact on the LGBTQ person.
Non-affirming Practices

Counselor ascribes to responses that present internalized homophobia in the counselor. Non-GLBTQ counselors have no knowledge of their inherent privilege they have in being hetrosexual.
LGBTQ Social Systems

Family and friends of LGBTQ persons often experience shame about their loved ones' sxual orientation. often struggle with ballancing their religious and personal views about sexuality with their loved ones' sexual orientation


Counselor is able to assess levels of support in the community, client's strengths, the influence on the client of supportive and unsupportive traditional family structures.
Partially Meets

Counselor is partially able to assess levels of support in the community, client's strengths, the influence on the client of supportive and unsupportive traditional family structures.structures.
Does Not Meet

Counselor is unable to assess levels of support in the community, client's strengths, the influence on the client of supportive and unsupportive traditional family structures.structu
Non-affirming Practices

Counselor utilizes pathologizing interventions that produces shame based affects on the client
Legal & Ethical Issues

Counselor understands confidentiality and its' limits. Counselor understands that boundary issues can be difficult in small, closed communities such as LGBTQ communities; understands it is NOT a choice to be LGBTQ. Straight counselors understand homophobia, heterocentrism and hetrosexism. Legal issues of civil union, marriage,domestic partnership and living will and other end of life concerns.


Counselor understands confidentiality and its' limits. Counselor understands that boundary issues can be difficult in small, closed communities such as LGBTQ communities; understands it is NOT a choice to be LGBTQ. Straight counselors understand homophobia, heterocentrism and hetrosexism. Legal issues of civil union, marriage,domestic partnership and living will and other end of life concerns. Knows how to refer to appropriate agencies
Partially Meets

Counselor understands confidentiality and its' limits. Counselor understands that boundary issues can be difficult in small, closed communities such as LGBTQ communities; understands it is NOT a choice to be LGBTQ. Straight counselors understand homophobia, heterocentrism and hetrosexism. Has limited knowledge on Legal issues of civil union, marriage,domestic partnership and living will and other end of life concerns. Counselor has limited information on referral agencies.
Does Not Meet

Counselor does not understands confidentiality and its' limits. Counselor does not understands boundary issues does not understands it is NOT a choice to be LGBTQ. Straight counselors understand homophobia, heterocentrism and hetrosexism.
Non-affirming Practices

Counselor has poor boundaries; makes inappropriate referrals, does not assost with referring GLBTQ specific legal issues to appropirate agency.

Interventions are positive, holisitc and as honoring of the client as possible


Counselor utilizes normalizing, nonpathologizing interventions that clarify strengths and joys of being LGBTQ persons. Counselor has the ability to work as an advocate to assist LGBTQ clients, students and family members name the oppressions of heterosexism and develop skills to overcome internalized & externalized heterosexism individually, culturally and systemically.
Partially Meets

Counselor utilizes normalizing, nonpathologizing intervenitons that clarify strengths and jos of being LGBTQ persons. However, the Counselor has limited ability to work as an advocate to assist LGBTQ clients, students and family members name the oppressions of heterosexism and develop skills to overcome internalized & externalized heterosexism individually, culturally and systemically.
Does Not Meet

Counselor does not normalize with the GLBTQ client; does not understand the referral process.
Non-affirming Practices

Counselor uses pathological interventions such as
reparative/reorientation/conversion therapy OR ascribes to a judmental medical model.
Important IN & OUT experiences
Does Counselor's training include both in and out of classroom experiences to adequately serve the GLBTQ person?
  Has Experience

Counselor utilizes normalizing, nonpathologizing interventions that clarify strengths and joys of being LGBTQ persons. Counselor has the ability to work as an advocate to assist LGBTQ clients, students and family members name the oppressions of heterosexism and develop skills to overcome internalized & externalized heterosexism individually, culturally and systemically.

3 pts

Has Partial Experience

Counselor's experience includes in classroom experiences but limited out of class room experience to adequately serve the GLBTQ person.

2 pts

Has NO Experience

Only experience is the Center's training; No LGBTQ contacts or knowledge

1 pts

Non-Affirming Experience

No training and no outside of class experience.

0 pts


Counselor has ability to identify and intervene with the nontraditional family systems that are an essential component to most LGBTQ persons

Has Experience

Counselor has ability to identify and intervene with the nontraditional family systems that are an essential component to most LGBTQ persons
Has Partial Experience

Counselor has limited ability and understanding of LGBTQ family systems
Has NO Experience

Counselor has no understanding of LGBTQ family systems.
Non-Affirming Experience

Counselor has no understanding of LGBTQ family systems. Counselor is rigid in

Training includes both in and out of classroom experiences to adequately serve the GLBTQ person.

Has Experience

Training includes both in and out of classroom experiences to adequately serve the GLBTQ person.
Has Partial Experience

Counselor only has classroom training OR only has limited out of classroom experiences to adequately serve the GLBTQ person.
Has NO Experience

No Training.
Non-Affirming Experience

Inadequate understanding AFTER completion of training.
GLBTQ Materials
Is the Counselor familiar with GLBTQ affirming materials?

Counselor is familiar with GLBTQ affirming materials.

3 pts

Partially Familiar

Counselor is partially familiar with GLBTQ affirming materials.

2 pts

No Familiarity

Counselor is NOT familiar with GLBTQ affirming literature apart from training.

1 pts

No retention

Counselor is NOT familiar with GLBTQ affirming literature after training.

0 pts

Important Materials

Counselor is familiar with GLBTQ affirming materials.


Berzon, B. (1997), Permanent partners: Buildinggay and lesbian relationships.New York: Duton.
Borhek, M. (1993) Coming out to parents: A two way survival guide for lesbians and gay men and their parents. Cleveland, OH:Pilgrim
Johnson, B. (1997) Coming Out Every Day.Oakland, CA:New Harbinger Pub.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy
Journal of GLBT Family Stud
Partially Familiar

Counselor has limited information on important GLBTQ materials
No Familiarity

Counselor has no information
No retention

Counselor has counter productive items such as literature promoting Reparative/reorientation/conversion therapy or judgmental medical models.
Other Issues
Knowledge of the differences between queer and straight relationships and how LGBTQ people navigate through various systems such as school, prisons, welfare and marriage.
  Adequate Knowledge

Counselor has knowledge of the differences between queer and straight relationships and how LGBTQ people navigate through various systems such as school, prisons, welfare and marriage.

3 pts

Inadequate Knowledge

Counselor has inadequate knowledge of the differences between queer and straight relationships and how LGBTQ people navigate through various systems such as school, prisons, welfare and marriage.

2 pts

No Knowledge

No Knowledge of differences.

1 pts

One Size Fits All

Counselor believes there are no differences between between queer and straight relationships and no difference how LGBTQ people navigate through various systems such as school, prisons, welfare and marriage.

0 pts

Knowledge of Differences

differences between queer and straight relationships and how LGBTQ people navigate through various systems such as school, prisons, welfare and marriage.

Adequate Knowledge

Counselor understands and explains the differences between queer and straight relationships and how LGBTQ people navigate through various systems such as school, prisons, welfare and marriage.
Inadequate Knowledge

Counselor has less than adequate knowledge of the differences between queer and straight relationships and how LGBTQ people navigate through various systems
No Knowledge

Counselor has no knowledge of the differences between queer and straight relationships and how LGBTQ people navigate through various systems
One Size Fits All

Counselor sees no differences between queer and straight relationships and how LGBTQ people navigate through various systems.

  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, GLBTQ, GLBTQ Community Centers, Peer Counseling Training, Multicultural Program Evaluation

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