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Digestive System 
1. Design a poster of the digestive system 2. Include all the organs in the digestive system 3. Label each organ in its proper position. 4. All information must be accurate and complete. 5. Be sure to make it colorful and appealing to draw interest to the project. You may use your textbook and the internet to complete this project.
Rubric Code: P2X54X3
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Public Rubric
Subject: Health  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Digestive Systems Poster

1 pts


2 pts


3 pts


4 pts

Project presentation


* No explanation of
organ system.
* No information or inaccurate information about all organs in the system.

* Poor or incomplete
explanation of the organ systems.
* Information mostly accurate.

* Organ system explanation is good but could have more information.

* Excellent use of resources for information.


* No organs are labeled.
* Cluttered and/or messy.
* Illegible

* Most labels are missing.
* Hard to follow.
* Needs to be explained.

* Most labels are present but could be more clearly
* Can be followed but
could be clearer.

*All labels are clearly defined.


* Difficult to understand and/or read.
* No use of color.
* Boring to look at, does not catch your attention.
* Shows no interest in project and little time spent on the project.

* Some areas are unable to be read.
* Diagrams used but not accurate.
* May catch some
* Showed small amount of interest and time.

* Fairly easy to understand.
* Diagrams are fairly
* Probably will catch
attention from viewers.

* Interesting, visually
* Accurate diagrams.
* Shows much interest, effort and time.
Content Knowledge


Doesn't show any understanding of the concept and did not accurate complete the assignment. Missing all three of the main complements listen below or those components did not have correct information.

1) A detailed explanation of the Digestive System and how it's role in the body and why it is necessary for life.
2) An accurate list of all the organs in the Digestive System.
3) Give at least 4 functions for each organ.

Shows minimal level of understanding of the Digestive System and is missing two of the required items below or gave inaccurate information on two of the items below.

1) A detailed explanation of the Digestive System and how it's role in the body and why it is necessary for life.
2) An accurate list of all the organs in the Digestive System.
3) Give at least 4 functions for each organ.

Student demonstrated a medium understanding of the Digestive System and was missing one of the required items below or have inaccurate information.

1) A detailed explanation of the Digestive System and how it's role in the body and why it is necessary for life.
2) An accurate list of all the organs in the Digestive System.
3) Give at least 4 functions for each organ.

Student demonstrated a clear written understanding of the Digestive System that included the following;

1) A detailed explanation of the Digestive System and how it's role in the body and why it is necessary for life.
2) An accurate list of all the organs in the Digestive System
3) Give at least 4 functions for each organ.
Spelling and Punctuation


There are over 6 spelling mistakes, with no effort to edit work, or seek help.

There are 4-6 spelling and punctuation mistakes. Little effort has been made to edit work.

There are 2-3 spelling and punctuation mistakes, but efforts have been made to edit work.

There is 1 or less spelling or punctuation mistakes. It is clear the student has proof read their work.
Research Requirements Met


The poster was missing 3 or more of the elements required.

1)Explain the role of the digestive system in the body.

2)Detailed and colored pictures of each organ in the digestive system.

3)Each organ of the digestive system is labeled.

4)List at least 4 functions of each organ .

5) A detailed explanation of how the digestive system interacts with the other systems of the body.

6)A detailed explanation of why the digestive system is a necessary function for life.

The poster was missing 2 of the elements required.

1)Explain the role of the digestive system in the body.

2)Detailed and colored pictures of each organ in the digestive system.

3)Each organ of the digestive system is labeled .

4)List at least 4 functions of each organ .

5) A detailed explanation of how the digestive system interacts with the other systems of the body.

6)A detailed explanation of why the digestive system is a necessary function for life.

The poster was missing 1 of the required elements.

1)Explain the role of the digestive system in the body.

2)Detailed and colored pictures of each organ in the digestive system.

3)Each organ of the digestive system is labeled .

4)List at least 4 functions of each organ.

5) A detailed explanation of how the digestive system interacts with the other systems of the body.

6)A detailed explanation of why the digestive system is a necessary function for life.

The poster has all of the required elements.

1)Explain the role of the digestive system in the body.

2)Detailed and colored pictures of each organ in the digestive system.

3)Each organ of the digestive system is labeled .

4)List at least 4 functions of each organ .

5) A detailed explanation of how the digestive system interacts with the other systems of the body.

6)A detailed explanation of why the digestive system is a necessary function for life.


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