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iRubric: Health Promotion Program Website Design: Part 3 (100 points) rubric

iRubric: Health Promotion Program Website Design: Part 3 (100 points) rubric

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Health Promotion Program Website Design: Part 3 (100 points) 
Develop a health promotion program website using WIX free website template. Create at least four pages detailing information about your program, program services, tips and resources. You have full creative freedom to show me what you have learned from the health communication chapter in how to reach your priority group. This includes what you deem as valuable and important information on your website. Take full ownership of this project as if it really were your non-profit business.
Rubric Code: NXX5XW2
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Public Rubric
Subject: Health  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: Undergraduate

Powered by iRubric Project: Due November 25th

1 pts


2 pts


3 pts

Above Average

4 pts


5 pts

Purpose & Theme
3 pts


The site lacks a purpose and theme.

The purpose and theme of the site is somewhat muddy or vague.

The purpose and theme of this website is straightforward and basically clear, but may have some elements that do not seem to be related to it.
Above Average

The site has a clearly stated purpose and theme that is consistent throughout the site.

The site has a well-stated clear purpose and theme that is creatively carried out throughout the site.
1 pts


A wide variety of fonts, styles and point sizes was used.

There is a bit too much variation of fonts, styles and point sizes used which made the content look disjointed.

The fonts are consistent and point size varies appropriately for headings and text.
Above Average

The fonts are consistent, easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text.

The fonts are consistent, easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. Use of font styles (italic, bold, underline) is used consistently and improves readability.
1 pts


Colors of background, fonts, unvisited and visited links make the content hard to read and highly distract the reader.

Colors of background, fonts, unvisited and visited links make the content somewhat difficult to read or otherwise distract the reader.

Colors of background, fonts, unvisited and visited links do not detract from the content.
Above Average

Colors of background, fonts, unvisited and visited links do not detract from the content, and are consistent across pages.

Colors of background, fonts, unvisited and visited links form a pleasing palette, do not detract from the content, and are consistent across pages.
2 pts


Graphics seem randomly chosen, are of low quality, OR distract the reader.

Graphics are too repetitive or simple and add little to the overall presenation.

Graphics are related to the theme/purpose of the site, and are of good quality.
Above Average

Graphics are related to the theme/purpose of the site, are of good quality and enhance reader interest or understanding.

Graphics are related to the theme/purpose of the site, are thoughtfully cropped, are of high quality and enhance reader interest or understanding.
3 pts


The Web pages are cluttered looking or confusing. It is often difficult to locate important elements.

The Web pages have not used the space of the page well and there are gaps and somewhat awkard spaces. Some of the elements are easily located.

The Web pages have a usable layout, but may appear busy or boring. It is easy to locate most of the important elements.
Above Average

The Web pages have an attractive and usable layout. It is easy to locate all important elements.

The Web site has an exceptionally attractive and usable layout. It is easy to locate all important elements. White space, graphic elements and/or alignment are used effectively to organize material.
Page Info
4 pts


Several Web pages do not contain information on product content.

Some Web pages do not contain any relevant information on product content or have been greatly under utilized.

Most (75-80%) Web pages contain relevant information on product content.
Above Average

Practically all Web pages contain relevant information on product content in a straightforward manner.

Every Web page contains a statement of information on product content. Page information is easily interpreted and highly and highly informative, but not busy.
Spelling and Grammar
1 pts


Consistent lack of control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics as well as spelling impede communication

Faltering control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics as well as spelling blur the clarity of communication

Although there are some mistakes, basic and straightforad control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics as well as spelling makes for mostly clear communication
Above Average

Competent control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics as well as spelling minor errors do not impede communication

Confident control of correct sentence construction, usage, grammar, and mechanics as well as spelling relative absence of errors is impressive considering the complexity of the web design and content.
3 pts


No concrete understanding of the topic is evident. Ideas and focus, if presents, are irrelevant or incomprehensible. A controlling idea or unifying effect is absent.<BR>
The target audience is not apparant and therefore not addressed.

An understanding of the topic may be evident but is only partially demonstrated. A controlling idea or unifying effect may be evident, but lacks unity. The target audience is somewhat apparant but not effectively addressed.

A defensible understanding of the topic is demonstrated. A controlling idea or unifying effect is evident, but unity may falter on occassion. The target audience is generally apparent but not entirely and effectively addressed.
Above Average

An well-considered understanding of the topic is demonstrated. A controlling idea and unifying effect is sustained throughout. The target audience is clearly apparent and has been solidly addressed.

An insightful understanding of the topic is demonstrated. A focused controlling idea and unifying effect is skillfully sustained throughout. The target audience is insightfully apparent and has been perceptively addressed.
Interactive & Multimedia
2 pts


There are no interactive links or functioning buttons. There are no multimedia components.

There are minimal interactive links or functioning buttons. Those present lack relevance and variety of purpose. There are minimal multimedia components.

There are some interactive links or functioning buttons, but they lack variety There are some multimedia components, but they do not add much to the information, and audience experience.
Above Average

There are solid interactive links and functioning buttons, with some variety. There are multimedia components that clearly add to the information and audience experience.

There are a variety of interesting and creative interactive links and functioning buttons. Multimedia components significantly add to the information and audience experience.


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