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iRubric: Freehand Sketching: Master Rubric

iRubric: Freehand Sketching: Master Rubric

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Freehand Sketching: Master Rubric 
A rubric to grade Freehand Sketches, including Concept, Technical & Pictorial Sketches
Rubric Code: NXW8979
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Private Rubric
Subject: Engineering  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Freehand Sketching
Students will be able to EVALUATE a sketching task & CREATE the appropriate type of sketch, following standard drafting conventions/procedures, for effective visual communication.
  Poor / Failing

Below 70%

3.25 pts

Minimal / Needs Improvement


3.75 pts



4 pts



4.5 pts



5 pts

Choice of Sketch

Student chose the appropriate style of sketch as well as the number of views necessary to communicate the desired information.
Concept vs Technical
Orthographic Projection (One View, Multiviews)
Pictorial (Isometric, Oblique, Perspective)

Poor / Failing

Draftsman/Engineer failed to communicate necessary information to viewers due to missing views, missing details and/or missing annotations. There is no evidence of the knowledge of industrially acceptable sketch types or views Nor the criteria for choosing an appropriate representation.
Minimal / Needs Improvement

Draftsman/Engineer failed to communicate necessary information to viewers due to missing views, missing details and/or missing annotations. There is no evidence of the knowledge of industrially acceptable sketch types or views Nor the criteria for choosing an appropriate representation.

Draftsman/Engineer comprehended the information needed to be communicated, however the chosen sketch style and views failed to include all the necessary information to viewers. Sketch style is industrially acceptable, however better choices for Views selected or Number of views could have improved viewer's ability to obtain information necessary to accomplish stated goals.

Draftsman/Engineer comprehended the information needed to be communicated through the sketch and correctly created the appropriate sketch type. Better choices for Views selected or Number of views could have improved viewer's ability to obtain information necessary to accomplish stated goals.

Draftsman/Engineer fully comprehended the information needed to be communicated through the sketch and correctly created the appropriate sketch type & Number of views. Viewers of the sketch have no difficulty obtaining information necessary to accomplish stated goals.
Construction Lines

Used to create ALL elements of the sketch,
Barely visible @ arms length,
No 'Fuzzy' undefined lines
Straight, Parallel, Perpendicular,
Crossed ALL corners to create visual reference points,
Do NOT detract from visual clarity

Visibility (2)
Single/Fuzzy (2)
Straight (2)
Crossed Corners (2)
Clarity (2)

Poor / Failing

There is little or no visual difference between any of the lines used to create the sketch, causing visual confusion & uncertainty. Lines are fuzzy or multi-width, do not cross at corners are wavy or obviously not Horizontal, Vertical, Parallel or Perpendicular.
Minimal / Needs Improvement

There is little or no visual difference between some of the lines used to create the sketch, causing some visual confusion & uncertainty. Lines are fuzzy or multi-width, but corners are crossed. Multiple lines are wavy or obviously not Horizontal, Vertical, Parallel or Perpendicular.

Construction lines used to create the sketch are Single width, and even though they could be lighter, they do not significantly detract from the visual clarity of the sketch. Some lines are are fuzzy or multi-width. A few lines are not Straight ( Horizontal / Vertical ), Parallel, & Perpendicular. All corners have been crossed to create visual reference points.

Construction lines used to create the sketch are Single width, and even though they could be lighter, they do not significantly detract from the visual clarity of the sketch. Most lines are Straight ( Horizontal / Vertical ), Parallel, & Perpendicular. All corners have been crossed to create visual reference points.

Construction lines used to create the sketch are Single width, barely visible at arm's length, and do not detract from the visual clarity of the sketch. When necessary all lines are Straight ( Horizontal / Vertical ), Parallel, & Perpendicular. All corners have been crossed to create visual reference points.
Object Lines

Clearly distinguishable from paper & construction lines,
Depict visible edges of the object,
Single Width, Dark, 'Crisp',
Consistent Width & Darkness,
Sharp corners & intersections,
No 'Double Lines'
No Gaps, Over-Runs

ALL Edges (2)
Dark/Consistent (2)
Single/Fuzzy (2)
Cover Construction Lines (2)
Sharp Corners (2)
Clarity (2)

Poor / Failing

There is little or no visual difference between any of the lines used to create the sketch, causing visual confusion & uncertainty. Lines are fuzzy or multi-width, there are Gaps or Over Runs at the corners. Lines that should Depict visible edges of the object are missing.
Minimal / Needs Improvement

There is little or no visual difference between some construction lines and final object lines, causing some visual confusion & uncertainty. Lines are fuzzy or multi-width, there are Gaps or Over Runs at the corners. Some Lines that should Depict visible edges of the object are missing.

All lines depicting visible edges of the object are present; Single Width, and even though they could be darker, they are distinguishable from paper & construction lines. Several inconsistencies in Width and/or Darkness are visible although Most Corners are sharp (90 degrees) with occasional Double Lines, Gaps, or Over-Runs.

All lines depicting visible edges of the object are present; Single Width, with minor inconsistencies in Width and/or Darkness although Clearly distinguishable from paper & construction lines. Most Corners are sharp (90 degrees) with some miniscule Gaps, or Over-Runs.

All lines depicting visible edges of the object are present; Single Width, Consistent in Width, Darkness and Clearly distinguishable from paper & construction lines. Corners are sharp (90 degrees) and there is no evidence of Double Lines, Gaps, or Over-Runs. Accurately cover construction lines.
Sketching Technique / Aids

'Dot to Dot' or 'Dash to Dash' for long lines,
Bisected Squares used to inscribe large Circles,
All complex shapes are created from Blocked out 'Basic Shapes'

Poor / Failing

Final sketch is far from a near photographic representation of the object AND there is NO visual evidence that any sketching techniques or "Aids" are utilized by novice sketchers to improve the quality of their representation.
Minimal / Needs Improvement

Final sketch is rudimentary. Basic shapes have been blocked out but NOT used as part of the final sketch. Other specific sketching techniques or "Aids" were not utilized by novice sketchers to improve the quality of their representation.

Most basic shapes have been Blocked Out. Some specific sketching techniques or "Aids" are utilized by novice sketchers, resulting in minor improvements. Minimal attempts utilizing construction lines to "Get it Right" are evident.

ALL basic shapes have been blocked out. Other Specific sketching techniques or "Aids" are utilized by novice sketchers, including but not limited to, Dot-Dot, Dash-Dash, Bi-section of lines & shapes. Multiple attempts utilizing construction lines to "Get it Right" are evident.

ALL basic shapes have been blocked out. Other Specific sketching techniques or "Aids" are utilized by novice sketchers, including but not limited to, Dot-Dot, Dash-Dash, Bi-section of lines & shapes. Multiple attempts utilizing construction lines to "Get it Right" are evident.

Correct view(s) are utilized for chosen object
Multiple views are located in correct positions, on ONE Side of a Single Sheet of paper,
Edges & detail elements of multiple views are accurately aligned,
View representations are accurate in Shape,
Orientation of View(s) match orientation of paper

Poor / Failing

The view chosen to be the front does not follow drafting conventions. Views necessary to completely and accurately describe the object are missing. Some views are in wrong locations or on another sheet of paper. Included views are oriented incorrectly and/or do NOT align with each other.
Minimal / Needs Improvement

Correct "Front View" was chosen based on Longest measurement and most characteristic view but is oriented incorrectly. Views necessary to completely and accurately describe the object are missing. Some views are in wrong locations or on another sheet of paper. Included views do NOT align with each other.

Correct "Front View" was chosen based on Longest measurement and most characteristic view. All views are positioned correctly on ONE Side of a single sheet of paper. View Edges are aligned however, multiple detail elements do not align. The addition or removal of selected views might improve communicating required information.

Correct "Front View" was chosen based on Longest measurement and most characteristic view. Remaining views are faithful in Shape & depict an accurate "Point of View". All views are positioned correctly on ONE Side of a single sheet of paper with most Edges & detail elements aligned. The addition or removal of selected views might improve communicating required information.

Correct "Front View" was chosen based on Longest measurement and most characteristic view. Remaining views are faithful in Shape & depict an accurate "Point of View". All views are positioned correctly on ONE Side of a single sheet of paper with Edges & detail elements precisely aligned. The number of selected views are adequate for communicating required information.

Obvious attempts to establish proportion are visible (Construction Lines)
Overall proportions of the final sketched object mirror the original (Height-Width-Depth),
Relationships of one part (or Detail element) with others are consistent throughout the sketch

Poor / Failing

Overall proportions of the sketch are obviously wrong and there is no visual evidence that attempts were made to reproduce a reasonable representation of the object. Relationships of one part (or Detail element) with others are unrealistic and/or inconsistent throughout the sketch.
Minimal / Needs Improvement

Overall proportions of the sketch are NOT reasonable. Construction lines were drawn to establish proportions but were NOT used. Relationships of one part (or Detail element) with others are unrealistic and/or inconsistent throughout the sketch.

Overall proportions of the sketch are reasonable. Relationships of one part (or Detail element) with others are unrealistic and/or inconsistent throughout the sketch.

Construction Lines show Obvious attempts to establish proportion. Overall proportions of the final sketched object are reasonable in Height-Width-Depth. Relationships of one part (or Detail element) with others are consistent throughout the sketch.

Construction Lines show Obvious attempts to establish proportion. Overall proportions of the final sketched object mirror the original (Height-Width-Depth) and Relationships of one part (or Detail element) with others are realistic and consistent throughout the sketch.
Accuracy / Details

Time was obviously dedicated to representing specific details,
View representations are accurate in Shape, & Size,
ALL necessary details are included or labeled
Physical objects can be Identified by Comparison with the sketch (Identical)

Poor / Failing

View representations are distorted in Shape, Size, and Proportion and change from view to view. Major attributes of the object are missing. There are no details, Sketch includes little more than basic shapes which could have been completed in minimal time.
Minimal / Needs Improvement

Physical Object may be hard to identify when compared to sketch. View sizes change from view to view. Major attributes of the object are included However there are very few identifying details which are often incomplete.

View sizes are reasonably accurate and consistent. All major attributes of the object are included. There are minimal details which are often incomplete and hurried (eg. square corners instead of rounded )

Physical objects are easily Identified by Comparison with the sketch. All but the most minute details are included or labeled. View representations are accurate in Shape, Size, and Proportion.

Physical objects are easily Identified by Comparison with the sketch. Time was obviously dedicated to representing specific, minute details which are all included or labeled. View representations are accurate in Shape, Size, and Proportion.
Clarity / Neatness

Obvious effort is displayed in the Organization, Layout, & Clarity of the sketch,
View representations are large enough for clarity,
No portion of sketch or required information Touches or Extends off of the paper edge,
Printed text is legible & easily read,
No visible Erasures, Smudges, Smears,
Paper has NOT been Folded, Creased or Wrinkled

Poor / Failing

Sketch is unorganized, too small to see or too large to fit. Text is sloppy and often un-readable. Paper is dirty, has multiple smudges, smears, and/or wrinkles/folds. Final Image is difficult to discern and confusing to viewers.
Minimal / Needs Improvement

Sketch fits on paper, however Text is sloppy and often un-readable. Paper is dirty, has multiple smudges, smears, there are NO wrinkles/folds. Final Image is difficult to discern and confusing to viewers.

Sketch is organized & fits on paper, but could me made larger or smaller for clarity. Text is sloppy but readable. Paper has multiple erasures, and has been folded in half.

Effort is displayed in the Organization, Layout, & Clarity of the sketch. View representations are large enough for clarity, yet could be more appropriately sized for the space available. Printed text is legible & easily read. There are No visible Erasures, Smudges, or Smears, AND Paper has NOT been Folded, Creased or Wrinkled.

Obvious effort is displayed in the Organization, Layout, & Clarity of the sketch. View representations are large enough for clarity, yet No portion of sketch or required information Touches or Extends off of the paper edge. Printed text is legible & easily read. There are No visible Erasures, Smudges, or Smears, AND Paper has NOT been Folded, Creased or Wrinkled.
Shading (Pictorials)

Multiple shading techniques used,
Pencil Grade (Hardness), Pressure, Hatches, Cross Hatches (Layering), Contour Lines, Scribble, Smooth (Coloring),
Accurately represents shadows created from a single light source,
Accurately represents color through value of shading,
Visually provides a realistic three dimensional appearance

Poor / Failing

There is nothing that represents shading/shadows on the pictorial sketch. Object appears empty, flat and unrealistic.
Minimal / Needs Improvement

The attempt to represent shading is inconsistent and sloppy. Shadows represented are in wrong places and/or cause visual confusion.

Student utilized a shading technique to accurately represent shadows created from a single light source; shading is sloppy and often incomplete.

Student utilized a single shading technique to accurately represent shadows created from a single light source; to represent colors through the values of the shading, And/Or to provide a realistic three dimensional solid appearance.

Student utilized multiple shading techniques to accurately represent shadows created from a single light source; to represent colors through the values of the shading, And/Or to provide a realistic three dimensional solid appearance.
Annotation / Documentation

Title of Object
Labels used to identify information or details not visually evident,
Clarifying Text Notes are used when necessary,
Dimensions (when used) are placed appropriately

Poor / Failing

Missing even Basic information such as Name and Title. There are NO annotations or dimensions.
Minimal / Needs Improvement

Basic information such as Name and Title are present. Minimal annotations. No dimensions are included.

Basic information such as Name and Title are present. Some annotations are present but insufficient to fully communicate necessary information. Missing some dimensions.

Sketch includes a Title, Date & Draftsman's/Engineer's Name. Sketch is completely documented utilizing descriptive labels and clarifying text to identify information or details not visually evident. Some Dimensions when used are Missing or not appropriately placed.

Sketch includes a Title, Date & Draftsman's/Engineer's Name. Sketch is completely documented utilizing descriptive labels and clarifying text to identify information or details not visually evident. Dimensions when used are accurate and appropriately placed.

  • Freehand Sketches Concept Technical Pictorial



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