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iRubric: Digital Photography: Shutter Speed Activity rubric

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Digital Photography: Shutter Speed Activity 
Aperture/Shutter Speed/ISO
Rubric Code: NXB33CC
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Public Rubric
Subject: Arts and Design  
Type: Assignment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

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  Still Developing an Understanding


1 pts

Needs Improvement

2 pts


3 pts


4 pts

Understanding / Perspective

Still Developing an Understanding

Little understanding of overall concepts within digital photography and how you control shutter speed. No research, review, note-taking, or participation in assignment.
Needs Improvement

Fair understanding of overall concepts within digital photography and how you control shutter speed. Some research, review, note-taking, or participation in assignment.

Good understanding of overall concepts within digital photography and how you control shutter speed. Research, review, note-taking, and participation in assignment evident.

Great understanding of overall concepts within digital photography and how you control shutter speed. Thorough reading, review, note-taking, and participation in class.
Shutter Speed

Still Developing an Understanding

No understanding of the concept of controlling shutter speed within digital photography. Failed to even try.
Needs Improvement

Little Understanding of the concept of controlling shutter speed within digital photography. Attempted to choose good camera settings.

Good Understanding of the concept of controlling shutter speed within digital photography. Good camera settings were used.

Excellent understanding of the concept of controlling shutter speed within digital photography. Proper camera settings used.
Subject Matter Frozen/Blurred

Still Developing an Understanding

Most photographs do not meet the objectives of the design brief in freezing motion or showing blur due to lack of following directions.
Needs Improvement

A fair number of photographs meet the objectives of the design brief in freezing motion or showing blur. Student attempted to follow directions.

Good detail in image; Most photographs meet the objectives of the design brief in freezing motion or showing blur. Directions were obviously followed but possible misunderstood.

Excellent detail in image; photographs meet the objectives of the design brief in freezing motion or showing blur. Directions were obviously followed.
Use of PS CS4 to complete activity

Still Developing an Understanding

Lacks completion of assigned objectives in using photoshop; shows very little effort in work. Met very few of the basic requirements for layout.
Needs Improvement

Shows effort in completing assigned objectives in using Photoshop. Shows some effort in their work. Met some of the basic requirements for layout.

Shows a good effort in completing assigned objectives in using Photoshop. Shows marked effort in their work. Met most of the basic requirements for layout.

Shows an excellent effort in completing assigned objectives in using Photoshop. Shows excellent effort in their work. Met all of the basic requirements for layout.
Write Up

Still Developing an Understanding

Mostly relies on teacher or peers for suggestions and guidance. No understanding, confidence or self-direction is evident.
Needs Improvement

Demonstrates little confidence and independent judgment within the writings of the activity evaluation. Shows lack of self direction.

Demonstrates an emerging confidence and increasingly independent judgment within the writings of the activity evaluation. Shows good self direction.

Demonstrates an understanding of and confidence within the writings of the activity evaluation. Shows increasingly independent judgment and self direction.

  • Digital Photography: Shutter Speed

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