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iRubric: Time Period Travel Brochure Rubric

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Time Period Travel Brochure Rubric 
As an Acme Time Travel employee, you will be making a travel brochure of an ancient civilization. You will need to convince potential customers of why they should purchase your time travel vacation package.
Rubric Code: NX6W348
Public Rubric
Subject: History  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 6-8, 9-12

Powered by iRubric Time Travel Brochure Project Rubric
  Exceeds Expectations

50 pts

Meets Expectations

40 pts

Approaches Expectations

30 pts

Far Below Expectations

20 pts

Attractiveness & Organization

Exceeds Expectations

The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting & well-organized information. It has a front, inside, and back. All of the required information is included in each section.
Meets Expectations

The brochure has attractive formatting & well-organized information. Most of the required information is included but may not be in the correct area or may be incomplete.
Approaches Expectations

The brochure has well-organized information. Some of the required information is included but may not be in the correct area or may be incomplete.
Far Below Expectations

The brochure’s formatting & organization are confusing to the reader. Most of the information is missing or is not in the correct area.
Graphics /Pictures

Exceeds Expectations

Graphics compliment the text, and do not distract from the text. There are four (4) or more appropriate pictures that illustrate Westingtown well.
Meets Expectations

Graphics go well with the text, and there are not so many that they distract from the text.
Approaches Expectations

Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few/too many and the brochure seems to have too much text.
Far Below Expectations

Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen, or are missing.

Exceeds Expectations

You included have all of your information answering the questions with accurate research.
Meets Expectations

You have included some of the information that was researched previously.
Approaches Expectations

You have included some of the information that was researched previously.
Far Below Expectations

You have included very little of the previous information researched.

  • Time travel Brochure Project


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