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iRubric: Body System Poster rubric

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Body System Poster 
This rubric is to grade student's research of a human body system, describing it's function, the main organs or body parts involved and a few major diseases or illnesses associated with that system. Students will describe the changes of this body system throughout a person's life and how this system interacts with other body systems Each student will give an oral presentation using their interactive poster/bulletin board. The board must include all key facts about the system, be creatively displayed, include ways that other students can interact with the board, such as a lift-a-flap game or puzzle. A bibliography must be pasted onto the back of the board with at least one non-internet resouce.
Rubric Code: NBB888
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Public Rubric
Subject: Vocational  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Body System Project
  Poor and Unacceptable

0 pts

Below Basic

1 pts


2 pts


3 pts


4 pts


Is is obvious student spent time developing/ creating the finished project.

Poor and Unacceptable

Project was completed. There is no evidence of creativity or originality.
Below Basic

Project was completed, but there is little evidence of trying new ideas.

Project was completed. There is some evidence of trying a few ideas.

Project was completed and shows originality.Student used previous knowledge of past assignments.

Project was completed and new ideas were used. Originality and creativity were used to create finished project. Knowledge was used to create a work of art.
Visual aide

Does the finished product add to or help explain or present information?

Poor and Unacceptable

Project was completed, but shows no understanding of content. The craftsmanship and skills are poor and unacceptable.
Below Basic

Project was turned in but shows little understanding of the content. The craftsmanship and skills are below average. The project does not help others understand system.

Project shows some understanding of the project. The craftsmanship and the skills were acceptable. The project helps others understand the system at a basic level.

Project shows good understanding of the system. Craftsmanship and the skills are good. The project helps others understand the system well and clearly presents details of the system.

Project shows excellent understanding of the project. Craftsmanship and skills are excellent. The project does an excellent job of helping others understand the system very well and makes all details very clear.
Content knowledge - Gross

The student shows that he/she understands the overall system content and are able to convey it in an effective way.

Poor and Unacceptable

Student showed no knowledge of content. Not able to explain project or answer questions.
Below Basic

Student showed minimal knowledge of content. Not able to answer questions or explain project.

Student showed knowledge of content, was able to answer some questions and gave brief explanation.

Student showed knowledge of content and answered most questions. Good explanations.

Student showed excellent knowledge, knew information well, able to answer all questions and gave excellent explanation of project.
Content Knowledge - Micro

The student shows that he/she understands the microscopic and tissue level understanding of the project.

Poor and Unacceptable

Student showed no knowledge of content. Not able to explain project or answer questions.
Below Basic

Student showed minimal knowledge of content. Not able to answer questions or explain project

Student showed knowledge of content, was able to answer some questions and gave brief explanation.

Student showed knowledge of content and answered most questions. Good explanations.

Student showed excellent knowledge, knew information well, able to answer all questions and gave excellent explanation of project.

  • Body systems, aging, nursing assistant, diseases


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