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iRubric: Visual Literacy Rubric

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Visual Literacy Rubric 
This rubric will be used for you to map out your learning of visual literacy. It will assess use of specific language of visual literacy, critical analysis of the text and expressing your ideas
Rubric Code: NA5694
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Visual Literacy Rubric
A rubric for assessing development in analysing visual texts.

With assistance from peers and teachers is beginning to use these ideas

1 pts


Independently uses a few ideas about the text.
Uses other ideas with assistance

2 pts


Independently uses a range of ideas about visual texts, including specialised vocabulary.

3 pts


Outstanding personal response. Ability to critically analyse texts and uses a large range of specialised vocabulary.

5 pts

Personal Response.

Responds to visual texts


I can express an opinion about the text. Referring to one section of the text.

I can express an opinion about the text and with prompting I make connections with the text and relate them to personal experience.

I can express a personal viewpoint about the text, making observations about the text and relating them to different experiences.

* I can express my point of view about a particular text.
* I make connections with other texts, world events and personal experiences.
* I always use well chosen examples from the text to show my point of view.
Critiquing Texts: Characters

Expresses points of view about characters


I can recognise the different characters in a text.
With help I can write and talk about why a character is important in the text.

I can independently write talk about characters from the text and identify why they're important.

With assistance I can write and talk about character traits.

I can write / talk about:
* Different characters and talk about their personalities.
* How characters show their emotions.
* How characters change in a text.

I can write / talk about:
* Different characters, their character traits and show these with evidence from the text.
*How characters change throughout the text.
* How stereotype is shown through characters.
* Discuss how use of gesture, posture and facial expression is used to show emotion.
*Explain how secondary characters help
Critiquing Texts: Plot and Setting

Discusses how the story shown by the author or director.
Discuss how setting is used to express certain ideas.


I can retell parts of the texts.
With help I can talk and write about why I think the author or director used different colours in the text.

* I can summarise parts of the text, including some of the key points.

*With assistance I can write and talk about the setting and the ideas the author / director uses.

*I can talk and write about plot and setting.
* I can summarise parts of the text finding most of the key points.
* I can express a point of view about why the author director created a particular setting.

* I can summarise the overall plot of the text, using key ideas.
* I can write about how the plot is developed.
* I can explain the narrative created by the author / director.
* I can explain how the author / director uses setting to position the viewer / reader.
* I explain how the author / writer uses colour / shades to express an idea.
Critiquing Texts: Theme

Talks and writes about the big ideas (themes) in texts .


I can talk about a theme and with assistance find examples about how a theme is used in the text.

* I can talk and write about a particular theme and find an example in the text about how it is shown.

* I can add further details when I am given more examples from the text.

* I can talk and write about a particular theme, giving multiple examples from the text to show my ideas.

* I can talk and write about why the theme is important.

I can write about themes in visual text by:
* Making thoughtful comments about how the theme is shown through the text. (Words, actions, sounds, scenes)
* Making detailed comments about how I understand the theme.
* Use multiple examples of evidence from the text to support my ideas.
* I can talk and write about multiple themes and gives examples from the text.
* I can talk and write about why a theme is important.
Using Technical Vocabulary

Uses visual literacy vocabulary to describe and analyse text elements.


*I can write and talk about the film in general terms and with teacher.
* With assistance I can use some technical terms.

* I can use a few technical terms independently.

* With assistance from others I can use new terms to apply thinking about a text.

* I can independently use a range of terms to apply my thinking to visual texts, there are still a few terms I don't use yet.

I can talk/write about:
* actions in visual text.
* symbols and symbolism.
* shot length (close up, medium, long shot)
* angle (overhead, high angle, eye level, low angle and undershot.)
* gaze / point of view.
* colour, lines and layout.

  • Visual literacy; critical literacy;



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