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iRubric: Yoga poses - skill testing rubric

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Yoga poses - skill testing 
Students choose 3 yoga poses from various categories. One of those choices must be a plank (core). Modifications are used for students with physical/medical limitations. First year yoga students are required to hold a pose for 3-5 breaths. Second year and beyond yoga students are required to hold the poses for 5-8 breaths.
Rubric Code: MX56698
Public Rubric
Type: Assessment  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Objectives
  Not proficient

Shows 3 or more visible errors

2 pts

Partial proficient

Shows 2 visible errors.

3 pts


Shows 1 visible error.

4 pts

Advanced proficient

No visible error.

5 pts


Not proficient

Doesn't show any interest in the pose. Body language shows no energy flow.
Partial proficient

Rushes through the pose with very little effort/energy flow.

Shows enthusiasm and effort. Body language shows energy flow and interest in the pose.
Advanced proficient

Performs with strong interest and enthusiasm. Moves with the breath slowly into the pose with confidence, grace and body awareness.
Standing yoga poses

Demonstrate the ability to select and perform standing yoga pose with the following elements :correct alignment, focus and length.

Not proficient

Attempts to perform standing poses with all 3 elements missing . Does not respond well to all cues. Lacks mind/body awareness. No attempt to come out of the pose correctly.
Partial proficient

Performs standing pose
with 2 missing elements. Responds to cues to get into the final correct pose. Holds pose for 3 breaths. Attempts to come out of the pose correctly.

Performs standing pose accurately with only 1 element missing. Shows ability to self-correct if feels out of alignment. Holds the pose for 3-5 breaths. Comes out of the pose correctly.
Advanced proficient

Performs a standing pose accurately. All elements are present. Moves into the pose with full mind-body awareness. Holds the pose for 5-8 breaths and comes out of the pose gracefully.
Back bends

Demonstrate the ability to select and perform a back bend safely and with the following elements: proper approach and use of technique, which includes lengthening of the spine, lifting and proper alignment, breathing and counter-pose.

Not proficient

Attempts to perform a back bend without use of the breath. Student got into the pose too quickly. All elements were missing. Does not respond well to cues. The movement does not resemble the actual pose and didn't counter-pose.
Partial proficient

Performs a back bend with 2 missing elements and no counter pose. Is able to follow cues to get in the correct pose. Holds pose for 3 breaths. Attempts to come out of the pose correctly. Remembers to counter pose.

Performs back band accurately with only 1 element missing. Shows ability to self-correct. Holds pose for 3-5 breaths. Comes out of the pose correctly and moves into a counter-pose.
Advanced proficient

Performs a back bend slowly, safely and accurately, using the breath to get in/out of the pose, proper alignment and lift. Holds the pose for 5-8 breaths and comes out of the pose gracefully. Counter poses.

Demonstrate the ability to select and perform inverted yoga poses with safety and proper alignment and focus.

Not proficient

Attempts to perform an inversion, all elements are missing. Does not respond well to all the cues to get in the correct pose. The movement does not resemble the pose.
Partial proficient

Performs an inversion with 2 missing elements. Is able to follow cues to get in the correct pose. Holds pose for 3 breaths. Attempts to come out of the pose correctly.

Performs an inversion accurately with only 1 element missing. Shows ability to self-correct. Holds pose for 3-5 breaths. Comes out of the pose correctly and safely.
Advanced proficient

Performs an inversion slowly, safely and accurately, with proper alignment. Holds pose for 5-8 breaths and comes out of the pose gracefully and safely.
Balance poses

Demonstrates the ability to select and perform a balance pose with correct alignment, focus and length.

Not proficient

Attempts to perform a balance pose, all elements are missing. Does not respond well to all cues to get in the correct pose. The movement does not resemble the pose.
Partial proficient

Performs a balance with 2 missing elements. Is able to follow cues to get in the correct pose. Holds pose for 3 breaths. Attempts to come out of the pose correctly.

Performs a balance with only 1 element missing. Shows ability to self-correct. Holds the pose for 3-5 breath. Comes out of the pose correctly.
Advanced proficient

Performs a balance slowly, safely, accurately and with proper alignment. Holds pose for 5-8 breaths and comes out of the pose gracefully.
Plank poses (core)

Demonstrates the ability to select and perform a plank pose with correct alignment, focus and strength.

Not proficient

Attempts to perform a plank, all elements are missing. Does not respond well to all cues to get in the correct pose. The movement does not resemble the pose.
Partial proficient

Performs a plank with 2 missing elements. Is able to follow cues to get in the correct pose. Holds pose for 3 breaths. Attempts to come out of the pose correctly.

Performs a plank with only 1 element missing. Shows ability to self-correct. Holds the pose for 3-5 breaths. Comes out of the pose correctly.
Advanced proficient

Performs a plank slowly, safely, accurately and with proper alignment. Holds pose for 5-8 breaths and comes out of the pose gracefully.

  • Standing poses, balance poses, back bends, core poses, inversions.


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